The lucrative charity, yes CHARITY, running the Land Forces weapons expo

It’s sickening to think Australian governments would put the gas cartel and foreign citizens ahead of lower electricity for Australians. But as Rex Patrick reveals from the latest FOI documents, that’s what they have done.
Explosive FOIs – gas cartel conned Government, fixed high energy prices for all Australians
Recalling Andrew Bolt's Greta Thurnberg principle and those school children protestors he wanted "Shut up" The problem Bolt never pointed to a suitable age when they become rational adults. After all he never did.
The lists of defects in such proposals are monumentally impressive. Broadly speaking, they work (and fail) on the infantilisation principle. Children must be kept childlike by adults who fear growth. Keeping children immature and cocooned to certain realities, however ghastly, is a recipe for lifelong dysfunction and psychiatric bills. It is an incentive to deny that actions have consequences, that learning can be damnably difficult though, in many instances, deliciously rewarding. Instead of encouraging fine circumspection and growing maturity, these laws encourage comforting insularity and prolonged immaturity.
Childish Fantasies: Age Verification for Social Media Down Under
After their debate, who’s ahead: Trump or Harris?
Freshly released court documents reveal further evidence on how Rupert Murdoch and his nuttier son Lachlan Murdoch controlled former judge Walter Sofronoff during and after the ACT Inquiry into the police cover-up attempt of the rape of Brittany Higgins.
In this article, we will also look at Rupert Murdoch’s and Lachlan Murdoch’s crooked relationships with Federal Court of Australia judge Michael Lee and Bruce Lehrmann’s former barrister Steve Whybrow.
How Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch bribe judges like Walter Sofronoff and Michael Lee

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