Sunday 29 September 2024


This is what Albanese is. A man with few principles, only a plan for power for power’s sake. Never a leader, more a nervous opportunist. A person who steps up and does what is right in the circumstances, regardless of the popular opinion, is a leader. Albanese is a person who steps nowhere. He’s a man who will be remembered for squandering power to appease the shadows he is always jumping at. A man who spent 40 years clambering, dealing, conniving his way to the top, forgetting everything he stood for, only to get there and ask himself: What was the point Anthony? What was it all for?

The trouble with Albanese – what was it all for, Anthony?

 Negative Gearing: are politicians upfront about their rental properties?

“Nearly 40% of MPs and their families own 3 or more properties”, finds an investigation into politicians’ property holdings by Open Politics’ Sean Johnson. What’s the scam?

Negative Gearing: are politicians upfront about their rental properties?


Finally: a frightening thing for our democracy including the power of the States is the reality that the Coalition, if it were to gain federal power, plans to set up their own Nuclear Authority. This would simply ride over any Traditional Owner concern, any community concern and perhaps most frightening of all, could simply overturn any State jurisdiction. It would seem that the only way to ensure the Opposition’s nuclear plans are given no chance to come to fruition is to ensure they do remain just that: the Opposition’s nuclear plans.

Certainly the Opposition has made it increasingly clear that it has no ambition to respect Australian’s commitment to the Paris Agreement. As Mrs Crombie, a key leader of the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta’s 1998-2004 successful national no nuclear dump campaign used to wonder, “Haven’t white people got grandchildren?” In 2024, Wendy Farmer, co-ordinator of the seven proposed nuclear power sites opposition communities has the same question: “Why would we do it and why would we waste the future generations?”

Nuclear Concerns – Hiroshima, Maralinga and Dutton’s Australia 

 News Corp still Dan's biggest fan

 Daniel Andrews continues to dominate the headlines one year on after leaving office — the non-stop negative News Corp narrative is exhausting.

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