Saturday 5 October 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 5/10/24, Australia Serving Israel, Australia's Corruption Crisis, Australia's Voting System, Trump Bullshit Outed, Jewish New Year Uncelebrated,


 AICC Linkedin image

If the Albanese Government is genuine in calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and a two-state solution, it needs to re-evaluate those connections between the two countries that may hinder these objectives and apply sanctions. These include halting the weapons trade, support for illegal settlements and reviewing dual citizenship for those serving in the IDF.

Ties that bind. Australians who serve the Israeli war machine

 Cost of living crisis

Imagine if the government cancelled the dodgy $368 billion AUKUS submarine deal and spent the $368 billion on the housing crisis and cost of living crisis. It would make a huge difference, but it won’t happen anytime soon because Australia is in the middle of a corruption crisis.

Australia has a corruption crisis. The symptoms are the cost of living and housing crisis


As democracies go, Australia isn’t as dysfunctional as the United States. But its electoral system still ensures that many votes are undervalued or wasted.

How Australia’s Voting System Maintains Two-Party Rule

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Kamala Harris busts Trump with split-screen video as he claims half-filled stadium is full

 Rosh Hashanah Jewish text

 I am a cultural Jew because I am an atheist. I cannot celebrate the Jewish New Year because of the continuing horror in Gaza, and now in Lebanon. 

 How can we, the Jewish people, celebrate the coming New Year when these psychopaths ruling Israel are laying the foundations for more hate, more death, more mayhem?

By John-Janusz Ebel

Why I can’t celebrate the Jewish new year

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