Tuesday 6 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 6/12/16; Comparing Theft and graft large & Small; Media Fine Print easily missed. Tim Blair imagines Bolt just uses it;

 Image result for Images of financial corruption and fraud

Sloan on Turnbull's ABCC: worse than nothing

Judith Sloan on Malcolm Turnbull's big "win": "Read my lips: this new ABCC, with all its restrictions and protectionist elements, is worse than having no ABCC. And it will cruel the pitch of the Coalition government ever implementing sensible and workable arrangements to tame the head construction contractors and the out-of-control CFMEU."
  Andrew Bolt has no comment on the ABCC rather than post the IPA opinion on the matter. He's handballed it to Peter BH his Troll to put it up so Bolt can faux thank Peter for the news and keep a distance from the Association he calls his second home and his son's work place. More twists than a corkscrew has Andrew Bolt. 
Anyway the ABCC takes priority over the fact that 33% of employers have been ripping workers off by not paying their Super Entitlements to the the tune of $1500 per head this year. There are 2,5 mill workers effected. You do the math. The IPA and Bolt call out Craig Thompson as the arch villain and example of union graft. He's why the union managers need close supervision. Super  being illegally withheld  seems such a huge overkill matter than the dollars and cents spent by Thompson. However this employer graft has gone unmentioned by Sloan and Bolt and  they insist Turnbull's ABCC is worse than nothing. some $10,000 compared to hundreds of millions  is worse than nothing. How big a media distraction is this not to compare the the two? 
Bolt's style of journalism firstly a rehash of old news to distract us from  the earlier contradiction made implying Turnbull was bringing back the Carbon Tax. In other words bury the bullshit and and contradictions made about Barnaby Joyce in boring repetition to stop the need for saying" I was wrong. " 
Bolt smears the tax review claiming it did nothing. He actually spends 75% of his post doing it. Basically it's easy because he's been there and done this repeat makes readers shy away from the real point at the end. There is no Carbon Tax  but there is a comprehensive Climate Review  and yes "But now everything is again on the table with climate policies.
This Review which Frydenberg just announced was attacked by Bernardi, Credlin and Bolt as if it were policy and that a Carbon Tax has been returned. A total attention grabbing lie to stir the Liberals and Nationals up. Here it is tacked on to the very end of the post  because  it acknowledges  what was said earlier was wrong. Bolt will never directly admit he's wrong it's his version of the "fine print" easily missed.. As for the Tax review Bolt hasn't a clue what that will bring but it doesn't stop him talking as if ideas brought up at round table discussions will be cemented as policy or were all seriously considered.
The formula for panic  is in all of this review procedure and re-evaluation because Tony Abbott's legacy might be seen for what it is  a failure. His work for the dole Land Care proposal flopped and as has is Direct Action measures on reducing our carbon footprint. The fear of a wind back is what this is about. A wind back that would put Abbott more on the nose than he is already.




 What would this (ex) Age editor have said if it were Abbott?


What would this (ex) Age editor have said if it were Abbott?

Tim Blair has an excellent question about this picture of The Age's (now ex) editor-in-chief, Mark Forbes, and Ms Hunny Berry: "The couple are obviously just funnin’ around, but imagine – just imagine – how the Age would have treated this image if it involved Tony Abbott." Here are some clues.

Fact Forbes apologized and resigned. Fact Roger Ailes and News Corp dug in to protect Ailes as much as the could until women came out left and right declaring him a douche bag and slime bucket. Fellow male mate's when they couldn't defend him said no comment "I'm not about to attack the culture of the company where I work. Bolt was a graet admirer of Roger Ailes he still is. I'm sure Bolt believes Ailes was pushed and didn't just jump. Well Mark Forbes jumped. So it seems there was no imagination on his part but an apology to everyone where the culture was higher than his performance.

 "The couple are obviously just funnin’ around, but imagine – just imagine – how the Age would have treated this image if it involved Tony Abbott."Blair

All the imagining it seems is on Tim Blair's part it would be agony for he and Bolt because they would have had the hands tied by a corporation whose Culture is well known an documented. Where even Rupert Murdoch sets up faux photo shoots for Abbott to make him look better than he is. Remember Atlanta and the formal invitation to meet and greet that wasn't formal intended for the Telegraph's front page. 

Sorry Abbott didn't have a "women problem" imagine that!! I can't! But I can Tim Blair regretting he worked for News Corp for a moment and if only.

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