Wednesday 1 October 2014

Bolt Bog 1/10/14 Part11 According to Bolt we need a book burning Super Ministry like Farenheit 451 the movie


ACT Government donates to “Kill Climate Deniers” project 1/10/14

"If I were thug enough to write a play with the title “Kill Climate Scientists” would I get a grant? Would the ABC rush to present my defence?" Andrew Bolt

The playwright is a thug?  A duel of words for a right handed Bolt with with little to do. Thankfully a free promotion for a play not reviewed by an attendant Bolt.  Is the author of To Kill a Mocking a thug an inciter of violence to fauna.There is no association other than Bolt's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to make him even bring up the ABC.  The article is in the Canberra Times. The LNP should vet everything and bring come into our houses and provide us with Fahrenheit 451 (movie) experience. We do need a Super Ministry of National Security

"The Canberra Liberals seem to think that ministers should be in the business of censoring artists based on knee-jerk reactions rather than taking measured advice from highly regarded members of Canberra's arts community," she said.

Read more:

Forget the victim card 1/10/14

"Afghan refugee Barat Ali Batoor is right to warn against believing most Muslims condone the extremists. But he still plays that victim card that unfairly - and dangerously - moves the guilt from Islam to Australia:"

$20,000,000 Bolt knows it all or part went to terrorists. Aus-Trac only has suspicions and admit they don't know. If the go before a jury will one be found uninfluenced? The Young man from Seabrook and one from Sydneywere charged but have yet to be found guilty. They have in the Bolt vigilante press.  As far as he is concerned the door should be locked and the key thrown away. Aussie KKK justice.
 Imams of Australia have vocally denounced ISIL as un-Islamic as have many others  does Bolt headline their pride in being better Australian Citizens than he is. They have pronounced time and time again. I've never heard it from Bolt. His primary attachment is Newscorp and Nazi Aalsmere not Australia. He's happy to see our troops off to train  a pathetically disloyal Iraqi army that surrendered American hardware to the enemy in the first instance and are only back for the $$. That alone makes him one of ISIL'S biggest recruiters. Barat Ali is a victim a victim of Bolt's. A gutless voice who never appears in public. Yes the man is a  Bolt victim we all are.

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