Friday, 24 October 2014

Bolt's Bog 24/10/14, Andrew Bolt reall a grub screw, Coalition saves Whitlam's birthplace and screws a Chinese investor, Bolt hates Islam Abbott courts it,



No, not a parody. ABC presenter wants Whitlam memorial

Such a brave blogger. Who was the presenter that dared have people call in with comedic comment? Did you see that Guy the MP for planning in Victoria has stopped the destruction of the house in Kew. I feel for the investor who paid $3.3million and now has a half demolished house and a foreign investment nightmare on his hands. Is the coalition trying to buy votes in Kew? Your side Bolt.

News Corps tribute to Whitlam

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More women enslaved by Boko Haram

Yes extreme groups do exist.

 What was Tony Abbott doing in Indonesia this week making friends with 300 mill ++ Muslims?He was advocating closer military ties as Joko was advocating a much larger navy. Is your side as two faced as you?


Palmer scrambles for members, dead or alive

Democracy in action you just wish it was Labour

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