Third Bush even better
Andrew Bolt October 27 2014 (8:24pm)
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is “moving forward” on a potential 2016 White House run and it appears more likely he will enter the Republican field, according to his son, who’s running for office in Texas.Typical Bolt blog his reference offers nothing to substantiate his title other than the word Republican which just obviously gets him hot and sweaty No information here and he calls himself a journalist. He even tells his kids that. Master liar.
Column - A year 12 lesson: a failed exam can’t stop you
Bolt starts as a well meaning parent but never really leaves his ego behind does he. I, I, I was almost a failure. Sorry to tell you Bolt you were a failure you didn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps at the time you lived in a moment of history with a structure of opportunity that allowed you continue in journalism. It was more kismet a Muslim term that brought him to where he is today. Sorry Bolt your not a self made hero. Had your time been now your career as a journalist would have never taken off.
The success you attribute to yourself is just your ego, a fantasy. You could have been born into an indigenous community that this government is about to kick now. Do you believe you'd be having the same conversations with your kids that only your culture has dragged you down?
Your kids do need to be resilient as they don't know what opportunities will be available. I bet your not encouraging them to take up journalism in print media are you. Parents tend wish their kids the gift of happiness but I think resilience and being able to cope with life's journey is a better skill as life changes and needs to. Some times those changes need to be broad to accompany fairness because after all we are social animals.
Like arranged marriages doing is being more often than not if you do your best at what you do in life happiness follows and it's not always money. Van Gogh did and did with the burden of mental ill health. We are lucky he had a brother and was not in state care.
Remembering Whitlam
One rambles on about who was the best who was the worst and have personal opinions let some facts talk. Was Whitlam an economic basket case? Some facts:
On that score, it is interesting to note that in 1975-76, government spending to GDP was 24.3 per cent. The Fraser government saw this rise to 25.8 per cent of GDP by 1982-83. (Not those bloody facts again!)
With Mr Hockey's budget less than six months ago, government spending to GDP, even allowing for the cuts that were announced, was estimated to be 25.3 per cent of GDP in 2014-15 and at or above 24.7 per cent of GDP in every year of the forward estimates. So Abbott and Hockey's small government budget had spending a bit lower that Fraser, but still above the 'big spending' Whitlam budgets.
That's the first point to note.
Could it be the electorate like the government to have some role in health, education, aged and disability care?
My guess is 'yes'. Look at the public reaction to the Abbott government's proposed Medicare co-payment, university fee hikes and cuts to unemployment benefit eligibility.
It is also interesting to note that in the early 1970s, government spending in the US rose sharply, by around 3 per cent of GDP in about half a decade. Surely Gough did not influence Nixon and Ford to spend, spend, spend? Maybe the social changes of the 1960s and 1970s in the western world saw the electorate demand, and get, a greater role from government.
And a few final fiscal facts:
Whitlam government left zero net government debt to Fraser – in June 1976, net debt was minus 0.4 per cent of GDP (that is, the government had financial assets). When The Fraser government lost in 1983, it had boosted net government debt to 7.5 per cent of GDP.
When Whitlam left office, the tax to GDP ratio was around 20 per cent. The Howard government got this up to an all time record tax take exceeding 24 per cent of GDP (in today's dollars, 4 per cent of GDP is a stonking $65 billion per year).
Even Mr Hockey's 'low tax' budget has the tax take at 23.2 per cent of GDP by 2017-18, some 3 per cent of GDP above anything Whitlam achieved.
Opposite Day: warmists now say global warming causes colder winters
Bolt hasn't a clue about scientific method modelling the process of science seems to escape him. He flounders for information to support his faith in conservatism faith to maintain what exists now. Wholesale change in our current social structures and institutions is an anathema to this man who still believes he alone made himself what he is today which is bull. The structure of opportunity in his day is what allowed Bolt to get kicked out of uni, move in and out of journalism twice. Some time those structures need to be radically changed not just adjusted. Science is not a process of universal law creation as Bolt seems to think. It is however the best method for understanding the world we have the rest which Bolt dwells in is politics. Science in the majority believe their models by and large that human CO2 emissions have had and do effect the world about us. 120 nations have come to support this view as well. However politics and what to do gets in the way.
Labor admits turning back boats works but still won’t promise to do it
The coalition refused to reveal it's policies in 2013 declaring "labour will steal our ideas" not an inkling of anything bipartisan in their approach The coalition created partisan politics and as consequence we are left with a failing democracy and a government the majority of Australians no longer trust. A nation whose image no longer represents the people we are.
Column - Bigoted non-Muslims aren’t the real problem
This man is a true intellectual maggot. Most Muslim majority countries have a separation of state and religion and it's not Sharia law. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Phillipines do I need to go on. When a Christian breaks a law he is a citizen that's broken the law. Their crimes are not primarily identified as religious acts. When Ramadge killed his wife he claimed infidelity as justification. We didn't call it a Christian crime. When mosques are vandalised we don't call it a Christian crime When gangs blew up a car in Russell st or a gang killed 2 police in revenge we didn't call it terrorism we called them CRIMES.
But Bolt has taken it upon himself to scour the media of the world looking for crimes that may or may not be called Muslim. He pays attention to and only to those incidents which are in the minority. Two kids in the USA gunned down kids in a school heaven help it if they happened to be Muslim. Christians have left home to fight for ISIL for varying reasons have converted to join the fight. We only count and pay attention to the Muslims that have left or the ones converted here and have gone. No attention is paid to those who have returned because the reality wasn't what they'd expected.
Bolt has a clear and defined agenda that in our pluralist democracy it's alright to be a bigot but if you are or your not and if you reach out to a Muslim you only do it out of FEAR. If Muslims reach out the only legitimate approach they need to take is one is one of denial and self rejection. The man is uneducated uncivilised a worthless citizen. Bolt distorts reality for a political agenda.
The difference between a warmist and a sceptic? A few years and some research
Why Bolt can't be trusted the NASA article he is referring to he also clearly states. Further more the rate of warming has slowed which is so far removed from this idiots contention that it has stopped.
The findings present a new puzzle to scientists, but co-author Josh Willis of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said the reality of climate change is not being thrown into doubt.
"The sea level is still rising," said Willis.
"We're just trying to understand the nitty-gritty details."
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