What is weird is SBS peddling such a trashy scare
Here is a man a National media represenative who blatantly and constantly mis-quotes NASA reports calling out a National broadcaster SBS.
Bolt just yesterday took a NASA report cut out a quote to he believed disproved Global Warming when the the same article went on to say that their report in no way disproved Global Warming. That's no report that's simply coal selling.
Global Science is Global Science it does not predict the weather in Melbourne this season which is Meteorology and forecasting. The two are not mutually inclusive. The man is a lump. However if there is a continued increase in CO2 in the oceans due to man made output then we can predict a threat to The Barrier Reef.
Murdoch slams Big Government and big inequality
: labour market reform; lower and more competitive corporate taxes; a crackdown on multinationals — naming Google — for not paying taxes where they make their profits; a rethink on excessive bank regulation, ... and recognition that high taxes and over-regulation were damaging economic growth and the public interest…
The policy priorities he advocated were education and immigration reform, infrastructure investment and cheap energy. Mr Murdoch said cheap gas in the US had decreased manufacturing costs and lifted US manufacturing exports by 6 per cent…
No comment on the bosses approach to economic reform. Now there's a good dog
Strange though Murdoch seems to be taking Abbott's advice or is it the other way round? We can clearly see what the dinners conversations were. Murdoch is clearly concerned that 1% are paying 46% of the taxes which has been a huge bonus to those with capital but growing resentment for those without. Guess that will encourage the Abbott coalition to become more American.
Labor rejects boats policy it admits works
One could improve Surf Life saving stats by locking would be swimmers in concentration camps as well. The stats would look ever so good. Cruelty and torture are effective in changing patterns of behaviour.
When Cubans were paying fishermen to take them to the US and Jews paying fishermen to get them to the UK the fishermen weren't called 'people smugglers'. The asylum seekers weren't called queue jumpers.
I could never vote for a party that included Scott Morrison but I could vote for one that had him charged for crimes against humanity. Andrew Bolt relishes in the success of cruelty disguised as humanitarian care.
Europe finally realises that the kind of “compassionate” policies Labor champions have been as deadly there as they were here:they are ceasing search and rescue operations.
“The British government seems oblivious to the fact that the world is in the grip of the greatest refugee crisis since the second world war.
“People fleeing atrocities will not stop coming if we stop throwing them life-rings; boarding a rickety boat in Libya will remain a seemingly rational decision if you’re running for your life and your country is in flames. The only outcome of withdrawing help will be to witness more people needlessly and shamefully dying on Europe’s doorstep.
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