Bolt's Bog 28/10/14 Andrew Bolt barking at the ABC can't catch it. If the ABC were a car he'd remove the anything that caused it to turn left

Because you cant get further right from where Bolt is positioned everything is left. If we stop reading Bolt or News Corp it's amazing how more informed we become. How the world seems less distorted and less scary.
Bolt like all his arguments tries to create his generalization from a specific case. The Drum however is not THE ABC neither is THE ABC The Drum. As the left front wheel of a car is not the car nor is the right the car nevertheless the car a more complex totality goes straight. The ABC is all shades of colour and so it should be in a multicultural society. Thank you Aunty
Bolt has some distorted image that no tax payer funded organizations have any right to be anything other than government supportive. the ABS is leftist unless it's providing stats supportive of the government. That all instrumentalities aren't there to watch and advise that the ABC is not there to be critical in any way or at any time it's there to support the government not the people.
You see Bolt unlike Abbott sees no reason for sensible debate because it's not his agenda.
"taxpayer-funded bias even more alarming and unforgivable."
He stands a lone man in the wilderness. He's like a mad dog barking at cars wouldn't know what to do if he caught one. One thing he isn' reality
This morning, the first two reviews were released,
and they pose little to worry about for the public broadcaster. One of
this morning’s audits, by the BBC’s former chief editorial policy
adviser Andrea Wills, dealt with ABC radio’s coverage of the 2013
election. While it made some suggestions, it concluded that the ABC had done no wrong:
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