Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog 11/11/14, Bolt's labour no Laboured history, Bogan calling out Bogan, Our 6.66% Devil's No of troops is good enough, Julie has balls or Bolt is a C**T take your pick, +++++ Bill Heffernan warns on China deal


The Left’s fear of diversity and debate

Here we have Bolt thinking at it's best

 "I wonder how this country would be if the Left had to argue its positions as conservatives largely must - without the help of taxpayer funds administered by the ABC, SBS, Australia Council and universities."

The abolition of the above. 

Instead of sitting in  a first year university social science class Bolt suggests subject matter taught is purely in the hands of individual tutors and lecturers. That there is no structure to the approval of degree courses and what is taught.  Well there is and it's usually assessed  by independent evaluators outside of the course itself. Bolt's ignorance simply gets an Honours grading from me.

For lack of diversity and debate The Bolt Report is a standout and the moderation on his blog totalitarian. He leaves all comments to suck-wits


More Islamist terror attacks

3 examples and the use of "Islamist" to denigrate 1.4 billion people who deny that the behaviour of any of what these people represent should have Bolt in court. He truly is a ultra racist. He won't get up in a crowd of Muslims to debate this. Maybe they can join him at the opening of the Liberty Party.


Christianity banned at school’s Remembrance Day

What of the Muslims that were part of the Australian forces, the Buddhists, the atheists and the indigenous. Forget about them hey they were just misfits and snuck in the back door


Global warming blamed for the cold

"The world’s atmosphere actually hasn’t warmed for at least 16 years.  Outright Lie. 

95% of the worlds top climatologists agree NOOA and NASA agree and yes Bolt is just a man at News Corp. IPCC report 6 just makes Bolt a loon advocate.


A Greens plan to fill Tasmania with foreign welfare recipients

That's right Planet Pluto can be found for some it was in Shepparton not something Bolt gives much attention. It was in Bendigo as well. The economy of both towns improved with the arrival of these  once welfare citizens who have become an integral part of both communities.  The economy of Tas would be improved. 

Hold it back Bolt Hold it back it's sooooooo dangerous. 


The parties of spend-spend need to cut instead

The coalition knocked their own hole in the budget and are continuing to do so. Instead of investing that money they have just blown it away. Maybe they should listen to some Nobel prize winning economists. Instead of giving $20 mill to fraudsters to manage our Ebola campaign. But these are Abbott's mates and MP's that are on charges.

Ten years later, Labor is still in no rush to even understand a trade deal with China

Russian for a Monday handshake with China at any cost. Won't change their coal arrangement will it. We can make 18 bill over 10 years.. not much as we just spent $5 bill on a war in Iraq and going up. The government won't make a cent from the China deal the profits will go to foreign companies who will send the profits overseas good deal. Working for the corporations 


"China free trade deal could 'turn into disaster' without safeguards",

 Liberal senator Bill Heffernan says


Can someone please tell Paul Keating, yes, he’s a clever boy?

Well here is a non news man with little knowledge of historical fact offering an "I believe" conclusion on labour politics. Hawke was going through major family crises at the time. He and Hazel had split his daughter was a junkie and as a reformed alcoholic he wasn't in the best of shape to be the best leader he could. But Bolt being the man of history he is does his usual attempt to rewrite it. Sorry Bob was MIA on a number of occasions something that this commentator was blind to. Hawke was a populist leader Keating a brilliant treasurer. Hawke simply refuses to let go of past personal glory and Keating simply acknowledges some truths. A foreign concept and hard to grasp for Bolt.


Clive Palmer distances himself from bogan Senator Jacqui Lambie

When soldiers are sent to war and then told their wages are to be cut  by a 1.5% below inflation pay adjustment and supplements cut for a loss of $3,600 p.a they are justified in being pissed. When they are hamstrung and can't publicly complain it's even worse. Abbott has told them in clear terms their lives are worth $3,600 less despite the risks asked of them.

 Bolt calls Lambie a bogan what does that make him less far less than a bogan. He wasn't silent on Gough's memorial day or his burial. He was quite happy to play politics then though it was tempered by News Corp editors. Again what does that make him other than a low life. Jackie Lambie was a member of the Aus  army and is a member for Tas in one breathe Bolt has declared all her supporters and those she supports and agree with her bogans. Aus diggers can go to war and die they can be treated by the economic rationalists of this country as cannon fodder  bogans and disposables but anyone who stands up on their behalf and in particular a woman is declared bogan.


Into Iraq again

 "Australian special forces are going into Iraq on an “advise and assist mission” in the field."

Yes that's what we have heard again and again for the past 3 months. We've heard it's the Iraqi fault for the delay. So Team Iraq is not us and a blaming game appropriate. That blaming game was little more than a distortion of reality. The Iraqi parliament was not unanimous regard us being there in the first place. A Sunni MP clearly said we weren't to be trusted given history. The Shiia Militia wan nothing to do with the Iraqi army let alone fight side by side with them. They want weapons and not training. The Australians are going to supply and train an army who a few months back gave their weapons to ISIL and tried to run. Those that didn't run joined them. Abadi has only now made a public statement saying 'advise and assist' was ok. Do we really believe we are there for Iraq or for the US of A? If they have increased their force to 3000 are we only going to offer 200 troops 6.66% the devils number?


Julie Bishop denounced on ABC for wanting to be judged as an individual

Bright as a button is Bolt gender has no place when treated as  free and equal individuals. Women should be allowed to do all the physical activities that have ever been done by men. Even if it means the possibility of death. It's called 'free choice'.  Fact we don't live in a world anywhere like that. We socially construct choice. I know the cost of raising women's wages to be equal with men would raise an out cry from Bolt as loud as the cost of renewables. So what about dropping men's wages to that of women? We'd save heaps.

Again it's planet Pluto race gender age wealth has no place there and we would all agree. However this isn't planet Pluto and race does play a central issue in the lives of the indigenous through no fault of their own. Abbott applied the ironing board rule to women. Bolt the 'go away' rule to Muslims.So where is the line of equality to be drawn. Maybe what Abbott and Brandis have just done is fair we all need to be treated like Muslims. After all the new national security laws have been drawn up using that as the base line. If we want to turn our world into planet Pluto shouldn't everyone be made equal? Children want to be adults. Adults want to be children. 

No I know let's apply  Bolt's rules for heaven or hell on earth?

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