Andrew Bolt's Blog 11/11/14 School boy nonsense, News Corp and government repayments, ABC lies by an old fossil, Bolt's says the army is well paid canon fodder and the governments lying about affording the war

The Australian, News Corp's principle national masthead has never made a profit. It's something Bolt never shares on a regular basis with anyone. What does this non profit organization do for this multinational corporation's bottom line? They don't provide news but are largely conservative opinion promoters and advocates for big business. They generated support for the coalition in their attempt to achieve government. support that would not have to be declared as a donation. However engendering a lot of favours to be collected by the corporation in the future. As government sponsors it helps News Corp not to be too closely investigated when it comes to corporate welfare or the ability to pay only a 1% corporate tax and receive an $800 million payback..
If political parties are required to declare donations media seems a simple way of overcoming this rule quite different from developers.
What an absolute piece of schoolboy nonsense. It's what Bolt indulges in on a daily basis. Every thing offered out of context it's a wonder he didn't end it as evidence of his anti - climate change proffers . Again one has to assume it's yet another 'dad joke'. guess it's been the quality of his humour since birth.
The ABC reported on a report which wasn't theirs as Bolt fails to disclose. They also clearly stated that the Mineral Council of Australia accepted the figures but that these were legitimate tax deductions and not subsidies. The report specifically states below that Bolt is merely playing with semantics. One mans subsidy is another mans tax break and Bolt is trying to suggest they didn't declare the MCA response, LIE, LIE,LIE Andrew Bolt.
"The report, "The Fossil Fuel Bailout", by the Overseas Development
Institute and Oil Change International estimates that G20 countries are
subsidising oil, gas and coal explorers to the tune of $US88 billion
($100 billion) annually through grants, loans, and tax deductions."
" In Australia, this includes exploration funding for Geoscience Australia and tax deductions for mining and petroleum exploration."
Pot calling the kettle black no worse in this case Bolt believes he's silverware however he's less than a tin pot. If the government is so broke why is it spending 0.5 billion per year sending soldiers to Iraq and declaring it "no problem". If your close to bankruptcy as Bolt would have us believe you tell your friends the truth. You cant afford the exercise. To do otherwise is to be duplicitous.
Nobody hijacked anybody other than Andrew Bolt for his own purpose. has Bolt seen army housing you have to be paid to have your family and children stay there. I suggest he do 3 months investigative reporting for a change in barracks or go to Baghdad come back, then one might consider him an authority on army luxe.
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