Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog 18/11/14, Tony "FIX IT " " MOVE LEFT " Change or die; British Justice shouldn't help Julia; Chinese satan on Climate shhhh, is our new BFF;


Gillard tries the “do you know who I am” line

It's called British Justice something that came with the first fleet and all those principles you admire so much. All you chest beat about law, Western Civilisation and justice. It just goes to show how two faced you are Bolt. This justice was accorded you even thought you were found guilty and shown to be a person loose with the truth. 

Julia Gillard is Not Guilty and is allowed to have her reputation and good character stand next to those who tried to tear it apart. Ugly people who tend not to be seen in public and who prefer the shadows. Pretenders who have a belief they wiser and more informed than their fellow men people like yourself.

The Abbott Government must now change or die 

"the Government has bought the myth that deeds speak for themselves and playing nice wins respect."..Bolt

When has this government played "nice"? Scott Nice? Hockey bright? Pyne straight? Brandis Intelligent? Abetz Clever? and so on "nice" guys....in whose world?

Bolt has said something true however and cries in agony "Fix It "

The Abbott Government falls further behind in Newspoll:
Andrew Bolt's comments on the Coalition

In two-party-preferred terms, based on preference flows from last year’s election, Labor leads by 55 per cent to 45 per cent. The ALP’s third consecutive rise in two-party terms means the opposition has been in front of the ­Coalition on this measure for 14 successive Newspolls.
I still believe this overstates the margin, and the reality is somewhere between Newspoll and Essential Media’s 48 to 52 per cent. But there is no disputing the Government has a serious problem.
So to repeat:

- the Government’s foreign policy successes don’t much impress voters.  They are important, some critical, but they will increasingly look to voters like evasive action. A smokescreen from what they’d consider their most immediate concerns.
- the domestic issues, especially Budget cuts and broken promises, continue to kill the Government.
- weak economic growth and Budget blowouts undermine the Government’s entire argument for being.
- a ferocious onslaught by the media Left, especially the ABC behemoth, against the Government generally and Abbott personally, means the Government struggles to sell even its strengths.
- the Government’s media strategy is poor, too often defensive and reactive. Abbott still lacks a senior media strategist in his office - a critical and telling absence.
- the Government has bought the myth that deeds speak for themselves and playing nice wins respect. A cameo: Tony Abbott in welcoming President Xi Jinping to Parliament yesterday praised Labor leaders Gough Whitlam and Neville Wran for fostering China ties; Bill Shorten in his welcome praised Whitlam, noted Labor leaders had worked on the free trade deal before Abbott and praised China for its global warming “deal” and the sending of doctors to treat ebola patients - all digs at bipartisan Abbott and his policies. The Government is getting killed in bare-knuckle politics.
- Treasurer Joe Hockey isn’t getting cut-through in the most important portfolio. A Treasurer who can’t dominate the agenda leaves a Government fatally weakened.
- the Government doesn’t have an effective headkicker. It lacks mongrel. Another cameo:  Barack Obama won huge and positive coverage in the media for belting Abbott over global warming. The Government looked properly reprimanded, a punching bag, when it should have blasted back and won points for at least seeming tough.
- internal jealousies mean the Government’s most successful minister, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison, has been given not a single new problem to solve since stopping the boats, while strugglers are pushed in front of the TV cameras week after week.
- the Government’s second most successor minister, Julie Bishop, is in a portfolio which lets her shine but does not win the government any votes.
- the minister most admired by the Left-wing media, Malcolm Turnbull, is in a portfolio in which there is little call for him to use his undoubted influence and charm to sell the Government to its media critics. Instead, as Communications Minister he is more likely to protect the media critics from the Government.
- the Government has not developed a moral message - an inspiring cause - other than the constitutional recognition of Aborigines, which will actually prove marginal and divisive, not least with its own base. That agenda will also be thankless: witness Mick Dodson’s mean-spirited attack on Abbott last week. Where is the evangelism?
- the Government has been poor in developing the “Greek chorus” effect that collectivists like Labor do so well. Too often it seems friendless. Business is slow to support it, and too rarely are the Prime Minister and his ministers seen surrounded by happy supporters.  Obvious example?: the Government couldn’t or wouldn’t find hundreds of scientists and medicos to even back its huge medical research fund.
- the Government can’t or won’t even energise its base with some signature campaigns and successes. It gave up the free speech fight, gave up on workplace reform and dares not challenge the global warming hysteria (indeed, its lacks the people, conviction and strategy to even attempt it).  Where are the inspiring reforms - ones that its supporters will gladly man the election booths to defend?
- the Government too often radiates a lack of conviction. It often dares not dare name the cause in which it fights: it cuts (barely) the ABC without explaining that it’s too big and biased; it slashes at global warming programs without explaining why they are a useless fix to a non-problem, it resists Obama’s global warming evangelism without explaining he’s a fraud. 
- the Government has picked too many fights it cannot win, not just with the Senate but more especially with the public. It must ditch the undoable, argue only for what it can win and avoid the Senate bloc wherever possible. Bye-bye Medicare co-payment and parental leave scheme.
- the Government seems out of synch with the times. Younger and fresher faces - women particularly - are needed in the lineup. Some of the Coalition’s most appealing talent is not in the Ministry.
- the Liberals have never prospered without senior ministers in Victoria arguing the case, leading the charge, imposing themselves on the debate. Where are they?
- a small point now, but why do Ministers go onto big set-piece interviews, especially with the ABC, without something new to reveal or announce? Why sit there passively while the interviewer asks the gotcha questions they’ve been working on for hours, hoping to have found the weakness?
True, I have listed here the Government’s shortcomings but not its strengths and virtues. And if I were to list Labor’s failings, the list would be much longer.
But the Government cannot just motor on as Julia Gillard fatally tried, arguing that voters will eventually come around and see the gain for the pain, or see through the Opposition’s alleged failings. The polls today have a reality. Something is not working and must be fixed.
That fixing must start over the Christmas break. The planned minor reshuffle must be expanded. A new start must be signalled with new faces and an act of repentance. An aggressive, positive and confident media strategy must be adopted. 
Get sharp. Get tough. Get assertive. Get confident. Offer inspiration. And fight.
Problem they can't fix it unless they move LEFT


Greens agree to support coal baron Clive Palmer

It's what politics today is all about winning. We saw Abbott's avalanche of broken promises to get past the post. It was followed by his avalanche of denials that any promises were broken. Your attack on wanna be politician carries the weight of a helium balloon


Unbiased ABC declares war on conservatives

Everybody is left even Rowan Dean Andrew's doppelganger is left,why? Because he declared the the ABC to be fair and balanced. Bolt believes the audience if declared 50% for the coalition are in fact  Liberal left. Bolt declares himself as fair balanced and not conservative he then must be left. On his own admission then Bolt is not to be trusted as their is nothing worse than Liberal lefties for dishonesty. So Monty Python


Abbott gets advice from Hartcher that would kill him and hurt Australia 

Yesterday Bolt was declaring China to be a snake in the grass that couldn't be trusted. He has described China in the same terms as Clive Palmer. A Chinese promise was worse than a Putin handshake. So given Bolt believes what he says it doesn't bear well for this new trade agreement just signed does it. What recourse do we have if the Chinese break it as Bolt suggests they inevitably will? Then he will acknowledge that it's a Labour initiated agreement.

It just goes to show how two faced Bolt in fact is. For Bolt  the current American government is the least trustworthy on the planet. The least worthy of being called friend. Should we pull out of Iraq then it's a good opportunity after all it did nothing for the polls. Maybe we could close down Pine Gap and stop spying.


Unbiased ABC verbals a Liberal to embarrass a Liberal

Can anybody specifically tell us how Direct Action money is being spent? Who has or is being paid and what have they done? I've only heard people doing a Bolt just talking about it. What is actually happening.

As for 'warmists ' those who Bolt dares not call scientists the best reputed 97% who agree along with the best  organizations and the best peer reviewed publications yes those along with 120 nation states  suggest the Abbott government has done nothing.

If the ABC asks they are deemed biased. Yet Bolt is now using Chinese whispers to tell us our new BBF the Chinese can't be trusted when it comes to climate change Shhhh so we don't need to do anything.


Abbott’s success should be admired as much as it was once doubted

Do you have to be reminded that these negotiations have been ongoing since 2004 that's 8 years of which labour was in government and negotiating that the coalition are claiming credit for. Bolt certainly gives  Abbott all the credit making out 10 years of grind was the work of the current government.
What a pratt.

 A straight report on Obama’s climate “deal”

 Keith DeLacy, former Queensland Labor treasurer:

Another one of Bolt's obscure threads it leads to The Australian but try and find the thread.
Delacy says:
" report that might have come from a non-progressive correspondent attending last week’s historic climate change media conference by US and China presidents."
What DeLacy seems to be alluding to is that it's a totally biased piece of bullshit by a conservative writer like Andrew Bolt. Did Bolt actually read this or does he think DeLacy said it or agrees with it? It seems to me Bolt has lost the plot.


The Chinese president is a better friend than this US one

The liar the cheat the cant be trusted commie is now ourBBF  according to Bolt. You'd have to count your fingers after shaking hands with Bolt wouldn't you.




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