Robyn Dixon and Peter Hartcher swap quotes to prove the world agrees Australia is stupid
Tag Journalism Andrew Bolt and the Murdoch Empire are a united front in Anglosphere journalism and often quote each other as primary sources of reference. Bolt merely says anybody not part of their corporate group whether independent or not are always suspected lefties. In this blog he's just taken focus off ABC News for the moment and applied it to SMH and the Times. He's projecting as it's what he does within the Murdoch stable on a daily basis. He sells his right wing advocacy on any subject. However I doubt if Bolt is used as a reference anywhere outside of Australia as he is never original.
Liberals don’t trust the ABC with election debates. The new national broadcaster is Sky News
Murdoch Press , Murdoch Sky and 2GB for debates and interviews, pollie to be pampered and press to be trusted. Why is it they all seem to cock it up despite the protection.The fashion has been private accounting firms as well to cost policies to be released before they can be vetted because they just don't like the truth. That's the Liberal way. You pay for what you want and unfettered independence and public scrutiny isn't part of that. The public can judge why the ABC isn't used and vote.
Russia’s MH17 lie exposed
If half the articles written by News Corp were fully examined they'd be proven to be a lies or distortions. For example the comment Bolt made with regard our VC hero Major Roberts-Smith and his thoughts on army pay. Smith showed Bolt up to be a liar. Bolt presented Smith as total opposite of what Smith actually believed. He's never retracted or apologized for it.
Russia via Putin have clearly said they are cooperating with a formal forensic investigation the same as Scott Morrison is doing in a number of cases when he remains silent. If it seems reasonable for our Minister for Immigration to do it why isn't it reasonable for Putin? Abbott is hypocritical to the max particularly when he says he is privy to new evidence but wont reveal it. Bolt is little more than a paid shit stirrer for the coalition. There's no demanding Morrison to talk is there.
Obama’s climate posturing weakens the US, helps China and betrays Australia
"Treachery" Does Bolt really believe that Abbott is Banquo and the G20 was some sort of Shakespearean play? Obama is just one among the majority of G20 members who wanted Climate Change to be a central issue not the top on the agenda which was not set in stone by the host nation. They prefaced that months ago but Abbott was only abiding by his master lobbyists the fossil fuel industry. Nobody must agree with the politics of another country just because they are declared friends. Friends don't agree on everything if that was the case the friendship might be deemed suspicious. Abbott is out of step with the rest of the world. He tried to embarrass Obama when he first went to Washington on his mission to promote coal. He damaged himself then and he did it again at the G20.
Quite a few of his cabinet haven't the guts to say "stop" but it is increasingly clear that they will as 2016 approaches. Sheridan the thread here is like Bolt are paid peas in a Murdoch pod two of a kind. Obama wont be stopped by the Republicans at home because the legislation required to put the US on track with emissions has been passed. Any blocking GOP might do can be vetoed by the President. So sorry guys Obama is not a lame duck as the denialists would love to believe. Given the voters of America have swung back to accepting the science the Republicans are the ones now faced with the choice to continue to deny warming or not. Is it in their advantage to remain Luddites.
As far as Obama's speech was concerned at Qld university it did not embarrass Abbott any more than Abbott has embarrassed himself. The man is beholden to the Fossil Fuels Industry in a way that his mates Cameron and Harper aren't. Why else would this politician be pushing shit up a hill with a pointed stick when our biggest markets are telling us that they are turning their attention to renewables and backing off fossil fuel. All Abbott is trying to do is save face and News Corp will do their best to help and look like idiots in the process. Unless of course Murdoch turns and becomes a warmist again he has on the growing "income gap"in America. That would really screw Abbott at home.
Column - Why is the government saving state media by crippling the commericals?
The State has nobbled the ABC board filling it with their favoured cultural capital. The State lied and cut the budget of these broadcasters when it said it wouldn't in their pre-election promises. The MD, Scott is an ex adviser to the liberal party. However the State knows that the ABC & SBS have 84% electoral support. So we have Bolt whose job is not dependant on the electorate comfortably preaching to politicians what they should be doing in order to lose their seats."This megasize would be a problem even if the ABC and SBS were balanced and not relentlessly pushing the Left’s creeds of global warming, “reconciliation”, mass immigration, multiculturalism, same sex marriage and the predictable rest."...Bolt
Bolt is a Climate Denier a fading breed but with a big voice. Abbott has moved away from that public position with regard the science he no longer calls it "crap". He also doesn't publicly attack the ABC as he knows it's not good for his electoral image. He leaves these things to his sponsors and PR teams 2GB and News Corp. Should he force the ABC to compete with the commercial media they'd start losing revenue. They don't want the ABC advertising more than they do now. So really Bolt's just baying at the moon.
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