Bolt is just waiting for one of his tag team to slag the SBS program First Contact and the NITV follow up Awaken that clearly stated the conditions of Social Welfare enforced on indigenous people. Don't worry it's coming Bolt wont let this opportunity for a racist rave to slip by.
It seems to slip Bolt's attention
when the subject of disunity comes glaringly to the fore. Alan Jones of
all people giving Abbott an embarassing time on 2GB regard the Chinese
FTA. Bolt hates to offend Abbott or his mates so he let's that go by to
the wicketkeeper.
President of India acknowledged the First People when Abbott didn't. Obama and Modi are on the same page when it comes to the First People, & Climate.
" The ABC is out of control under managing director Mark Scott. The bias
alone is disgraceful, and its massive size dangerous in a pluralistic
democracy.".. Bolt
Can any one imagine an ABC chaired by Andrew Bolt in our pluralistic democracy? One blinkered view only allowed.Can anybody imagine a news report delivered by Bolt, no information just propaganda. Andrew Bolt and the News Corp team on the Bolt Report do not offer a skerrick of news.? It's a good example however of what the ABC would look like under a Latin American dictatorship.
News Corp is merely trying make a commercial grab at controlling media digital space. So much for freedom of choice allowed consumers if Turnbull removed the opportunity. If the ABC news is that bad and News Corp's that good shouldn't we the consumers be allowed to make the decision and switch to News Corp. After all digital media is merely the technology.
Bolt was eager to see TV production closed Comedy, Current Affairs and so many programs and ABC areas have constantly been in his cross hairs.
"ABC to stick to its knitting and leave the new technologies to the media companies who are totally self-supported."
Technology in this market isn't privileged to private capital alone. Should we close divisions of public health because they compete with private doctors? Would private health alone offer a better outcome? News Corp is definitely not self supported it's supported by the audience us. If we support it it's because it has something to offer & advertisers then follow. However their clicks and ratings show they are not up to the task. The ABC was running on $900,000 some 10 years ago and has been told to be more efficient yet again. It's running on less now than ever before. Can the same be said for the corporates? No way! In the end we the consumers pay and we the consumers are getting a bigger bang for our buck than we ever had from our public carrier which operates and reveals our pluralistic democracy and not some American version of life.
Commercial stations would never put programs on that show the diversity in which we live. Bolt sees them as left biased programs. Shows depicting Malvern life for Bolt are the true Australia sorry it's bullshit. He'd love us to believe Redfern is full of Aboriginal criminal youth drunk and addicted If it wasn't for the ABC we'd never have found out that only one kid has been arrested in Redfern this year and that the arrest rate in Malvern is higher.
Goodonya Aunty leave the Andrew Bolt's of this world whinging and eating your dust.
What is the word of a Lambie or Muir worth? The same as Ben Roberts-Smith VC. You asked this same question a few days ago and got his answer when he said your quote of him was "absolute rubbish" It was then and still is. You should go back to really reminding us what Tony Abbott said you just might get that right
Bolt has a fixation on Lambie after all he's still only in his 50's. You know what they say "bears do it with a slap"
The man does not understand science and mere pokes childish comments in the embarrassment of defeat is a man to be left alone.
However there is one thing you will not hear from Bolt is that councils in NSW and VIC are by passing coalsville and setting renewable energy targets of their own Sydney 30% and Melbourne 25% by 2018. Other councils are following suit even Bolt's
"No, Abbott is fair game to the ABC in ways Gillard never was. To me, that’s bias."
This say it all he is "Blind to the Bias"
What a lazy, out of context collection of snippets designed as evidence for a meaningless blog title offered by a paid professional commentator. Paid by a corporation with an agenda. I suggest. Jonathan Holmes in The Age is worth a read this morning.
Bolt often makes errors of fact, rarely confesses to them and never apologises so to take time to dig at Obama for the inaccurate reporting of a Whitehouse journalist of Bolt's calibre suggests it was Ben Roberts-Smith fault for Bolt's inaccurate reporting about army pay the other day. Our VC holder is as confusing as Obama it would seem and he lead Bolt down the road to his junior reporter's gaffe. No bias here on Bolt's part blaming Obama and not Tony for making an idiot of himself. They are actually a pigeon pair when it comes to bloopers.
Four rabbis murdered in occupied Jerusalem.Violence is part and parcel of prison life
Obama ,Obama must pay for making Abbott look a bigger fool than he already does. There's no time for praising Caesar here it's the imaginary Brutus pounce that Bolt's going to do for weeks to get even for Tony. The thread Bolt is using is from a stablemate in the reliable Murdoch press referring to how angry Premier Newman is. How much tag team bias is in this report when the science is reliable and proved.
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