There is nothing wrong with a good stoush in a democratic society there is something very wrong with a government that it tries to push through laws that are so out of step with the voting publics confidence . Opposition parties have trouble rejecting changes that the public support not changes that threaten.
FOFA is an example when an ageing population see and experience corporate crime and theft with a pen, what it has done in recent years to peoples savings, and just how lightly courts have treated the perpetrators. How phoenix companies are common place and the ATO stands idly by. The opposition has opportunity and public support.
When bank tellers intrude into everyday transactions with questions otherwise private with the sole purpose to sell the public are offended. Why, we have an interest in good old service but everywhere we go there is a sense of being serviced. Corporate raiders once pillaged other corporations but now have turned their attention to cashed up individuals and Corman wants to let the dogs loose on insufficiently equipped individuals.
" Leunig lays awake half his life thinking of horrible things to draw about Israel, but that would be absurd. Wouldn’t it?"...Bolt
Yes it would be absurd Andrew Bolt. The absurdity is you a person whose familial ties are connected to the most pro Nazi village in all of Holland Aalesmere. A democratic village whose inhabitants voted in the most anti Jewish council in the country in WW2.
In one cartoon Leunig uses quotes from Orwell, Martin Luther King and a Jew Sigmund Freud. There is no reference to Judaism or Israel in the picture yet Bolt projects his latent bigotry into the drawing. Frued no doubt would have a lot to say about men like Bolt and their unsatisfactory relationships with their mothers.
The second cartoon is more about the human condition the irony of the human condition the fear of existential death and the use of terror, violence and death to solve that problem. To repeat the cycle of terror and death when it didn't solve the problem in the first place. Again Jews aren't mentioned merely the State of Israel after all there is no Palestinian State. Both are mirror the stupidity of the human condition. It appears Bolt lay in bed at night and didn't a clue what the cartoons were about like a character in a Leunig cartoon. A sad case Bolt.
From the Bleachers by Bolt:
"The Government lacks mongrel and is getting belted in bare-knuckle politics."
"The Left will always loathe a Catholic conservative like Abbott. If he
wants friends, he’d best start with exciting fellow conservatives."
Become like the Church of Scientolgy
Sorry Bolt your approach to ABC bias is the same vacuous approach you apply to Warming and Multiculturalism you are a one trick pony. Find some quotes use them out of context and apply them to you general premise. Authoritative bodies and the broad public support 84% seem to agree that the ABC is fulfilling it's job and we get exceptional variety value for money which is unbiased. If you say the ABC is just a left win collective you are saying that 84% of this nation are left wing ignorants and that you belong to some 15% elite body that needs to run this country. Sell coal, Malvernise Australia and control ABC news It's just that what makes you and your cohort dangerous and fascists.
Nicolle Flint is a member of the Liberal Party. Bolt's thread from The Advertiser this yet another Murdoch masthead. Abbott runs the country and is part of Bolt's 15% elite controllers. The right wing of the coalition. Quite Orwellian for those that claim to advocate freedom.
This is an explanation sounds very much like an apology of a cur who accidentally snapped at his master. A slap from the Credlin office I think.
"I like Tony Abbott. Indeed, in many ways I admire him. He is warm,
kind, selfless, thoughtful, modest and introspective. I also think his
Government means well and has done many good things. "
"That I criticise him and his Government’s performance in no way reflects some disenchantment or dislike of Abbott."
I noticed that Dr Roy Spencer Andrew Bolt's seminal source of science was peer reviewed in the arena where the most respected debate on global warming is conducted on this planet. Spencer failed dismally when his error ridden report was released. Bolt is left to throw his religious similes and metaphors around as if they had any relevance to fact. I notice Tony is moving away from Bolt Dogma and declaring Paris to be a pivotal point in the war on warming. What do you say about that Andrew left in the cold
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