Andrew Bolt's Blog, 21/11/14, IS and Hipsters Bolt's highlighting his own faults; Lambie is just Bolt's deflection; Titles should Bolt be allowed to call himself a Journalist or the Herald Sun a Newspaper? Leunig

Have little idea of what this misogynist Bolt is about other than his support of Abbott and ironing boards. I thought Bolt was against all tribalism and that men have the right to wear dresses....Nonsense for nonsense
Islamic State is not Islamic. Israel is not a Jewish State and Australia is not a Christian State
The worlds most prominent Muslims have declared IS to be non Islamic, 16% Arab citizens of Israel would like identity in the State of Israel and the varying non Christians recognition as Australians.
Only racist commentators who try to blame Islam for the worlds ills disregard 1.4 billion peoples of the world and couple them with a group of revolutionary Sunnis who have adopted a violent ideology to bolster their cause. Bolt would not know what a hipster was and popularity is not a political movement. Half the world had Che Guevarra on the bedroom walls and had no clue who he was either. Bolt is merely indicating the weakness of mainstream media, his weakness his inabilities. However his ability to be a turn off the younger generation goes unquestioned as does his desire to capture their minds. What a non leader he is.
Is that the 59billion deficit this government has allowed to accrue due to it's intransigence on fiscal issues. The government tactic to create a real deficit in order to get what it wants is damaging this country. As Bolt said drop the fight pass the things there is an agreement on and deal with the rest later. But that wont happen so in the meantime blaming Labour isn't working either 45:55 says it all.
Do we see Abbott changing on climate when his brothers in arms are now deserting him. Cameron and the British conservatives certainly don't see him in their camp and are publicly saying so. Harper is donating to the Green Fund and by doing so has hugely embarrassed Abbott. The Tea Party seem his only allies the heartland of global Contrarianism with Fox News, faux foundations like Heartland supported by the Koch brothers and more importantly it's handful of laughable scientists beavering away to produce a single document to refute the world consensus and work of the most respected scientists on the planet.If Abbott doesn't make a believable change on this issue he wont survive.
Bolt's attention to the internal machinations of Lambie and Palmer are a deflection from the primary issues of this government. Refugees and Morisson's illegal dumping of Australia's responsibility for refugee children criminally assaulted and sexually abused on Manus. His non negotiated reduction of 150 refugees from Indonesia placing more hardship on our neighbor. Remember "more Jakarta and less Geneva" sounds like a Morrisson ad.
The ABC and the secret plan to commercialize & privatize SBS and sell it off to the likes of Murdoch. The hewen cry of stopping the ABC in the field of Digital Media because it's a News platform that reveals the bias of Murdochs print media & control of the east coast of this country far more than ABC radio and a one TV station can . Digital News will be the death of Murdoch unless he returns to being a news provider instead of just a right wing advocate. The best possible outcome would be the death of Andrew Bolt and his stablemates and a return to journalism.
One might well ask and yes they all misuse their titles they all will be eventually dropped. However isn't it up to the conferring institutions to make that choice. Macquarie can't tell Sydney or Canberra what to do nor the other way round so for the moment it's an issue in progress. Well pointed out.
Should Bolt be allowed to use the title of Journalist which he happily takes on board denigrating the entire profession in doing so. Shouldn't the title 'conservative commentator' be more appropriate? Should the Herald Sun be allowed to declare itself a Newspaper when it's clearly not. Bolt raises a valid point about misrepresentation of himself and his master here.
" Leunig lays awake half his
life thinking of horrible things to draw about Israel, but that would be
absurd. Wouldn’t it?"...Bolt
Yes it would be absurd Andrew Bolt.
The absurdity is you a person whose familial ties are connected to the
most pro Nazi village in all of Holland Aalesmere. A democratic village
whose inhabitants voted in the most anti Jewish council in the country
in WW2.
In one cartoon Leunig uses quotes
from Orwell, Martin Luther King and a Jew Sigmund Freud. There is no
reference to Judaism or Israel in the picture yet Bolt projects his
latent bigotry into the drawing. Frued no doubt would have a lot to say
about men like Bolt and their unsatisfactory relationships with their
The second cartoon is more about the
human condition the irony of the human condition the fear of existential
death and the use of terror, violence and death to solve that
problem. To repeat the cycle of terror and death when it didn't solve
the problem in the first place. Again Jews aren't mentioned merely the
State of Israel after all there is no Palestinian State. Both are
mirror the stupidity of the human condition. It appears Bolt lay in bed
at night and didn't a clue what the cartoons were about like a
character in a Leunig cartoon. A sad case Bolt.
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