Name calling is the weapon of losers,bullies and denialists. Even his BBF Abbott is no longer a denialist only a sceptic. Bolt attaches the total science of warming to the Aus Greens a minority political party in his argument to bring down a global science accepted by 120 nations. What a deflection suggesting the Australian Greens are the world warming leaders and spokespersons.
Sorry Bolt the science has nothing to do with political parties the acceptance cuts across all sorts of parties world wide. It's united by scientific consensus 97%. Carry on name calling Bolt it's all you have in your bag of tricks.
UK Tories slam Tony Abbott on climate policy
The Age is not referring to the Tory slam way back when. They are however talking about today and they are criticizing Abbott today. Today's Tories are in fact moving away from coal to renewables 20% in fact of current electricity production. Bolt is left with little more than attacking the man and not the issue. He simply doesn't address the issue.
"There has been no warming of the atmosphere for some 16 years and a slight cooling for 10." Bolt's Science
Bolt's only claim to the science isn't referenced because his primary source Roy Spencer has been found by peer review to be a fraud who made up his research findings. He is internationally known for his inaccurate and poor science. Bolt uses Spencer's false conclusion as the centre piece of his denialism time and again. He is lying to his readers
Bolt not only refers to himself as a journalist which he isn't he is at best a commentator for the right so we are being mislead. Journalists provide news Newspapers provide news. Bolt and the News Corp stable don't. Maybe a charter needs to be drawn up to define what it is they do and how they are entitled to brand themselves..
What's most amusing Bolt is so concerned with journalists postcodes however not their background however he insists in reminding us of his connections with the country. He fails to even ask any body else's. Is bolt suggesting he is a well rounded journalist because he once was a "country boy" What a farce.
The reason journalists live in the city is that's where their offices are. Is he referring to all those country papers and TV stations is he suggesting their staff all live in the city? Bolt really has no respect for intelligence for his readers does he.
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