Andrew Bolt' Blog, 22/11/14, 3-4 threads to lead you to The Australian subscription page; his usual chestnuts ABC Climate etc Bolt can't work outside the box. Virgin handler actually shows his lack of science and logic in his arguments

The ABC is not too big. It in no way competes with News Corp which is print based and controls 66% of the major daily papers on the east coast. The ABC provides reliable news and information in our pluralistic democracy together with the broadest variety of entertainment. It's not necessarily the most popular however that's not it's charter. News Corp doesn't do any of these things.
The ABC has 84% voter based support something the commercials don't. Digital media is a threat to print media. So Bolt has taken up the cudgel to attack the ABC which ever way he can over size and content and delivery costs. However it's digital media that currently concerns his masters the most. Bolt is merely another lobbyist disguised as a commentator analyst. Basically he knows nothing and is just another paid advocate. No sitting government or opposition would be seen to make a direct attack on the public broadcaster with such broad voter support.
I'm not quite sure what Bolt is saying here other than telling Abbott to return to his days of student mongrel politics, no holds barred Take no prisoners dirty tricks whatever means are ok. Win at all costs!
Dig up dirt where necessary like Peter Slipper, Craig Thompson. Innuendo is pretty good and News Corp will help all the way maybe give advice. Because sure as hell Credlin is a shit press secretary and the government needs one. Is Bolt actually putting in application for a job? After all the Bolt Report isn't working and News Corp is struggling. Go for the jugular and back to the future no holds barred attack the opposition as you once did in opposition.
When the Lib government in Vic proposed the East West link they needed to acquire land in Parkville. There was an apartment development whose ambiance and bottom line were being threatened by the change. The government paid them compensation. Scotch college hung out and got 5mill for crappy land that was at best valued at 1mill. So State governments do pay Mr Bolt. Depends who the claimants are. So your claim that only the Federal government has to pay is not true.
What Obama has done was done by Bush and previous Presidents of both parties so there is precedent. There is absolutely nothing unusual in what he has done but Bolt would have it otherwise or else he is totally ignorant.. I repeat it's been done before so all Bolt is doing is jumping on the chorus line of the ultra conservatives.
Firstly Bolt is showing the signs of a dieing fish thrashing. He has a weak argument is name calling and applying a school boy bully approach to argument. Bolt thinks it's useful when he has nothing else going for him.
As far as Iraq is concerned the SAS were getting the Scott Morrison approach to immigration delay delay by the Iraqi government. I actually believe the Iraqi government wants to protect our troops from harm and Abbott wants them there for his own political agenda. Iraqis simply don't want us there. As for leadership have we heard anything from Abbott or Bishop other than 'delay and degrade' same slogan they have been preaching for 3 months.
Was speaking his mind as Abbott did in Canadia telling the world what he was going to tell Obama How he and Harper were going to lead by example. He sure came out a nowhere man after that meeting. Show us one International press report where it says the Australian government put Obama in his place since the G20 other than News Corp's PR. You are the sound of a one armed man clapping.
And another word from Bolt front man for such a minute group of advocates for coal. Dr Roy Spencer, James Taylor et al. It's over Bolt it's over even Abbott isn't listening.
The minute you see Bolt referencing Chris Kenny you know it's a diversion to an advertorial. It simply takes you to The Australian subscription page. This blog is an excuse for an ad. You generally cant find anything at the other end that's relevant to Bolt's blog
This is what Bolt loves he applies it to most of his generalisations to prove a point. It's his scientific method. A careless handler doesn't make all Virgin handlers careless. However Bolt tries to bring down world religions Islam, trade unions, the ABC ,Global warming by finding these single cases. However in this instance he doesn't damn Virgin and sees it as a minor infraction for which the handler ill be in trouble. Virgin can handle it. However if it was a union official then the whole union would need to be brought down . If he was Aboriginal his culture would be to blame. This is a perfect example of Bolt's hypocrisy and mixed logic..
Here again we see the science of warming equated with the policies chosen to deal with the results of that science.There is an international consensus of the negative effects of man made global warming caused by the release of excessive CO2 into the atmosphere. That's done and dusted except for a few crank advocates for the Fossil Fuel Industry largely centred in America Fox News emloys a handful of crank advocates an psuedo scientists to push to push "studied analyses" on the matter. Bolt does the same job and uses the same resources here. They use the term "warmists" to simply deflect from the reality that this group has 97% consensus amongst hundreds of the most respected and peer reviewed scientists in the field along with the most respected associations and publications on the subject. Bolt uses the least respected sources and the technique of the above Virgin baggage handler not just to correct a slight error but to try to bring a whole respected world science into disrepute. He is just a one trick pony
However Bolt's blog is even more deceptive as it's a thread that leads to the subscription page of The Australian. There is no article by McCrann relevant to the above topic to be found there. The dishonesty is simply Bolt's attempt to drum up business for the flagging Murdoch masthead and his blog little more than a News Corp. Paper boys of yesteryear once cried out the content of papers to attract buyers, they were honest. Bolt is nothing more than a dishonest paper boy on a digital corner.
Yet another ad for The Australian. That aside Bolt is arguing for exclusive rights to technology. The argument to close public services of whatever kind and hand them over to the private sphere is too extreme. You cant close public hospitals, you cant privatise the army or privatise all education. In the same fashion you cant close the ABC. He knows that. His cry is not to get rid of the ABC but to shackle it. Or any aspect of it and public service utilities that interfere with private interest. Basically it's the Tea Party cry to get rid of government which even for Bolt is to crass stupid. He is like a capitalist chook looking through the ash heap of government trying to steal whatever he can. The question of quality or need of service has no place and runs last to can I make a profit. If News Corp was a responsible agency of news and information they might just get voter sympathy but they are a far cry from that.
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