More Jews attacked in Jerusalem. UPDATE: Britain warns of worst-ever threat
Britain: Mass immigration causes terrorism" 40 cases in 10 years without any qualification as to injuries or deaths compared with equivalent crime. It's saying nothing other than we are going to change the laws. That's the only reality in the Home Secretary statement.
It's Bolt logic. White collar crime no problem our laws are there to deal with it Corman. White collar crime happens to be a unionist then the unions are corrupt laws need to be introduced to dismantle the unions Bolt logic. Politicians rort it's ok they put the money back. Hypocrisy. It's the same as saying Aboriginal Culture breeds alcoholism and crime. It's biased Bigoted and racist which defines Bolt logic.
What was in the news recently was an increase in Isil allies was due to US bombing in Syria. Their is an increase in civil wars in the middle east against dictatorships and further that there is an increase in non Islamic volunteers mercenaries to these areas. Depending on your politics those fighting for Assad might be called terrorists those for any group against him allied rebels. Clear distinctions haven't been made. Yet Bolt logic has no complexity it's simple dumb and politically conservative it makes no effort in rational thinking and like Abbott boxes with it's eyes closed.
More Jews attacked in Jerusalem
For a person who declares himself a non racist why are you still supporting a state that is about to legally turn 20% of it's people into secondary citizens that's both Christians and Muslims and remove their Language from the education system.
Mark Scott guts the best of the ABC to play digital games
Did I say Bolt lets others do the work? I did didn't I this time straight from the Australian's opinion page. Well done Bolt works done and dusted before 9.30 am. What has Andre contributed today?
Scott isn't blaming Canberra at all fess cuts will be found where necessary and savings need to be found to accommodate their digital plan which was in place before the cuts. The ABC is as you know independent of any government and Scott is beholden to the board.
By the way the board has accepted Scott's planned cuts he does not stand alone. The board consists of conservatives as you are only too aware . Mates of yours I believe. Or are they closet lefties too?
Obama could destroy Hillary
For balanced news and information Bolt's thread is the Wall St Journal. Yes guess who owns this inauthentic news masthead, News Corp & our Rupert. You see Bolt is a lazy sod of a writer and prefers to walk the fine line between plagiarism and merely tag teaming the work of other News Corpers. Bolt doesn't declare the work to be part of his teams who are also paid to hate Obama the Democrats and therefore Hilary just as much.
Their News in the USA is never regarded as fair and balanced as Fox advertises itself to be. It's regarded as the wicked queen's mirror in Snow White looked into only by Tea Party members who want their daily news....right ,right.
The public has chosen. Murdoch wins, Cromwell loses
What a load of crap is Bolt selling here. When Murdoch owns 66% of the print mastheads available in our capitals cities except for Perth Bolt's merely stating the bloody obvious that there is no competition in print. The ABC doesn't occupy print space Bolt if it did Murdoch wouldn't exist.
Bolt doesn't broadcast that Murdoch was almost rolled at the last News Corp AGM meeting and came close to losing his power. He only holds 14% of the shares.The papers News Corp is running are doing so badly that the Muslims backing him failed to vote. Yes you heard it Bolt's job hangs on the good will of an Islamic press ironic isn't it.
The ABC should not be this friendless among conservatives
Here is Bolt trying to save The Australian's bacon his thread is an ad for The Australian. If Nick Carter ever quotes Bolt and I doubt he does I'm sure his thread would be advertising the Herald Sun's subscription page first. The papers are doing so well they are advertising each other using each others opinionaters and journalists to save jobs. In other words if you were stupid enough to subscribe to any of these papers you would just be buying repeat material found in any single one of them. In other words no value for $$$. Murdoch's monopoly of non news has been killing real journalists' jobs for years. There are few real journalists working there. Is there any wonder so many have taken the opportunity when available to do real work for the ABC. As soon as they leave they are rebranded lefties by Abbot's right bum cheek called Andrew.
I hadn't realised that Bolt had the personal voting records of Australia's journalists and academics as far as I knew this information was private and that's why we have a ballot box. Or is this Bolt backed into a corner when starts talking in tongues and getting messages from god. He's just divining.
Floundering Obama dumps his Defense Secretary
Hagel was a Republican a conservative. He batted on your team Bolt but didn't have the skills for the job. The thrashing flounder was was Hagel he knew it and was graciously given the opportunity to resign. He wasn't shredded like Peter Slipper by the Democrats. However you never know what the Republicans will do to him. Will they be there awaiting with open arms or knives?
Barry O’Farrell quits
At no time even when the royal commission declared Gillard NOT GUILTY of any wrong doing did Bolt accord her the same courtesy. The same could be said of Peter Slipper's $900 error. That bottle of wine was said to be worth a hell of a lot more than $900. Bolt is completely two faced. Coalition cabinet ministers and even Abbott were caught rorting but given the pathetic option to make amends no action taken. Had Labour the rabid mentality of Abbott the AFP could have been called in but no Bolt still cheered at Slippers the burning man."O’Farrell, the former NSW Premier, has quit politics. One bottle of wine, one untruth to ICAC and a distinguished career is now over."
I welcome the ABC's arrival as the into digital media as now Murdoch's print press will have some serious competition in the real news and information market. If they maintain the faux news and the opinion bullshit that Bolt and his colleagues dish out their time in media will be all over red rover. I can't even begin to imagine Andrew Bolt competing in the real news world unable to just plagiarise from the international team Fox style.
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