Andrew Bolt's Blog 7/11/14 Ignorance and exaggerated confidence, ADF should be conscripted like Israel, Scientific consensus is just a cult tobacco is good coal is good asbestos is me the money!!
"As long as global warmists waste their own money I don’t mind. Indeed, I consider it a tax on stupidity:"
Nobody ever said there weren't any black republicans after all we all admired Colin Powell and secretary of state Rice. It was Bolt who drew attention to race as he does now a few weeks back when he posted videos of blacks complaining about Democrats before the election. It's always Bolt that draws attention to colour ethnicity sex when the majority are paying little attention to it. It's Bolt that wants it shut down when serious attention is needed to focus on it. Isn't that just racist pride trying to draw attention to some hypocritical moral high ground. Hey mum look at me aint I sooo good!!
Amazing Bolt takes a text book comment and tries to apply it to today's political scenario hoping it wont be noticed
" is more prone than the Liberals to fall for messianic beliefs and group think."
Hello take a look at the prime ministers office and Credlin control and then repeat Bolt's bold statement Turnbull, Hockey and now Morrison are taking a hiding for daring to be too forward.
What is the best financial advice on the majority of any investments "your not in it for the short term" Bolt is a short term operator who switches tack for no logic at the drop of a hat. The only long term position he takes is anti-progressive Tea Party conservatism. The desal contract is until 2039 during which time our population will grow and climate will change where water shortage will no longer be a priority.
" our intellectual decline that the global warming cult was fed by many university professors."
Talking from a point of postured certainty is a sure sign of ignorance. There are more than 238,000 peer revued scientific papers in climate change Bolt has read none. There is a broad consensus on the issue and only a narrow one denying it by researchers that would be lucky to fill in a car. Generally those researchers have been found less than exact or highly ranked by the international community. Bolt's comments is simply a sign of his ignorance when all he turns to is name calling. I suggest he read the link below. He is at the moment the equivalent of those commentators the deny links between smoking and lung cancer paid by the tobacco companies.
Bolt's loves talking about the fringe dwellers which reduces him to little more than a gossip columnist. However I think Lambie has a case when Abbott has reduced the ADF pay for the next 3 years to less than inflation. That he is about to do even less for the Commonwealth Public Servants but has no argument giving politicians massive increases in wages and conditions.
You can die for this country you can come back from war thoroughly beaten suffering PTDS homeless and the country wont pay you for the effort and will discard you when you have become little or of no use. I suspect Abbott is considering bringing conscription back.
Where has Abbott won away? Our soldiers are UAE our allies are being butchered. Yet they don't want us on the ground and can't guarantee that their guns will be turned on us. We are not supplying them with arms to do the fighting we want them to do and Bolt calls that winning? The only winning done is the propaganda war that News Corp and 2GB spits out to distract as many people as possible from the truth.
Maurice Newman merely runs advocacy positions that have no logical relevance other than self serving economic ones. He certainly doesn't want science involved in any form of management even if designed merely to inform managers of scientific consensus on an issue. Newman is like Bolt who will go out and defend asbestos or tobacco companies against the devillish science cults. It has to be "in our interest" or the interest of our pockets first. Bugger common sense or knowledge.
Ebola.... because we have spent money saving you
Terror because we have spent so much saving you
Warming because we will spend so much denying you
Because as Tony said we can afford
The G20 is not Australia's Party it is a specific forum for a specific purpose any sabre rattling which Abbott loves to do will be put aside and the bogan behaviour left to the Bolt's of this world. Does Bolt want Abbott's loutish mouth to be heard all the time. Bolt should have egged the man on at Whitlam's Memorial. Abbott could have shirtfronted Julia. We have save this space for BRICS because will want all these countries labelled the axis of evil as well. Democracy is the pitts isn't it Bolt it makes you want to choke.
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