Fact prison rates of crime don't bear out the generalization that Bolt's crude logic is attempting to make. Migrant rates of crime aren't higher nor are asylum seeker rights. I suggest Bolt sit in court and contest a judgement he just might find himself up on charges. Basically Bolt's logic does not fit his facts mitigating circumstances are available to everybody before sentencing. Police can appeal if the sentence is deemed to lenient etc etc Bolt does not know what he's talking about
" Britain counts the mounting cost of mass migration from the Middle East and Pakistan:"
Bolt logic defies all attempts to fly. 4 people in the UK( pop 60 million) are suspects and have been arrested. However there are no mention of charges having been laid. Bolt manages to tar 4.4% of the UK population 10 ethnicities, 3 Islamic denominations all with the same brush arriving at the most ridiculous generalization about costs to the country.
Bolt calls the 4 arrested 'Islamists' and insists on doing so. More than 1 billion Muslims and their leading representatives deny that IS or their sympathisers have anything to do with Islam. That global consensus our weighs any bias or predjudice Bolt is promoting that Islam and it's followers follow a religion of hate. Bolt's promotion of crime, folly and ignorance of wayward youth as a consequence of Islam is a trangression of Section 18C.
Some of UK highest corporate owners are Muslim, Harley street boasts some of it's most imminent doctors as Muslim. Mulsims can be found in every field of excellence. They are some of the largest political party supporters. Princess Diana wished to marry a Muslim. I'm sorry any accounting firm would suggest the UK has profited from the migration.
Bolt just prove himself to be an ultra racist. He could argue the point with regard the Irish, the Italians, Russians and he would be totally wrong. The UK economy is on a roll at the moment and are pissed off because the EU want them to pay an extra "real % " into the communal purse. In other words the EU is doing an Abbott on them. That 1.4 billion pounds is a rising cost....idiot
About the sheep how is it that Jews show Kosher killing and it's educational but Muslims can't do the same another blind genralization I guess
What do you think Andrew Bolt
Art history tells us that progressives have always been attacked and art has always redefined itself. Hockney shows us how the Dutch artist Vermeer secretly applied technology to his work. He didn't want to reveal his new found techniques. He didn't create an art movement but he was certainly part of a shift.
I think they are in the modern world given they are ahead in the polls in central Melbourne. Luddite is a word far more appropriate to a tulip lover who attends exotic flora not for commercial purposes but to keep in touch with the old country. The greens are doing our environment minister Hunt's job for him in protecting forests. That is something they have in common with Greg Hunt who says forest protection is a core of his agenda. Who it seems you are calling out of date.
Coal fired electricity now that's a modern and progressive energy technique isn't it. Direct Action is so indirect it remains hidden. DICE it's the tiniest of experiments in New Castle that isn't having great success. Science has been divested of funds now that's direct.
Even your beloved Holland is trialling solar energy bike paths something this modern government of ours might not buy even if they work. You have a good weekend Bolt to go to your gramophone and play that vinyl copy of Wagner if it's not scratched.
It would seem as if Bolt on instruction of course has given up in disgust. Whose disgust, that would be Tony's of course. Abbott can't go public on this so Andrew postures for him.
Gosh Bolt you choose to live in Victoria the Labour state. To be true to yourself and Tone move to the ACT we'll wave you farewell.
The Philosophy of Liberal political loss sign as much as you can as long as it's trouble for the incoming Labour government. 56 high rise towers should improve our city, freeway contracts. Slash and burn leave Labour with a huge spending bill. Leave but trash the place first . Fuck you Victoria we are Liberals
Question...Does Palmer look worried? Palmer is a business man that side of Capitalism that the coalition and you admire so much. That side well practiced in the art of corrupt. Activity that has cost this country far far more than any corrupt union official. Palmer comes from that side of the fence that Bolt favours and Packer and Murdoch reside The same side that had liberal politicians resign from for taking illegal donations. It seems to me Clives just doing it all according to the coalition handbook isn't he?
"Calling commentator Chris Kenny and “dog f’...” on national TV, and
showing him in a doctored picture sodomising a dog? Coincidence.
Bolt asks for the Greens to be modern yet forever drags out his old cobweb covered list of what the ABC did to me and other News Corp Hacks way back when Christ playe ruck for Jerusalem. . He just doesn't understand humour. It's generally directed from the bottom at the perceived top. That is humour 101 Bolt try it and try to be funny sometime it's good for health. Wasn't it hilarious when the people of Sydney booed Abbott at Gough's memorial.
Bolt's attempt at a joke
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