Andrew Bolt's Blog 9/11/14/ Murdoch UK is as bad as USA and AUS Bolt shows us why journalists are no longer necessary. Abbott pees in the press and Bolt holds his dick, We once had a a paper in in Melbourne The TRUTH it was a refreshing slag rag

What Bolt is saying here is a total lie. Malaysian Airlines chose to fly over a war zone. War zones have weapons that are being used. War zones aren't areas of exact and precise targeting. War zones aren't filled with chivalrous knights playing by the rules. To quote Abbott on a trip to Afghanistan talking to the military "shit happens" When we go to war we kill innocents Abbott isn't heard saying sorry. When we say we are in the midst of a humanitarian mission but allow 500 of our allies get butchered because we don't drop them weapons we don't hear "sorry"
So yes Abbott is posturing posturing in the media and that's a show. He could be having harsh words over the phone don't tell me he lost the number. He could be shirt fronting privately on Skype but no it's full boogy media. It's bullshit and so is your miserable use of the families for political grandstanding.
What a surprise all of Bolt's threads lead to yes you've guessed the"Murdoch Press" No targets given no charges laid all guess work by investigative liar Andrew Bolt who says it was the Queen. Well it wasn't it was Putin who was going to tell all on Remembrance Day and these 4 young men were actually going to stop him. We used to have a slag rag here in Melbourne once called the TRUTH and Bolt feels worse than there worst headlines. Why does the Press Council allow this crap to go on it's pollution of the worst order.
reality is the President usually gets the blame for failing to "get
things done"; therefore, Republicans simply blocked anything Obama
attempted to do, despite the best interests of the people they supposedly represented. This, in turn, gave them the ability to denounce Obama for the very stagnation they created.Now
that Democrats are the minority party in Congress, they will assume the
role as architects of obstruction and delay, so, in 2016, they can
castigate the Republican-controlled Congress for failing to get anything
meaningful done.
How old how tired Bolt is just a "dad joke"
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