Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/11/14, Ferguson and Cool Hand Liuke, ABC a haven for journalists; Stolen tips; Bolt Kennett ; Bolt's joined the union against Julia; Bolt would have Miles Davis hanged.


No, the ABC isn’t biased. Aren’t Greens preaching revolution and racial divisision the new normal?

  "defence of mindless mob violence, this race-based narrative, this vilification of police, this baseless assumption that justice was perverted, this lurid picture of police as an occupying army, this refusal to acknowledge that the greatest victims of black violence are other blacks." Bolt

It's amazing how Bolt is quite brazen in the the use of Nazi defence of mass shooting of Jews if resisting or angered. Bolt is a moron academics or anyone offering an explanation  can't be believed because of their politics. It's  the justification Pinochet used to kill any one who disagreed with him.   Bolt  reduces the Ferguson riots to one case  that of Wilson / Brown a total distortion of reality. A single event.
A black in America is shot every 2 days by police. A 12 year old was shot 2 days ago. This is not a single occurrence this has been going on for years. The occurrence of black police  shooting whites  is statistically insignificant as is white police shooting whites. The 180 blacks shot year in year out are not all justified look up the record. The US has created an industry in the privatisation of prisons and coupled with a no tolerance policy blacks can get 15 years for stealing a loaf of bread yes so can whites. The highest populations in these corporate  prisons are blacks and they are largely there for poverty crimes not serious offense. But they are the resource for for corporate prison profit. Remember our once popular movie Cool Hand Luke he vandalized a parking meter. How cool is Luke if he stole a packet of biscuits cool enough to be dead it seems. The Irish where shipped to Australia for the same offences and a Bolt was there to support the sentence. He even may have had invested here and needed the labour.
The Ferguson riots is not just about Wilson/and Brown. That's Bolt's excuse  and permission for the police to fire again now.  If they don't he'll praise the as the heroes of the riot.. the riot is anger not his fantasy  of organized crime by the CFMEU socialist left unions. It's anger because of the victimisation felt by blacks guilty of nothing other than their colour and the disadvantage  done  to them for years and the statistics prove it.
 Bolt is a moron  a racist an ignorant even suggesting that because Rosa Clemente was a Green Politician she is taking a biased political stand in explaining anger. Anger that is being demonstrated across America. Bolt  is disgusting beyond words
 It get's worse when Bolt picks out single events to explain a generalised theory that the only racism in the US is against whites and inverted. He does the same with aborigines,Islam,etc etc etc ONE TRICK PONY legless logic.

"Does it make any sense at all that a community with 67 percent of its population black be policed by a force 95 percent white, including the police chief?  No, we are not talking about social and other city services here... but the critical section entrusted with maintaining law and order: the police department." Indigenous Australians have been asking the same questions.

Who turned the ABC into a sheltered workshop?

Re direct thread to the Australian's subcription page. Bolt Spam!!

 So first this is an Australian ad and a subscriber only article that you need to search for. 

I suspect Bolt has pulled some 'facts' out of  statistical titillation. The ABC books are audited there is no exceptional secrets Bolt can reveal. The blog is nonsense. Bolt is calling his mates on the ABC board co- conspirators in some financial fraud.


I must admit however Devine's comment that 1000  jobs were slashed from News Corp and SMH is strange as News Corp doesn't employ journalists it doesn't provide news it's not their business model . I believe News Corp found it cheaper to out source it's printing presses. Some journalists that have found employment at the ABC have counted themselves lucky. Even some right wing opinionators like Switzer and Vanstone have and they love it.


Tips for Wednesday, November 26

Bolt has an over inflated ego but is  morally spineless after highlighting what he regards as inverted racism in Ferguson & the USA he is like Nero listening to Miles Davis while Ferguson burns.

 Bolt tries to show us his higher quality of being listening to Davis.Who was a black junkie who in a lot of states in the US wasn't allowed to enter by the front door and was not allowed to even sit at the tables of his audience. If Davis lived in Ferguson Bolt would typify him as an ungratefull Ferguson deserving of the harshest punishment. This is the arrogance and ignorance of the man  who wafts lyrical over Davis's talent but wouldn't give him the time of day as a human. Bolt is worse than a low life he is totally unaware of what he is really doing.


Government getting act into gear. Here are more tips

Not a single Bolt tip to be found. All from varied mastheads of the News Corp stable but not openly referenced. Is that plagiarism? All presented as Boltisms never the less. 

Some links are to ads for the Australian as well so that's the job isn't it.  There is nothing much in this ad but "tell them we lied" and start again..Lying that is.


Thank cross-bench senators for putting wind farms under scrutiny

I do believe in the UK they have made a huge drop in the cost of power and will continue to do so because of Wind Power. Given it's a global issue and technologies are suitable for particular areas the question Bolt asks is a stupid one.  It's not a single renewable tech issue.

 However clean energy is better than dirty even if his personal investment in coal drops to $20 a tonne. Has Andrew Bolt begun to put the fire places back in his house? Has he ripped his kitchen apart for the wood stove yet? . Why are Sydney and Melbourne City councils forging ahead with renewables no matter what the government does?


Daniel Andrews’ plan for Victoria: give it to the unions

"Daniel Andrews is from Labor’s Socialist Left. It shows and Victoria will pay." Bolt

Bolt's thread News Corp
Bolts only bullet is unions unions unions and that Abbott will ensure Victorians will pay a price if they vote for Dan Andrews. Is this voice of rationality or extortion. It's not the argument of any politician I know, it's the sound of an unhinged right wing conservative fanatic. Rational thinking and a little thought is given to history which says no unions were and are a must for the protection of workers. The biggest threat today is the casualisation of the work force and loss of benefits. The Americanisation of Australia.
 Napthine's malicious contract on the East West link and Abbott's revenge are far more  threatening than anything Labour could dream up it's malicious revenge. Will Andrew Bolt leave Victoria because this state is going to hell? No he wont and that's of major concern to all of us because we will have to suffer his boring rants until the ABC convinces News Corp to change it's ways.
The left are coming , the left are coming the left are coming AAAAAHG!! However we will be left with your banal comments


Kennett unexcited: best thing to say about Victorian Liberals is that Labor would be worse

Bolt's thread  News Corp Jeff Kennett

"The Victorian Liberals are emptied of vision - which party heavies scorn as “ideology” - and have failed to excite: " Kennett
Is there a comment here I don't think so. Bolt will quote Kroger, Costello, and  News Corp all this  week Can we expect otherwise? Business suffers according to Bolt. Social Service Unions want too much.  Not the people of Victoria who obviously are fools easily manipulated. Basically is Bolt the reasoned voice of Toorak and the patrons of this state. No crooks there.

Johnston left in a canoe without a paddle

 "I wouldn’t trust them to build a canoe."

David Johnston the voice of yet another Coalition Minister about Australian made. He did more damage to the workers of this country than any union.

 Palmer says he’s the victim of a vast international conspiracy

Is Bolt  doing anything less than Palmer?  Bolt  in accusing the ABC, Fran Kelly, and Rosa Clemente in some  vast conspiracy to pull the wool over our eyes about Ferguson.

Bolt does not deserve his voice. Let courts will deal with Palmer. They wont deal with Ferguson. Maybe Abbott can send in the SAS to deal with "devilish black cult" in the US of A. The riots aren't just Ferguson anymore.


Julia Gillard’s defence dismissed

Bolt's so pro union here. How often have we seen that? Justice for this maligned unionist. Andrew you've jumped the divide. Hem's integrity is faultless  sinner turned saint in Bolt's eyes. Because sure as hell unionists are a satanic army to Bolt. Except in this case.

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