Your safety in Jacqui Lambie’s hands
Tony Abbott and his coalition have taken over 12 months to change their minds on bills they can't get through the senate. Bolt will praise them for their wisdom and understanding. Not so Jacqui she is not entitled to change her views what so ever politicians aren't there to think & strategize they are there to do the governments bidding, as long as they are center right.
It's why the coalition appear so fragile in government at the moment Ministers are supporting agendas in which they have no faith and in doing so wind up with their feet in their mouths. Name one front bench-er who hasn't floundered. Name one who hasn't floundered less than Lambie. Even Bolt has made a regular chump of himself on his failing Report.
How to cripple Victoria on Saturday
Firstly this is an ad for the Financial Review. News Corp in house opinion piece being spruiked by News Corp bloggers. It's not a piece of informed thought by the great white hope Andrew Bolt. You cant read the piece without subscribing to the Review so it's hardly a thread.
Firstly the lack of a cost benefit study on the East West link is an action tantamount to a crime in the corporate world sufficient to having the directors sued. It has nothing to do with Labour.
The history of the unions in this country have been the most progressive force in nation building. The current Liberals have proved themselves laggards leaving Victoria struggling compared with other states.
The article presented by Bolt and we assume is his opinion is what it is a piece of name calling fact less scaremongering. Their is not an ounce of financial information offered other than blaming Naphine's action in signing the East West contract.
New York Times publishes police officer’s address as mobs rage
Bolt's thread is a Conservative web commentry site Breitbart... don't expect any news
Blacks killed every 2 days by police fact. Fact.
White police shoot black suspects for misdemeanors 12 year old shot 3 days ago. Fact
A 65%Black population policed by 95% white police force FACT.
There were more media than mob in Ferguso. the national guard and police white disorganized mob black. History and righteous anger have been seen before. But Bolt's right" how dare those coloured folk get angry where did I put my sheet."
Which battle must the Government fight - to seem honest or seem financially competent?
Save Hockey and come up with new ways to prove Labour did it. Lie Lie Lie because zebras can't change their stripes and Abbott has been a cross between a donkey and a zebra all his political life. He doesn't know how to play it straight.
Hypocrite alert
Two issue differing contexts totally un explained don't even jusify being declared an opinion. Merely a meaningless cut and paste that needs elaboration. However disparaging an individual is a far cry from bringing down an industry
"ASC couldn't build a canoe" is a great ad for a world wide shipbuilding campaign. The industry certainly has an outstanding spokesperson.
Eggs broken. Time Abbott talked omelettes
This is all about Bolt by Bolt. What a knight in tarnished armour. Hear he has been advocating deeper cuts to the ABC when he personally pleaded Abbott to honour his promise. Who has been writing his blog defending the cuts and saying they didn't go far enough?
" In April, even though it killed me, I warned through gritted teeth that the Government should honor its promise to the ABC:"
" The eggs are now broken. Sell the omelette instead. (And show you wouldn’t feed a dog what Labor is cooking.)"Does this make any sense sell an omlette full of 'broken promises' that's exactly what Abbott's been doing. Further more the promises are proven to be broken. Bolt says attention should be given to making up Labour promises to produce a fake omlette and a fake dog.
How about this Victoria Abbott promised 3 bill for Metro or roads to the state which ever the state deemed efficacious. However if Labour gets in the 3 bill must be spent on the East West link even if found to be the worst choice. Isn't that a lie compounded by blackmail?
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