Andrew Bolts Bog,
All News Corp tagging by Bolt. Russia is an Asia- Pacific Nation. Holy shit the Australian navy is in the Pacific my god they don't belong there they are honorary NATO members and Middle East heros. What is Abbott doing in the Pacific?
This fringe dweller does a lot of blagging about so many non central issues purely out of spite and safety. He obviously doesn't read global headlines. China and the USA have made an agreement. The flat earthers are caught flat footed.
I don't see any apologies to our VC hero Ben who sides with Lambie on the issue of army wages and declared Bolt "absolute rubbish"when our intrepid blogger lied about him. News Corp I'm sure didn't apologise either. Are there grounds for civil action by our VC hero? In Bolt's own words who do you trust on this issue Bolt or Ben?
Bolt now suggests the integrity of our VC winner Ben Roberts- Smith or his intelligence might be in doubt having been appointed by this government to replace Adam Gilchrist. Bolt has ovbiously taken to heart Ben referring to him as "absolute rubbish".
The Goodes and Pearsons of this world explain reality how things are and not just ramble on about how things ought to be or how great they are. We all agree how things ought to be Bolt however they aren't. Some people have their feet firmly planted on the ground and want to bring about informed change. Others well they just have their heads firmly planted up their arse and see nothing.
The myth spread by Bolt is Children of a family needed to be saved because they were found to have an STD. That gave justification for the Intervention. How many agencies were created to intervene? Give $650 million to any agency they will justify their existence wether or not their existense is justifed in the first place. National security might well be served closing down right wing mind pollution they are forever trying to billboard our brains with their ideas looking for Nazi like thinkers to join their cause. They found one recently in the Victorian Liberal party Bolt. Good recruiting but nobody taught him to hide. Will you defend him?
Again it's Bolt from the bleachers saying having morals is somehow wrong. Has Bolt demanded that he lead Abbott troops to Nigeria, no. Has Bolt done anything but beat his drum, no. Is Bolt hinting Boko Haram is like ISIL representatives of Islam. I think he is 1.4 billion Muslims don't.
"In this case the leader of Nigeria’s Boko Haram was given the full
treatment by millions of slacktivists, including even actor Angelina
Jolie and Michelle Obama, wife of the US President."
"This time the moralists on social media could not be restrained.
Millions twiddled thumbs furiously to tweet on the hashtag
BringBackOurGirls. Another 235,000 clicked “like” on the
BringBackOurGirls Facebook site"
Firstly education has no nationality you are educated or your not. You might incidentally be a dumb Australian as is evident that Bolt is. The whole thread is from his News Corp stable mate and not really anything to do with Bolt. As far as refugees are concerned Jordan has 1million sheer numbers make the argument facile. Bolt admires countries that support their heads of state as long as they have the politics and morals of Tony Abbott. Bolt favorite cry is the shutting down of the ABC. Honour killings and punishment are common in Christian Australia except we choose to hide them under the blanket of domestic violence. Ramadge was given a reduced sentance for murder recently so short he's out.
Our academics are global citizens first who happen to be Australian. The members of the UN are global citizens first who happen to be of different nationalities their only hypocricy would be to bring their Xenophobic Jingoistic Nationalism to this forum.
There is nothing in this deal that suggests China is being 'restrained' by America. besides on any other issue Bolt would be cheering from his bleacher seat. Are his US 'rebels' a term Bolt tends only to apply to the 'left' in the most derogatory way heros? You see they can try to block any coperation with China which wont be a good look as that would be great as far as the Russians are concerned or they can learn to live with it. They will most likely find a way to live with it as they know the world view has turned.
Not only does Bolt disagree with the choice of Australian of the Year but he deems it unnecessary to even have an award like this. Sirs and Dames are far more represenative of what this country is about. You'd never have a Black or Muslim sir would you it would mock our history. As far as can be seen the board is extremely balanced only Bolt isn't. Adam Goodes is a notable Australian that simply doesn't make his platform one of abuse.
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