Saturday, 15 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 15/11/14, The distortion and and magic show with Bolt's rabbitts; The ABC budget cuts are making it a News Corp Competitor, Hiding Abbott from further boofhead opportunity focus on Lambie


Dio Wang: maybe Lambie wants to be “Queen of the country”

It's either very late at night or Bolt's drunk. This shines as much light on PUP, Lambie and Wang as a box of dead matches. Is there anything informative in it? Is there anything of value here even for News Corp? It really explains why Bolt needs all those News Corp people behind him, a leg up when doing the Bolt Report. For sure as hell there is nothing here.

ABC bored, but there’s an economy others are trying to save

News Corp Team don't want the G20 members to determine their own agenda it's  News Corp fools who are the arbiters of this conference agenda. Abbott made Climate Change the a major focus of this conference by his refusal to address it. For months  the members have been saying it should be a central part. Turkey the leaders of the next conference say it will definitely be on theirs opportunity lost Brisbane, Australia. 

Thank you Tony Abbott for drawing world attention to Climate Change  the new focus of Brisbane. Oh and News Corp for backing him on that.


Global warming is the last refuse of the scoundrel. Take Putin…


"The problem is that on one side of the debate you have 97% of the world’s published climate scientists and the world’s major scientific organisations, and on the other side you have fools."

Putin hasn't been found to be a fool he was last voted as the most powerful man on the planet.
That leaves Andrew Bolt as just another right wing the aspersion caster or humorist he thinks. The above however does apply to him. It has nothing to do with Putin but it also applies to Tony Abbott.


Why will Malcolm Turnbull let a state broadcaster take more of the advertising rival outlets need?

Largely for your benefit Mr Bolt. Your cry to change the charter of the ABC falls on deaf ears as Aunty has an 84% popularity rating. To hot a political potato to make her state controlled. So to oblige you and all the the tiny group of right wingers the government has clipped Aunty's financial wings forcing her into your commercial territory in the hope of making her more attractive to your conservative sponsors.

 The government is doing your bidding Mr Bolt. Your bidding and now your complaining, you can't have it both ways can you. Imagine Coal Mining ads on Aunty or Herald Sun ads.



Farce: Palmer’s senators hiding him from the inquiry he called into Queensland corruption

When the Deputy Premier of QLD is self confessed liar and continuously involved in corrupt practise any enquiry is welcome. Bolt wont tell you about Jeff Seeny. Why isn't Bolt defending the man?


ABC in crisis

Abbott is a joke the shirtfront was about confronting Putin to admit shot the plane down. That didn't happen did it as Putin has always said he didn't. The best thing was to abide by the Internanional enquiry which Putin has always said. The third Abbott's new evidence which was not forth coming.  So  nothin new happened other than undiplomatic public chest beating. Now  were told Premier Newman is going to shirtfront Putin . The whole Liberal Party are Neanderthals along with News Corp they all  posture and dance in the same manner even when family members of the dead have asked them to stop. Let the enquiry do it's job. What we have here is some form of coalition Haka the PM is even stealing cultural elements from NZ .

It's funny Bolt's friend and regular guest on the Bolt Report Rowan Dean was on Q&A recently and said to  Tony Jones that he thought "the ABC was fair and balanced" Now I guess Bolt sees Plibersek and Turnbull as leftie's after all he screamed at Turnbull for eating with Palmer he has to be a leftie.  Elton of course is British and has a degree and is therefore as red as Putin. Last weeks Q&A 39% of the audience were for the coalition and 34% ALP not as balanced however as the soon to be axed  Bolt Report. That's as hilarious as a shirtfront


Why Lambie won’t quit (although she really has)

Bolt actually draws attention to matters of national importance the Lambie/Palmer whatever. We can only surmise that Abbott is such a laughing stock attention needs to be drawn away. Where's Margie been and his three daughters? Guess they too don't like the attention  our high flying PM draws either.


Joe Bullock is the best of Labor - a conservative

Unlike the coalition the ALP allows for matters of conscience. As a cabinet of Catholics Abbot's view is not the only view even though nobody even Turnbull no longer talks against it. Catholics were never Monarchists. What is strange is Abbott a faux Catholic as it seems he is a faux Australian only citizen. There is no record of renunciation of his British citizenship to be found.


Why are the warmists using two-year-old data that hides the decline?

If anybody can follow Bolt's thread to the Australian and to Dr Asten they'd be lucky. However who is  Bolt's source Professor Michael Asten. He's like Taylor, Spencer, and all the rabbits in the News Corp hat just fluffy show pieces of the 3% sceptics.  Persons of no repute in the field.

"A quick check of Asten’s peer-reviewed publications shows that while he appears to be your go-to guy if you have electromagnetic interference problems with your fluxgate magnetometer, he hasn’t published anything remotely related to climate science. He is, however, well-connected with the mining and coal industries."

"The problem is that on one side of the debate you have 97% of the world’s published climate scientists and the world’s major scientific organisations, and on the other side you have fools."

" Excuse my bluntness, but it is past time to acknowledge that the science underpinning anthropogenic climate change is rock solid. The sceptics have had the time and opportunity to come with up a convincing case, but their best efforts read like arguments that NASA faked the moon landing."
We know which side Bolt's on.

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