Andrew Bolt's Blog, 20/4/16; Bolt's position on Israel echo's Nazi predjudice; Trump call 9/11 7/11 he and Palin amaze; Bolt is happy to live life without rules; Abbott's folly haunts us; Political Associations, Why pick on the banks?; Bolt a Shakespearean witch ; The poor rich;
The two blogs below suggest Bolt is stressed and drunk
It's past 8pm Andrew Bolt appears drunk
" Does the Treasurer actually know how business works? Does he understand
how a company - say a bank - finds the millions that a poll-driven
government demands it pay?"
"What nonsense. Spoken like a Labor politician."

Andrew Bolt
Andrew Bolt shows the core of his personality an overdose of sadistic pleasure.
The quality of mercy is Bolt's case is totally strained.

Time to judge Bolt
60 Minutes: Channel Nine's 'compensation'
60 Minutes crew freed in Lebanon: Tara Brown says it’s ‘great to be going home’
60 Minutes: Crew’s anguish led to personal charges over child abduction being dropped, Ali Elamine claims

Remember when Bolt was ranting about the EU rising up against refugees because they were Muslim. His focus was never on their condition of being refugees and seeking safety they simply weren't refugees. They weren't legitimate asylum seekers they were simply an invading force of illegal hordes of Muslims and potential terrorists. He's been on about it for years and it hasn't happened. Any terror has been by and large by EU citizens The extreme right parties aren't getting the message that Bolt wants across. Germans are taking families into their homes when the hostels are full. The French with a 27% Muslim pop have shown 78% of citizens aren't hostile to the refugees at all. The same positive attitude was found by Pew research in Britain too.
Now Bolt is focusing his retributive venom on Sweden and is blaming Muslim influence of their anti -Israeli posture but as usual he distorts the fact and calls it anti-Jewish when an ever increasing number of Jews are becoming anti-Israeli government. The man really does clutch at straws when he berates the Swedes for being Muslim lovers.
He is an echo of National Socialism of 30's Germany. However his focus is now on Muslims and burning the Koran. Bolt has WW2 connections to the infamous anti -Semitic and pro Nazi town of Aarlesmere in Holland and his attitudes are very much open to comparison between what the Nazis did to Jews and the Israeli State is doing to Palestinians today.
One wonders at the mentality of the US voters to support the likes of Trump. When the man center stage and in front of New York audience can confuse 7/11 with 9/11. When his own Republican campaign strategist is now suing him for $4 million. I can only put it down to what Main Stream Media, Celebrity and Reality TV has done dumbing down the American public.
However I guess you need to put into perspective the fact that he's up against Ted Cruz whose only running because his wife got a direct message from god to tell Ted to run and fight the good fight to legislate against the sale of dildos as sex is only for procreation and a dildo is the equivalent of a third party. However Cruz hasn't been blessed and isn't fighting to win outright anymore is he? He's now running to save GOP from the Donald.

Why do we need "sex police" to stop sexual harassment in the work place? Why aren't the bill boards of Melbourne filled with pornographic advertising ? Why do we live in a civilized society at all? Instead we need to legislate hatred and enforce uncivilized abuse and make them flourish? Yes Bolt why not Malvern or Armadale wherever you live will be better for it? Why did Bevis Tim Blair feel the pangs of uncertainty or guilt when called up before the Human Rights Commission after all Tim Wilson would have been there to speak up for him as would John Roxam . He felt nothing at the time when accused of the crime was struck by the pangs of guilt? Was he as innocent as he says? Bevis Blair was aggrieved oh dear and his accuser wasn't? It's good to have an umpire.
Because we live in a civilized society and one not dictated by any higher natural or absolute moral order we create rules, social rules and rules of etiquette. We don't legislate for no rules or manners at all which seems to be Bolt's preference, I don't think!! But we do by these rules qualify free speech as seen by section 18C of the RDA and various other regulatory bodies and umpires. Bolt wouldn't go to the football barrack for Richmond if the game had no rules. I don't hear him bitch'n about the game of football because it's spoilt by rules. But he seems to believe participants the players in every day life ought to be able to say whatever they want on the pitch to whoever they want and whenever in any context. We have umpires when it comes to disputes over any number of things. A boss can sexually harass a woman in the work place say whatever he wants according to Bolt . Yes he can but she has a recourse if she wants and it's the recourse Bolt's complaining about. Poor Bevis is complaing but notice we never were a party to the why, when, and wherefore of his pain. Hurting other's feelings every day because you are in a position of power according to pro free speechers needs no overseeing of any kind. Yep like football needs no umpires or rules.
Abbott declared the change to the policy. It wasn't Turnbull or Shorten it was his need to get Adelaide onside. If governments are there to protect Australians and sometimes the costs of protection are warranted why would Bolt argue they are not. A penny saved in his pocket is worth far more apparently. The arsehole learnt form a young age not share but to go Dutch.
Why isn't there a right wing association within this unessential left wing body of firemen men called heroes on any other day? " The hard-Left firefighters’ union helped Labor to win the Victorian election and now wants its cut of taxpayers’ money. It even wants control over one of the great volunteer bodies - the Country Fire Authority:" Bolt. Unionists represent something like 18% of the entire workforce in2012 according to Bolt's favorite IPA and Catallaxy File author Judith Sloan and it's dropped to 15% in 2015. Percentage wise they are less in numbers than the extreme conservatives are in the Liberal Party. Bolt however gives the impression that unions control the greater part of the Australian work force and conseqyently all Labour governments. Well the delcons are some 20-25% of the LNP and they do want to swallow the whole of the Liberal Party and if they can't own it they believe they can control it with their up close and personal asscociation with News Corp, 2GB, The IPA and the Business Council of Australia.
"Labor’s union links are a menace to taxpayers. " Bolt
However consider the cost to the taxpayer and the menace of this cabal of elites who do everything possible to protect their bottom line and interests which however represent only 1% of the community. Corporate Crime in the way of bribery, tax evasion by way of off shore accounts, theft by way of poor governance and accounting practices are all protected. By way of donations direct and indirect they are protected by cuts of 3,500 to the ATO , and the reduction of regulatory bodies to oversee any transgressions. Realizing this ask who is the threat to the taxpayer and at what cost. The cost of LNP links to these associations far out weighs the costs any of the unions. Get a grip Bolt.

Just how many scandals have the banks had to face since the GFC. When they were at risk who bailed them out with guarantees we did. Back then our banks claimed they were over regulated too. As it turned out they became regarded as the best in the world because of that regulation. However when they put their clients at risk what do they do " service them" They simply no longer" give service". When banking costs went down charges didn't. 0.25cents costs garnering charges in the dollars. Why are they making the profits not because of canny investments because what they charge us in fees for holding our money. What is Bolt doing calling out "the poor rich" and with regulation they will need to charge more.
Why is Turnbull not on board with Labor"The Turnbull Government tries to head of the populist calls for a
royal commission into a banks that Labor is irresponsibly whipping up:
" because it's against IPA policy and the IPA is the bank's representative and a donor to the LNP. Is it any wonder Bolt uses them as his source to argue to get rid of regulation altogether? Why if so anti- regulators are they so eager to tell us of their benefits? That the ABCC for unions is necessary doesn't that sound like a double standard? Shouldn't it apply to both?
"Now, in my view, this sort of regulatory practice is bad policy.
Firms should know exactly what is lawful and what is unlawful.
Regulation shouldn’t be a matter of discretion. Uncertainty is bad for
the economy." IPA
The problem is firms do know what's lawfull and what's not and do what they want if they think they can get away with it. Name an Industry laws have never stood in their way. So the IPA is asking for a taxpayer to fund the extra policing by bodies that have a history of inexperience to watch the banks rather than a stricter regulatory body funded by the banks. Given their is a confusion over a matter of real public concern and that so many scandals occurred with banks breaking the rules an argument does exist for a public inquiry to bolster confidence in the banking industry just as it was called for into the unions. More so in fact because it concerns all of us and that's a plus not a negative unless you have something to hide.

Bolt is working for Labor that is for certain. He used to rail about Peta Credlin having too much control over Abbott's PMO and couldn't wait for Tony Nutt to come and help. He kept telling Abbott that he must change. He was warned and he didn't. Turnbull is far more collegiate but Now the see- sawing Bolt talks of him as being the sole arbiter of LNP policy. The fact is the IPA has been driving that policy long before Abbott came to office.
Bolt does have a tin ear he just wants to run the LNP down Turnbull clearly says July 2nd might be the date to set the election " which I expect to be held on 2 July."Julie Bishop says it's not written in stone and Bolt distorts the English language to show they disagree. Miranda Devine and Turnbull said it well with friends like Bolt the LNP certainly doesn't need enemies.
The Liberal Party is a Party of individuals and not a collectivist organization is a Bolt mantra but not now Bolt expects labor discipline one mouth driving the party line. Turnbull believes there is sufficient regulation on banks others that an inquiry is a useful check they don't disagree but Bolt is a Labor man and wants collectivist discipline to rule Party before the individual like Abbott and Credlin insured.
Warlocks Bolt McCrann Blair are doomsayers like the witches before Macbeth predicting gloom and disaster and LNP win is a vote for incompetance and as a result telling us to VOTE LABOR."Unless there’s a shakeup of the campaign team or tactics the Liberals
risk throwing away this election in one of the most disastrous own goals
in its history."Bolt

And forget any miracle Budget to save the Government:"Bolt

Bolt actually believes the heroes of Australia are the 244,000 of 24 mill Australians that largely inherited their wealth and gain their substantial incomes through non productive property rent. The speculators and creators of ghost housing deserve to minimize tax for doing nothing. Bolt actually believes he is a productive and valued asset to the Australian community be cause he pays more tax than possibly a nurse. The problem has been the increasing income gap coupled with the myth that have benefited the most have in fact been the most productive people in the community when the opposite is true. Rupert Murdoch realized that when he said the increasing income gap was the greatest threat to capitalist economies because the true driving force of those economies is in fact the middle class which in recent times has been shrinking. So keep on Bolting = bragging Bolt and telling your working class readers how you can afford the trappings of a high roller Art, Private schools,Opera, expensive liquor, overseas jaunts etc etc for doing nothing but scamming income for non productive work and trying to protect it in the Super bolt hole that only is of true benefit to the overpaid.
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