Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/4/16; A giant failure; The poverty of The Telegraph; Miranda Devine was right; The scoop Bolt always misses; Bolt's wife noticed the joke it was Bolt; Pell suffers under an ignorant Pope; Tale of two trains missed by Bolt; When Color matters; Fear the postman it's why the dog chases him;
A first year exercise in sociology testing the social boundaries of reality? It's not really a success at anything in fact quite a failure. Firstly the interviewer is not doing anything but asking stupid questions on a university campus where stupid questions are commonly asked. None of those kids interviewed felt challenged so no social boundaries were really tested. It showed however how if unchallenged just how tolerant that particularly this young generation of kids are when faced with camera and how comfortable with being interviewed.
The American Conservative reporter however labelled it the Dictatorship of Dimwits. "They are so afraid of being judgmental, and offending against the sacred
dogma of Self-Definition that they are unable to deny anything he
claims about himself."
The only dimwit is Rod Dreher who believed any one of these students was in fact terrified and he could conclude the above from this excercise
" These are actual college students. Adults who have the right to vote.
And their reason is so compromised that they are unsure what the man in
front of them is, so terrified are they of saying the wrong thing."
Apparently if one saw a black male coming out of the women's toilets and didn't immediately act like a klansman pull out a gun and shoot him he is a wimpy Liberal ready for racial takeover. The author is if a student very much a failure. The very context in which the questions were being asked precludes the getting the responses he hoped for. He has influenced his very project. The context a campus and the questions asked were academic and were treated as such and not challenging enough to show kneejerk or moral responses. I'd say he failed to get what he set out to do and hoped for. His frustration and failure is seen in his title which is simply a reflection of him and his failure. It's also very Bolt isn't it.
Yesterday Bolt was in sympathy for the two celebs. Today he's all in praise of Sarah and Bevis Blair who of course picked up the celebrity cudgel. Sarah who I have no doubt has watched everything Depp has done and Blair some, when he's not trying so hard himself to be comedic. are merely doing what tends to come naturally for Australians. That is to tear down tall poppies just for the sake of it. "Watching the most overrated and overpaid actor in modern cinema (otherwise known as Johnny Depp) swagger" Sarah. I'm sure Sarah the ageist hasn't effected Johnny Depp's income ratings or popularity one iota and Jeffery Rush our Oscar winner would tell you what a good guy.
Sarah Le Marquand makes out Barnaby Joyce extracted in some sort of extortionate move a video. It's not the case if it were then there's no separation between the law and government and there would be every reason to have Joyce stood down. Joyce just took on an Abbott like persona when he threatened to have Pistol and Boo put down. If he ha does Le Marquand think for a moment he'd have wo hearts and minds? He was very Abbott like when he claimed he had shirt fronted Depp.
All this is a load of media bull. The Depps were charged came back and got a good behavior bond. Le Marquand however has chosen to do what Kafka accused all people of doing when he wrote the Trial turn people into insects. Depp has been there before and in fact he's constantly there. Sarah is just another one of a million others to tell us who the man is. He needn't have been in that video as he wasn't even charged. In no way other than in her own imagination would the law or Joyce have forced Depp to sit with his wife. He chose to. To call it a win or lose game and one of extortion by Joyce is typical of New Corp reporting.
As for Tim Blair he was stating the obvious. Yes it was obvious Bevis what Bevis was doing and trying to be funny about it at the expense of however the LNP and Barnaby Joyce. But that's what Bevis has been doing daily ask Miranda. Depp really couldn't give a shit neither of these two slinging cheap shots even considered he was supporting his wife.

" First, a Liberal leader must unite his party and his Coalition, not try
to ram through positions that will split it. Any former Liberal leader
should know this." Bolt Abbott failed and was warned in Feb 2015
"No former Liberal leader should be in favour of expensive and useless
symbolic gestures, and especially ones that would also risk splitting
the Coalition."Bolt No no former leader did anything symbolic he sacked the CSIRO and every organization assisting the inevitable transition to renewables. Has Bolt mentioned the number of coal companies going bankrupt in this process of transition leaving taxpayers to clean up their mess?
Miranda Devine was correct when she said the likes of Andrew Bolt and Tim Blair were intent on destroying the Liberal Party their cause celebre the punishment of Malcolm Turnbull and the re-installment of Tony Abbott either before or after the election, no matter when. Why did Murdoch sneakily try to promote Abbott as a statesman but back off when caught out simple a cabal to destroy the ABC. Turnbull won't do it. So it's simply back to the drawing board how can we put Abbott back in the box short term long term it's of no consequence. Right wing antagonism division and fear serve the interests of the elite and are good for business anyway because that's where the money is.
No Peter BH Catherine McGregor who declares herself an ardent Abbott supporter actually you'd be a fool not to support Turnbull for re-election something Blair and Bolt don't say.
Bolt is Bolting = self aggrandizement "
Now, true, this is boasting" Bolt he even agrees. When there is a decline you never hear about it. There was never any Bolting about the The Bolt Report there was however a lot of apologies about why it was shifted. He even says he Bolts because nobody else does but he himself has always said he's not about crowing or winning he's about giving voice to the poor victimized conservatives out there. Does that have any sense of truth? I guess it was on Charlie Pickering's show which after all is a comedy.
"it takes nice people to bother to listen."Bolt .... A lesson never learnt.
Is McCrann really going to try to convince us the banks were the victims in the GFC and that's why the Australian government had to guarantee them or more clearly we had to guarantee them from collapse? That the banks in recent times have been hit by scandals after scandals regarding conflict of interest poor financial advice in transigence. Why did a bank refuse me in the first instance $7,500 in interest lost for not following my instructions . Then 2 years later urgently get in touch and offer it in order for me to not join a class action suit against it. Here we have McCrann arguing a case for the poor banks. There was no speedy ASIC action there was slow painstakingly slow action with a correction that only minimized my loss. Go Out on the streets and ask voters from any party and see who raises their hand in sympathy for the banks. We pay the Banks for service not to be serviced and I'm not a farmer. How many cases have we seen banks serving eviction notices on farmers but suddenly backing down when the media were involved. Banks sell products and services not in the best interest of the client but in the best interest of themselves products that they don't have an arms length interest in. McCrann knows that.

Yesterday Bolt was complaining that ship building was to be done in 2 places now he seems to show sympathy that it wasn't done in 3. Sorry not sympathy but pleasure. That pleasure is contained in his banner. It does go to show just how divided by self interest the LNP is and just how much the delcons are to publicize it. "But memo to Entsch: the shipbuilding project is not a work-creation
program. It’s a program to build the best defence for the least money -
or it should be." Didn't Abbott clearly change that?
Bolting= Banners for self aggrandizement only
Another lie by Bolt for Bolting sake. Facebook entered a civil conversation with Tim Wilson the post was reinstated." calling for a more respectful conversation on the divisive issue.
" Just what Bolt was talking about. No he's a dog with a bone and wants to be center stage. The above banner suits that purpose.
"Same-sex marriage has become a totemic issue for people claiming to be
more tolerant. It has become the excuse for them to show a frightening
intolerance of the freedoms of others." Bolt
What a meaningless statement this is same sex marriage adherents don't in any way want to prevent traditional marriage nor do they want to police what goes on in the bedroom as is Bolt's want. Bolt truely is yesterday's a peeping Tom, a gossip monger and a living caricature of a wowser. One who never dared to be progressive just bragged about it got caught out and had to apologize." I was a body guard for a belly dancer" is the best he could do to describe himself. A fantasist.

The real scoop Paul Murry and Andrew Bolt avoided the truth
"In a similar vein, in the last 30 years, there have been 10 occasions
when the tax to GDP ratio has been below 22.0 per cent of GDP and all
10 were under a Labor Government. To put simply, the Howard government
was a high taxer, while the current Labor Government is a lower taxer."
terms of government spending, there have been only five years in the
four decades leading up to 2012-13 when real government spending was cut
in real terms. None of those cuts were delivered by a Coalition
government. All five times that there has been a cut in real government
spending have been when a Labor government has framed and delivered the
budget. There were three years during the Hawke government in the late
1980s where government spending was cut in real terms and there have
been two occasions in the current Labor administration where such cuts
have occurred."

Devine is a leftist or at least a conservative harboring leftist
thoughts why because she disagrees with Andrew Bolt. Chris Mitchell
,Paul Kelly and others that work for News Corp are sort of ok but all
have leftist tendencies . Alan Jones at 2GB is suss as well because he's
not always on side. John Faine however is left of Mao . What do we have
in common here it's certainly not left or right bias it's who agrees
or disagrees with Andrew Bolt nothing more or nothing less. If Andrew
Bolt changes his mind the whole political landscape changes. Because
Bolt's a deluded conservative his vision is so narrow that 90 % of
Australia is Left. It's why I guess the ABC has 84% support while News
Corp is the least trusted media orgaization in the country. Not trusted
by 60% of Australians.
Here is the first lie which of course Bolt sources himself as evidence. "What an absurd defence to accusations from even a former ABC Media Watch host that ABC radio is (unlawfully) biased to the Left:" Jonathon
Holmes did not say the ABC was biased he said that ABC radio always
needs to try harder not to be because you always have arseholes like
Bolt permanent fixtures saying they are.
radio nearly let a Liberal fill in who pray tell is Amanda V and of
course all the others we don't ask who do you vote for but given some
80% of the media vote labour does not mean their not professional.
After all Bolt doesn't live his life asking that question of everyone he
meets and greets. Bolt is simply an example of non professional
personal opinion in the media. In a business that once prided itself on
delivering information and news to the Australian public but has in a
private capacity merely become an agent for propaganda 2GB and News Corp
the prime examples. Let's remind ourselves that we saw Andrew Bolt on
Charlie Pickering's show a comedy platform and Bolt acted as he always
does seriously un-funny. However I guess because Charlie intended it to
come across that way and reveal just how funny Bolt actually is. Strange
Bolt didn't notice and didn't call it biased. His wife did.
the Australian hero must be dimwitted to allow himself a boss like the
Pope. But Bolt thinks of him as a genius. Can he be both, a dimwitted
genius? Bolt's obviously not thinking clearly. The Vatican an
independent country has accepted 12 legal asylum seekers and like any
nation state can. The fact that 200 people drowned isn't predicated on
what the Vatican did. It is however caused by what's happening in
Somalia that makes people so desperate to make the riskiest of decisions
to board unsafe smugglers boats. But then Bolt is against all charity
whether accepting any asylum seekers because that's what encourages more
or even the conservative economic theory of trickle down pushed by
conservatives because that to encourages more hands out. Bolt simply
believes in the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest along
with property ownership,inheritance, social hierarchy and power
evolution not revolution because he wants his position and that of his
children kept safe. Everyone below him within and on the world's social
hierarchy are a potential threat particularly coloreds (blacks) and
Muslims but so too are the Chinese and Indians anyone not assimilated
into Bolt's system of belief in the White Western Christian Capitalist
structure needs a foot planted firmly on their necks.
is a klutz simplicity makes him one. Infra structure is not far more
complex than he makes out. Inland system doesn't require speed it
requires the improved ability to shift goods. The fast train has nothing
to do with shifting goods it's transport for people. Bolt it seems can
only absorb one thing time and his mind vaporizes when faced with the
slightest of complexities. However this isn't even about complexity.
Turnbull and his minister were talking about two different things.
future and current infrastructure needs.
Bolt's world where colour doesn't matter is awfully colored isn't it? " Oh, and Dillon corrects the Greens: no, Aboriginal prisoners are not more likely to die in jail. White prisoners are." Color
doesn't preclude people being right or wrong in their interpretation of
facts either. In this case Dillon is wrong and Bolt references him
because they are both wrong. Being black or being aboriginal isn't what
puts indigenous Australians at the bottom of all negative social indices
the fact that they are does. Health,unemployment,housing,education etc
is the worst their color and culture hasn't placed them there 227 years
of systemic prejudice, disadvantage and lack of opportunity in what
originally was a foreign system has.
Bolt really believe that he and his "best aboriginal mate" at school
were open to equal opportunities through the passage of time. Bolt often
tells us that his best mate was aboriginal. He never tells us what
happened to him. This isn't an equal opportunity world if your born
black it's not because of your blackness. Victimhood isn't something
your born with proof is in the eyes kids in school yards Bolt and his
mate. Victimization is something experienced over a protracted period of
time and is implicit within the social system your surrounded by. It
gets into your bones by osmosis. Ask women, LGBTIs & the
do we treat exceptions that overcome it as heroes Stan Grant Cathy
Freeman etc and call them role models because we implicitly know they
are exceptions and exceptions prove the rule in a racist society. Why is
Bolt no role model because he's ordinary and less than exceptional.
Mongering by a low flying IQ Andrew Bolt. What is preventing your
house being bombed at any time. After all it wasn't that long ago that a
Caulfield doctor's house was bombed and machine gunned on a regular
basis. Melbourne even knew who was doing it but nothing happened.
exist whether legal or illegal is Bolt suggesting prohibition or
regulation of all remote controlled items? Guns exist, explosive devices
exist, and remote controlled devices exist there isn't anything new
here to added risk. When aeroplanes were invented why weren't they
banned? You'd be a clown to suggest progress be halted and that we need
to do a 180 degree turn-a-round and go back to the future. Delcon
Conservatives do try to turn back the clock. However they also tend to
pull the alarmist card out on a regular basis don't they. Why do they
constantly try to drag us into their half empty cup world? It's
politically advantageous to keep us afraid and policed read Goebells or
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