Andrew Bolt's Blog,15/4/16; Identity Politics by Andrew Bolt and female liars; Bolt's government; Bolt recalls the Camel Train, Bolt wants his kids to fight ISIS; Clive isn't the only problem; Tim Blair isn't slightly funny; The end of Rock and Roll; Politicians keep the country stagnant; Rape,Kidnapping, and Bolt
How much of a self centered, self conscious a wank is this. A man without empathy for others is trying almost begging it from his audience. They after his moderating become his mirror on the wall. His flatters to pamper his ego. Unfortunately they aren't good enough. He craves the the admiration of those he thinks are his betters. "I’d probably expose myself as a bit of a philistine, or someone who buys art as much for the biography as the picture." He's lost for words"They give me a happy." Maudlin and drunk it would seem. what on earth does "They give me a happy." even mean? Does he think he's channeling Van Gogh? He certainly telling us all he can spend $5-$7 K at the drop of a hat even without permission from his wife. However he certainly doesn't feel he stands on equal ground with the cognoscenti. Pls Pls will someone admire me someone I think is worthwhile.
The problem with watercolors is they they are hung behind glass and it the same problem with pastels and charcoal. Glass is reflective and emphasizes a separation between the art and the viewer.

Don't say journalism is dead Bolt works his Butt off to hide the truth
Firstly it was a "Misdemeanour Battery Charge" Bolt say it as is dont' change the quote!!
" A ludicrous media beat-up exposed:" "
What’s the bet that if this video footage hadn’t surfaced that the media
would have continued it’s crazed campaign to portray Lewandowski as a
State Attorney David Aronberg a Democrat up for re-election confirmed the decision at a press conference. Bolt rather than praise the decision chose to dance on the heads of not just the media but the police. Process means nothing to him if against his side.
His lack of respect for due process is further exemplified by his opinion of an accusation of rape put forward by an African refugee. Bolt's opinions driven by little more than the fact the accuser was a Refugee, African and black. Isn't Bolt the guy that rails against identity politics that due process ought be equal for everyone. Not in this case he even becomes an expert on grand mal seizures to prove is case
"The latest refugee atrocity story presented by Fairfax seems to me to include an inherent improbability:
I am not saying the rape did not happen. I am saying that it seems very unusual when you see what a seizure looks like."
Notice he leaves a get out clause at the very end of his accusation "I am not saying the rape did not happen." It's the way most victims of rape have been treated in the past needing to be mentally raped by a disbeliever like Bolt to prove their case yet again before even all the facts and evidence are collected. How different would it be if it was his daughter.
Not Bolt's Blog Peter BH's cut and paste.
So we need to understand who Bolt's approved government is first and foremost it's not the Turnbull government. So another turn around and takeover by the extreme conservative right of the Liberal party is needed first. This minority if they formed their own party would have the impact of Clive Palmer's Party so they don't have the balls to do that they'd prefer to wreck the current government if necessary.
According to Laura Tingle the polls aren't trending down because Abbott and Murdoch are assuring us the Liberal Party is divided but because in it's current form it hasn't direction because the props have fallen out. Strange when a reporter claims to be on the ball conveniently forgets how the Business Council of Australia publicly announced it's loss of confidence in the Abbott government's economic qualifications " It is hard to remember a government that has gone into an election
campaign so ill-prepared to persuade voters to give it another chance." So Bolt's blog is yet again telling us to VOTE LABOR for Abbott's revenge
Peter Brent says "In his apparent attempts to turn the polls, Turnbull is in danger of shrinking, Rudd-like, in the eyes of voters." However the only person to have Rudd qualities without the popularity is Abbott backed by Murdoch to have him reinstalled by alarming the the Liberal marginals. If Abbott is reinstalled it's goodbye Government for another 8 years.In defence of Abbott: for the 'delcons', electoral victory doesn't matter
What was it Bolt said to Charlie Pickering? " you need to throw ideas around and argue about them sensibly" Bolt's banner Turnbull’s train to nowhere certainly indicates the sense of a brick. Then Peter BH his troll takes over for him cutting and pasting consevative opinions other than Bolt's. But guess who these usual suspects are The Australian, & Quadrant but not the Spectator. "For a start it has three times the population in one twelfth the
territory and 13 times more tourists. That makes it easier to get the
passengers. But even then its TGV fast trains cost money." This is their argument against a fast train basically it's too expensive. Well there is no suggestion of fast trains criss crossing the Australia just our East coast Melb-Sydney-Cnberra. We have 1 mill Chinese tourists and an industry that's growing and in need of investment. So their argument on tourism is a little hollow. because the conversation is over 2500 km in the most populated territory of Australia. Currently Melb - Sydney is the worlds most used and expensive air route so it's not as if there is no demand and it's growing.
These luddites fondly remember the trains that once built this country the Muslim Afghan Camel Trains and seem to want them back as long as their not Muslim of course. Any wonder these guys cheered the bandaged monster Tony Abbott created the NBN that has now reduced us to the 60TH fastest internet provider in the world. Also his dismantling of the CSIRO that will make us one of the dumbest as well. But then Conservatives prefer dumbing down electorates.

" Bono’s a clown. So why doesn’t he go in first?:" Wow coming from Bolt this is hard to swallow. Bolt is and has been the first to say not enough has been done about ISIS, that more bombing and boots on the ground were necessary. Has he put his hand up to go? Has he offered to have his sons sent to the front line no way!! Bolt wonders why the US is interested in Bono and what he has to say. He believes Tony Abbott is interested in what he thinks and is prepared to listen to him after all they are mates. Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black. "As for that other claim, that the pen is mightier than the sword, Islamist terrorists have answered that themselves:"Bolt So I guess Bolt is about to put down his pen and he and his sons are going to try join the ADF or bomb the offices of Hizb ut Tahrir?
No I think he'll stick with the pen his weapon of choice.
All these questions raised now were never really regulated where they? If the government forced company directors to be more responsible for the losses they incurred in the same way the government they want to treat unions all hell would break loose. What tends to happen the taxpayer funds the losses. The greatest example of that being the bailout of Goldman Sachs by the American taxpayers. They were recently fined $5.1 bill a trivial amount given the chaos created. Standard and Poors Moodies the co-conspirators in the GFC were fined nothing and noone was prosecuted. ‘Vampire squid’ bank Goldman Sachs escapes with token fine for causing GFC
It's well and good for the IPA and Bolt asking the question but that's not providing the obvious answer. When economies are doing well and business is profiting it does not suggest that all business is doing the same or honestly. The greatest losses to the community are due to white collar crime and tax evasion yet the least prosecutions occur in that area and it's the least equipped to police it. So simply asking the question of Palmer isn't addressing the question at all. It's just targeting someone they dislike.
Bolt appeared on Charlie Pickering's comedy show laughing and giggling but wasn't at all funny.
Now Tim Blair seems to suggest he was with Turnbull at last year's AFL Grand final and watched him for 3 hours up close and personal. It seems Blair wasn't actually there and overlooks the fact the game can be watched perfectly from inside the members stand. I doubt if Blair even watched it on TV. He seems to have struggled for six months to construct this conservative anti-joke. It's a reminder that he might be better off doing a Bolt when the word joke comes up he quickly says "I don't do jokes" and laughs. I can't at any time recall either of these buffoons as being comedically funny. They are however hilarious when not trying.
Bolt's work ethic Yesterday's blog re published and called honest labour
Heaven help us all!! Isn't this what the conservative world said to the first strains of Jazz and Rock and Roll? It was the devils music played by the sons of satan. Music that was certain to corrupt our youth and send the to hell? " Are Victoria’s children safe with the Andrews Government?" This sounds like a Dutch Fundamentalist what a Calvinist, Amish or Islamist preacher would say rather than rational reasoning of professionals in the field. However, the BRR (Building Respectful Relationships) program acculturates children to sexualise
themselves and their peers, presenting adolescent sexuality as the norm. " " children are used in a role-playing exercise so psychologically harmful they may need to “de-role” afterwards. Yes in Bolt's world "It's only Rock and Roll but I like it" is more medieval. More extreme even that the blinkered parents of the 50s who condoned the belt and believed priests were saintly. Does Bolt still copulate in the dark and only to procreate as Irish Catholics were once told? Does his wife simply obey and have no say. Bolt the traditionalist remembers those good old days fondly when threat of domestic violence in biblical proportions was enough.
"Yet Daniel Andrews’s government has funded another program in
schools that encourages adults to sexualise children and expose them to
sexually explicit materials…"What sex education has Bolt personally delivered to his kids? The internet and the wifi world of porn and sexting no doubt.
" Do Queenslanders realise that this money must be repaid? That this cannot go on and there will be hell to pay?"
How is it private enterprise can have debt coming out of it's ears and the tax payer pays yet Bolt say nothing. A government accrues debt the sky is falling in because of risk to the taxpayer. For Bolt business should be less regulated but governments ideally privatized run in much the same way as corporations for profit. In fact Bolt should be cheering because "the Palaszczuk Labor government confirmed it was again turning to government-owned business to park borrowings." The LNP sold Medibank and what happened the new CEO got a $5mill extra wage package and premiums went up 5%. If the wages of the other top executives went up did they sack 100+ people to justify this economically wise move? We should be thankful Qld is transitioning back to a non privatized system of business and jobs. Newman had a fire sale which cost the state money.We once had a State Bank in Vic. We sold it in a fire sale. Now look how at the profits we lost.
" the 60 Minutes team in Beirut, in jail after an incredibly foolhardy attempt to kidnap two children in a custody dispute:
" Bolt yesterday
"The latest refugee atrocity story presented by Fairfax seems to me to include an inherent improbability:" Bolt today
There is a simple difference and a disgusting one here. Bolt's banner and today's comment is "alleged" and "improbable. However he didn't give the Ch 9 crew the same courtesy he and literally declared them "guilty"
"I am not saying the rape did not happen. I am saying that it seems very unusual when you see what a seizure looks like." Bolt
Bolt can say this and in the same breathe has no idea what an epileptic seizure looks like. 1) A rapist is not having the seizure and is fully conscious 2) The impact of a seizure is so severe the epileptic remains limp and unconscious for several minutes after. 3) Rape of an unconscious person is easy but any statement from a refugee highly doubtful according to Bolt why? Because they are a refugee. He hates identity politics and profiling doesn't he because we are fundamentally all equal and that the delcon ideology.
Yesterday Bolt ran his own personal kangaroo court and declared the Ch9 crew guilty as has it would seem Hezbolla run Beirut
" the 60 Minutes team in Beirut, in jail after an incredibly foolhardy attempt to kidnap two children in a custody dispute:
Today he's backed down to "if" and "attempted" typical of Bolt and his flim flam reporting
" I’d expect sackings if it turns out that 60 Minutes did indeed fund this attempted kidnapping:" Bolt
There would be more justice served in the sacking of Bolt than the crew of 60 minutes because Bolt serves up opinion as news or put simply fraud and misinformation as truth
The difference is between a single incident or general policy one needs to ask whether a mistake in judgement is the equivalent to running a continued scam like a Nigerian internet con. Ch 9's 60 minutes may have made a serious mistake on this issue. However Andrew Bolt runs a scam propaganda sold as news to his Australian audience. Given that surely Bolt deserves the sack and News Corp served with a class action suit for fraud? Bolt's his work for neither the Herald Sun News Paper nor Sky News will ever be what it purports to be news or information. It's fact-less opinion packaged as news or otherwise fraud. The case of a mistake, a bad judgement call is not intent to deceive no Ch 9 is not in the business of child stealing. However Bolt runs under accepted policy to defraud and that is the business of theft.
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