Saturday, 16 April 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/4/16; Bolt proves he is a racist; Merkel believes in the seperation of Law and State Bolt doesn't it's what makes him a fascist; Devine says Bolt, Blair, Abbott and Delcons would prefer to burn the house down than vote Turnbull; Bolt says anyone but Falinsky in Mackellar and proves Devine right; Bolt's Racism depends on calling the Police Racist Liars; Bolt really believes he's a productive worker just because he pays tax. He is a fool's fool;

In defence of Abbott: for the 'delcons', electoral victory doesn't matter 


" Encouraged in their delusions by a lucrative new industry of talking heads, whose bread and butter is political turmoil, the delcons have decided they want the Liberal Party to go down in flames." Devine

"the delcons in question included colleagues of Devine’s from News, like Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt, who have been railing against Turnbull ever since he struck down Abbott, the great tribune of the hard right." Wilson

" Abbott had the hard right locked in, but he was electoral poison. Turnbull had a honeymoon with the voters at large, but core conservatives have hated him from day one."Wilson

Andrew Bolt says he is more indigenous than any Australian born after him . A Delusional Hypocright Conservative

"For Devine, the danger presented by the delcons is that in helping Abbott to white-ant his successor, they risked gifting the upcoming election to Bill Shorten." Devine



Bolt loses Mackeller to Turnbull's man the moderate Falinsky. Bishop  a conservative goes down  in flames and  Bolt screams victory but his dog Villatora ran last.

 Miranda Devine is totally right conservatives are acting insane suicidal in fact and have been since Abbott fell off the hay wagon. "One by one, picking them off. Who is next?" What time does Bolt start drinking there is never an end to debate by Bolt it's only win at all cost. There is never resolution to Bolt's argument he's the black knight in a Monty Python skit. it's win or destroy everything. There is nothing civilized it's steal the bat and stop the game.





Never mind the boats. What of the tens of thousands coming by plane?

" I actually think there are more serious concerns with Islam than Barnes seems to allow, but other migrant groups are also forming near colonies here, thanks to mass migration. As I said this week, these could also prove dangerous." Bolt

Is Bolt a distorter "" I actually think there are more serious concerns with Islam than Barnes seems to allow" Barnes explicitly states he has no concerns with Islam but he certainly does with the likes of Bolt

"This isn’t about cultures and religions clashing, despite ignorant stirrers of both left and right whipping up frenzies of hatred around Islam and Muslims as a visible minority."Barnes 

"It’s about whether we’re doing enough to promote acceptance, respect and tolerance of newcomers," Barnes This is everything Bolt opposes at any cost. Bolt wants Muslim migration to Australia stopped.

"migrant groups are also forming near colonies here, thanks to mass migration. As I said this week, these could also prove dangerous." Bolt

"Mass migration" is a term applied to  the EU Asylum Seekers coming by boat to Australia have stopped. Seems every time Bolt opens his mouth it's racial. Asian communities are dangerous. They are filling our schools, universities and suburbs in the same way Greeks,  Italians and Jews did . So Bolt's issue is racial because not all Asians are Muslims and the majority coming here aren't. You are a very ugly Australian Mr Bolt.Migration programme statistics





Merkel surrenders free speech to Turkey

Strange this talk is coming from the man who requested  the comedians on the ABC should be fired prosecuted or made to formally apologize for a similar joke. When it happened Bolt who claims to be a free speech advocate applauded. How hypocritical can Bolt get. How big is this loner's ego?

 Merkel didn't import 1mill illegal immigrants so in the eyes of the world she allowed 1 mill people to claim legal asylum with no guarantee all will be accepted or resettled. With that Bolt becomes the extreme right wing wind bag he is.

"Remember when this hypocrite marched in the “Je suis charlie” protests against the Islamist massacre of Charlie Hebdo writers and cartoonists, vowing to defend free speech?" Bolt

What was the Charlie Hebdo march really about a protest against terrorism or has Bolt overlooked that?

 “I want to stress again what was stressed yesterday – we have the fundamental values in the constitution and that includes article 5, which is the freedom of opinion, freedom of science and of course, the freedom of art,” she said when asked about a complaint filed by Tayyip Erdoğan against Jan Böhmermann on Monday. Merkel

"Under paragraph 103 of the German criminal code, which concerns insults against organs or representatives of foreign states, the comedian could potentially face a jail sentence of up to five years." Guardian

The decision is not Merkel's but German Law nor is it the decision of right wing protestors like Bolt in Germany or elsewhere. They seem to still be a minority.


Turnbull desperate for a message that isn’t a line for Labor

So Miranda Devine was perfectly right in declaring Delcons like Bolt and Blair would prefer to see the destruction of the LNP than have Turnbull continue as it's leader.  However in one breathe Bolt is calling the current Turnbull party unchanged apart from it's leader in the other he's declaring it a leftist party. He can't have both as much as he'd like to. The minority right wing and conservatives in the party certainly didn't unite the party when Abbott was leader and they are determined to divide it now.

So according to Bolt the banks have only been allegedly greedy and fraudulent while the unemployed and those on NDIS are greedy and fraudulent. That the PM should have backed the banks shows Bolt simply has no regard for principles only his side. Turnbull was right to state the obvious. However Bolt is calling for his supporters to VOTE LABOR because they are the only party to have learnt any lessons from the past. Miranda is spot on who needs the Delcons?Miranda Devine: Tony Abbott lovers call me the Wicked ...

 The conservatives must be crazy - Daily Telegraph

 "Yes, these are conservatives, willing a Liberal rout." Devine



Where is Antigone now?

 "But to leave her brother unburied was for Antigone a crime against the basic natural laws of humanity."

What are the natural laws of humanity? Policing the poor and handicapped it would seem from the blog above. Survival of the fittest isn't one obviously as Bolt believes in inheritance and property. The nuclear family a development of the Industrial Revolution and accompanying urbanization. Why were these changes acceptable they meant changing relationships over time and laws to accommodate those changes were made in all cultural institutions to accommodate them as well. Why is the notion of marriage equality any different. Polgamy was and is acceptable in communities in which it has social benefits for all concerned and  in particular those poor and agrarian cultures. Bolt never mentions that second wives often come with the burden of second families to support and aren't all as depraved as Bolt makes them out to be. There are no proven "natural laws dictating how societies exist reality is has and will be a continuing social construction and yes at times Revolution necessary. The formation of Modern day China a living example of the reconstruction of reality of hundreds of millions of poverty stricken lives

This is all codswallop nobody is disallowing any body to deny their moral stance there is no reverse prejudice it is the request of those prejudiced   against by little more than man made traditions to acknowledged their rights as equals in the eyes of the law. They aren't asking to be recognized as the same at all nor are they attempting to destroy tradition. Well Mr Bolt one only needs to look at history and Anthropology to realize that in Greece that civilization we  claim the birth place of Democracy pedophilia was an acceptable tradition. Further the divorce rate is so much higher in heterosexual family units than in any studies of equal sex coupling.

 A same-sex couple is the same as a man and a woman; male and female is an illusion; an unborn baby has a right to life only when her mother grants her that right; children may be taken from their natural parents for the gratification of adults; and anyone who opposes these schemes may, for their intolerance and bigotry, be ridiculed, sacked, fined, imprisoned, and, most sinister by far, re-educated.  



"The country was in the grip of a budget emergency, as decreed by the new government, and the bosses in charge of the NDIS were stunned by the dawning realisation that the thing they were meant to deliver was bigger and uglier than they had prepared for."


The first lie in 2014 Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey declared the budget was "fixed" the panic was over.

Bolt's belief is people can't be trusted unless of course they are rich. He believes that the dole bludgers are extensive and need policing and weeding out. He believes NDIS persons are also untrustworthy persons that need heavy policing. Yet when Abbott said the financial crisis was over  he declared him a liar. The lie is patently obvious here if the budget was repaired then an inherited problem no longer existed why because the world was fixed and Abbott and Hockey said it was. If it's broken again it can't have been inherited again from the previous government it can only have been inherited from the conservative LNP unless of course they were liars in the first place

So all Bolt needed to do is go back 30 or 40 years and pick any Labor policy and say it was the reason the economy is  in trouble today. But Bolt avoids explaining why unemployment has fallen and GDP is up. So may be he's doing some creative lying.


Envy of the rich and greed for someone else’s money is killing us

Why are the rich getting richer and the poor poorer Andrew Bolt all the statistics show the wealth gap is in fact increasing. Even your heroic boss Rupert has declared it America's and the world's biggest problem. I don't hear you calling him a bleeding heart fool.

" Around the world there’s a disgust with the economic system that’s actually lifted billions of people to unprecedented wealth and health:"

Doesn't Bolt  have a concept of change it was called the Industrial Revolution not the Industrial Evolution Bolt which gave birth to Capitalism .  Yes it did deliver wealth to some however it carried with it the built in contradictions that we are now seeing destroying  that system of economic relationships. They seem to have come to an end and wealth is now concentrated in the hands of 1%. Largely Transnational Corporations that have no national loyalties other than their shareholders.

 "In Australia there’s that same destructive envy and greed, kicking at the very foundations of the only economic system that can deliver the riches demanded."

Envy and greed  are Bolt's description of the increasing economic hardship families are facing today and the shrinking of the middle class that power house of labor and spending the drove the economy. One family member once earn't enough to support a family of 4. Today 2 members find it difficult to do. So Bolt with his head in the sand denies what in fact is happening. Graduates are being sold a false promise taking 5 years after graduation to find full time employment and are loaded with debt. It's changing the nature of Bolt's treasured notion of a traditional family. Hasn't he noticed that kids are staying at home longer until 27  even longer if married. That housing is becoming smaller because that "traditional family home" unless turned into a commune is no longer affordable and he calls that wealth.

"And, yes, there is a culture of greed, but it’s not capitalism or capitalists alone who are to blame. Capitalism is just a tool, for a start, and socialists are just as greedy - not least for power."

No Bolt your evolution is fast turning into revolution because information is so much freer today. We can see the life styles of the rich and famous their excesses corruption, fraud and lack of productivity.   Excesses  not born of work but inherited wealth and  today  from non productive interest and undeserved welfare and corruption to maintain it. Clive Palmer isn't a one off rogue he represents a class and the Panama Papers reveal that.  We saw  in the wrongful  entitlements Abbott's LNP hurriedly paid back and in companies like your mining heroes who abandon their promised to restoration of the land back to what it was before they destroyed it.  They comfortably leave you and me to clean  it up  leaving the needy without hospital beds in the process. 

 Babies aren't born greedy the visibility that  smokescreen deceiving people into believe their state of increasing poverty was fair and normal  is lifting.  Questions of fairness and human rights are being asked by more and more people. The USA that once sold the American Dream is seriously leading the way to change so much so even News Corp can't hold it back. The smokescreen you've been peddling has had it's day Bolt

"The fact is that Australians collectively are greedy - greedy for government spending we cannot afford and handouts we didn’t earn. That is what’s dragging us down.  " Bolt

You are a paid hack an unproductive worker  the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke about to burst.  Your working like all Laborers for the likes of Clive Palmer. Rupert Murdoch's morality is no different it's his bottom line. We have seen him wriggle ,squirm do any deal even throwing staff  to the police to protect himself.  Your deluded in some belief that he's a peoples hero. Strange thing is even Murdoch has said of America if there isn't a closing of the wealth and income gaps in the USA there will be an end to the nation as the world knows it and it's happening live on TV for the world to see despite the pathetic efforts of the Andrew Bolt's to tell us otherwise.



We have a problem with African crime and the police should say so


Identity Politics the core of Bolt's approach has to start with calling the police liars otherwise he has no argument. If they specifically say Apex is a multiracial  gang with the majority of kids Australian it has to be false for Bolt to be true. If two kids are "percieved" to be "African" and not just "black" and one " colour not specified" then does that allows Bolt to jump to the conclusion the Apex gang with some 200 members  to be an African gang? That sounds very much like racist logic to me. 

 Once when the word "black" was used the inference Bolt automatically made was they were Indigenous Australians. Now there's been a shift to blame Africans why because they are migrants.  The Apex gang is a gang of in the main school kids and not men but that apparently makes no difference to Bolt.

Bolt constantly attempts to suggest there is an escalation of crime in Melbourne and all due to the African community. All his accusations  however are done from a safe distance he would never consider approaching those he's accusing himself because his conclusions were fixed long ago by his anti-multicultural and Aryan like stance.  Focusing  on only black crime leads Bolt to the conclusion he want's. Yes blacks do commit crimes too.  Had he focused on white crime and violence he could well have drawn the same conclusion or one that said New Zealanders were the criminals of Australia. As 50% of Australians have a familial migrant connection. We should send all migrants home even those born here having dual passports. That would no doubt include this Dutchman


"Most of the African offenders will be refugees or the children of refugees."

"Which again raises the question: who imported this danger? Why?"



What kind of party do Liberals want? Of backstabbers? Faction puppets? Labor-liters?

 Liberals in Mackellar must today choose 

What Andrew Bolt has to say about the front runner  Mr Falinsky with 44 votes of the possible 96.

"A vote for Falinksy, though, would be a vote for lousy political judgement and values that belong better with Labor. It would also cement the deadly grip of faction bosses who are strangling their own party:  "

What Andrew Bolt says about Bronwyn Bishop who has 35 votes

"Do Liberals really want to be represented in Parliament by a woman who for many voters symbolises disloyalty and a sense of entitlement? Do they really want to be represented by a creature of faction bosses who has sneered at election-winning Liberal values?"

What Andrew Bolt says about his dog in this race 
Which leaves Villatora: 

Who has 15 votes to date






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