Bolt applies his Cherry picking news the day after Malcolm Turnbull made his speech celebrating gun control in Australia. I wonder why? Yes selectively cherry picking and targeting crimes with an Islamic connection. Bolt won't be making any apologies to the Muslim community as he did on his Report either.
You can't teach Andrew Bolt

Bolt's not being sarcastic because he knows what he writes is in the main useless and has little to do with reality or in particular history.. "
"Someone who is said to "live in cloud cuckoo land" is a person
who thinks that things that are completely impossible might happen,
rather than understanding how things really are. It also hints that the person referred to is naïve, unaware of realities or deranged in holding such an optimistic belief."
Abbott will be reinstalled or we'll tear the house down.
I think it's appropriate that Pat Dodson have his say on the matter not Bolt have his say for him. After all as Pat said "we live in a Democracy"
Is this sentance some sort of Dutch English by Andrew Bolt?
"And treat with derision the way reporters bestow the word “respected” to
people whose chief virtue actually lies in saying with the reporter
Bolt has always lead us to believe there is no racial differential among Australian citizens. When Prof Dodson supported Abetz's right to opinion Bolt seems strangely disgusted
"Bad taste. Inappropriate. Embarrassing." However it's not clear who it is he's referring to Gryls for walking out, Edman for tweeting, Barnett for apologising or Dodson
"defending a Liberal backbencher’s democratic right to make a “bad taste” speech. Knowing Bolt one would assume it was Dodson because a reporter called him "respected".
Abetz and Bolt seem to be to have taken up the racial cudgel by not only stereotyping Dodson for his "difference" having Aboriginal heritage but some how not abiding by their expert knowledge of the purity of Aboriginal Culture . Bolt is known for his superior knowledge of "men's business" If Stan Grant enters Parliament will they also be saying the same of him that he to is unrepresentative of his peoples and therefore has no more right to speak for Aboriginal people than Andrew Bolt? Bolt certainly has no right to be a spokesman for his mythical Australian Culture which he never truly identified with, his words not mine or even clearly identifies with now. Sounds like a heap of racist bullshit to me.
"Mr Abetz gave a speech against same-sex marriage, suggesting it was
not in line with traditional Aboriginal social values and raising Prof
Dodson’s Catholic background."
No it may not but this would.
The welfare figure is is towards the higher end and one published by Murdoch's Daily Telegraph.
" honest picutre of our soaring debt?" Hungover Bolt it doesn't get better as you go further down the page.
So Nothing much at all is being said here other than all governments are dependent on Treasury forecasts. Is troll Peter BH suggesting Treasury should be sacked, privatized or forecast how much the wealthy class steals from us? Hockey never used Treasury he went private and used IPA friends to do his forecasting. They would never have looked into what we lose each year (above). Is the troll suggesting that private forecasters are less biased or less easily manipulated than Treasury? I believe below is a better picture of management truth but it's a very inconvenient one for the LNP.

Bolt reminding us of the Rainbow Warrior. Anti Multiculturalist against Asian's and their setting up "self-sustaining communities" one day and pro Multiculturalism the next Japan and Australia are closer. If there was a war with China Bolt would call for all those wit French heritage to be interned. He's a real swinger is our Bolt.
"In general, Australian taxpayers can’t afford to be bilked by global military manufacturers of note." Adam Crichton for Bolt
As for being Bilked Abbott was going to build us the best NBN communication system he has built one out of scrap for more than the ALPs and it's dropped us from 3th to 60th in the world and made us a laughing stock in terms of IT. Now that's money well spent on helping not only National Security but all our institutions to go backwards. Abbott's reduced us to the age of two can and a piece of string. As for what is and isn't pork-barreling is a ludicrous question is Politics.
This was a much funnier piece of comedy Pickering setting Bolt up
on The Weekly. Guess who is the joke! Was this cruel? Bolt's wife predicted the stunt and Andrew didn't even notice.

Like Bolt's interview with George Pell it was neither live nor an interview but a public relations exercise to cleanse and whitewash Tony Abbott. The interview ended with " What a nice Guy". Andrew Bolt asked Abbott if he hasn't heard the ground swell of the electorate crying for him to return. Rupert Murdoch took Abbott to the Alfalfa Club annual lunch in Atlanta so he could accidentally run into President Obama shake hands and be photographed. To hen be written up by Simon Benson as having been asked to the meeting of the powerful men who missed him. Unfortunately he was sprung and the inconvenient truth was out.Murdoch was there and took Abbott as his guest to this $200 per head lunch and the inevitable accidental meeting. The excercise by News Corp to also cleanse and whitewash Tony Abbott. The push simply continues and Miranda Devine was right. It's the delusion of the conservative right of the Liberal Party to bring Abbott back or exact revenge. The classic of the tail trying to wag the dog.Media Watch: Beating up the banquet (08/02/2016
"Abbott set the bar high for Malcolm Turnbull in dealing with the closing
of the Manus detention centre by Papua New Guinea. He ruled out sending
the 900 men to Manus with a simple “nope” and insisted they stay in
PNG, as PNG’s responsibility."Bolt
Yes it does seem as if Bolt is hungover. The 900 men Andrew Bolt are currently on Manus so it's obvious to blind Freddy that they won't be sent there. Your not a news man or commentators butt plug. You and Abbott set the high bar on the ground with that faux performance last night peddling with the pollie" what a nice guy he is"
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