Andrew Bolt's Blog, 5/5/16; This is an excercise in Envy by yesterday's man; The dumbing down of America; Fairness is evnvy according to Bolit; Bolt would never have the presance to do Hard Chat; Blomberg Freed Speech from distortion and liars; Aalesmeer where beliefs surpassed law and murder acceptable in killing Jews;
" These scandals reflect the decline of these once great parties, now
the playthings of small cabals of powerbroker/lobbyists whose aim is to
ensure that politicians are chosen not on merit but for their factional
Bolt instead of pitching in seems to take delight telling the world that revenge is nigh. How accurate was Miranda Devine when she labelled Andrew Bolt a Delcon. It's either reinstall Abbott or we'll destroy the party and take it over in opposition.

"Another to suffer the Curse of Abbott. Peter Hendy’s house was where the plotters met just before they decided to pull the trigger on the Turnbull coup.

What has occurred is not anything to do with free speech but more an effort to capture and control speech. Who has the resources and power to do so. Martine Delaney having the least resources to do so. The power of the church coupled with the power of mainstream media far out weigh what LGBTs are able to do. Given these conditions the notion of free speech is a farce what Bolt is an advocate for is the ability to capture and control the narrative furthering their interests. So yes we do need free speech and that can only be achieved by Section 18C. The ABC and Independant Media when the public narrative is simply filled by the voice of Corporate media giants like News Corp and Fairfax.

Nothing here about Abbott simply not liked or wanted. His personality rating scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Both Barnes and Bolt apologists for Abbott seem to believe it sufficient that Abbott has said sorry and will yet again change. However history tells us this is little more than propaganda. Bolt pickup Barnes to tell us yet again Turnbull has less character than Abbott but avoids mentioning he has twice the appeal of Abbott. However that Abbott doesn't care. We are fully aware of all of this that Abbott would be happy to see Turnbull lose simply to be able to say "I told you so"

Just an ad for the Spectator
But one that Bolt failed to read
"These scandals reflect the decline of these once great parties, now
the playthings of small cabals of powerbroker/lobbyists whose aim is to
ensure that politicians are chosen not on merit but for their factional
It talks about the Delcons or Conservatives who are supported by News Corp and the IPA who try to influence the Liberal pre-selections as we have seen Bolt do quite often recently with little success. As I said Bolt wouldn't have promoted David Flints article had it not just about subs.

Bolt references an article that called the PM coy or guarded. Bolt has turned that on it's head and called it a tangled trainwreck. However in the evidence Bolt presents the PM cleary states he hasn't been provided with the specifics. The Treasury projection were only mid term and not for a decade. If that's the case wasn't Speers not listening or just ambushing the PM. It' something you'd expect from Bolt but not Speers.
"what it has done is set out a medium term outlook which takes
account of the company tax cut and all the other tax arrangements,” "cost of just under $5 billion over the forward estimates it is unclear what the plan will cost over the decade.
So any question by Speers on accuracy of decade figures is fatuous Turnbull answered it. He doesn't know because treasury didn't provide figures over a decade. That's plain speaking in anybody's terms. So Bolt is just being Bolt and ignoring what he has chosen not to hear. He's certainly not a listener and he is definitely a distorter. He twists and distorts whatever was said to fit his prearranged conclusion. There he is well known for being loose with the facts.
If the ABC catches polly waffle Bolt goes red and froths at the mouth. David Speers however is on his side and it's not Tony Abbott he's talking to. Bolt has in no way been supported by economist's reviews of the LNP budget and like he does with Climate Science he loos for the 3% of scientists that might back him. On budget night he showed himself to be an alarmist the day after a bigger one the day after that he found some outlier support. Here he's really just attacking the PM over something he clearly said he didn't know.
You can't beat this for a PM's response it went viral and global.
And Bolt excused him for it How about Abbott's declaration today that he was handed a brown paper bag with $5000 in it. He had to think before acting. He didn't out who did it. He rang Bill Heffernan and asked "what should I do?" and even today we don't know the outcome? Is this man intelligent enough for Andrew Bolt. Will stay shtum or reveal this as an Abbott virtue?
Let's here from someone who wasn't a Rhodes Scholar and make Abbott and Bolt seem such dipsticks.

Here is the lie that goes against all the research ever done by criminologists in Capitalist countries where class differences exist. Sentances are discounted according to ones class. The consequences of fines that are the same differ in their severity according to class. Consideration is being given to rearranging this because Indigenous Australian are jailed for simply being poor and unable to pay fines.
" But do not presume the legal system favors those who rule there:"
Firstly I'd hope that if the character reference had been written by Andrew Bolt the judge would have been perceptive enough to realize Bolt has been found guilty of many things the truth not one. I'd take the reference of a plumber any day.
What is Bolt saying here that class differences aren't reflected in our court system? That it's not reflected in the costs involved in defense. That they don't exist when it comes to sentencing? That mitigating circumstances heard after the judgement is made don't come into play? The court system is not a level playing field. Yes in this case had the person involved not had the references he had the sentence would have been significantly different. What's surprising that the charge even made it to court in the first place.
" What is the moral difference between a kidnapper and someone who hires him? Channel Nine may have to stump up yet more cash."
These days according to Bolt the father's a kidnapper the mother is a kidnapper as are everybody concerned. Nobody is a good guy in any of this. Yet Bolt is morally insulted and cut by the whole event. No Bolt has simply taken an unfortunate "failure to recover " children,the Australian law says were kidnapped, and use them to simply go after a media competitor Ch9. Last week he called the father a Hezbollah terrorist that Ch9 were paying. He dropped that line very quickly because it made the "failed recovery" attempt seem too heroic. So no the father is now just a money grubbing evil man and CH9 is once again the failed "kidnappers". It's now a better look to slime them those bastards who broke Lebanese law which Bolt cares so much about?
Bolt had the gall to get Whittington's mother on his show but he made a very unsympathetic mistake he called her son a kidnapper to her face which when she appeared pained as if Bolt had slapped her and she instantly refuted him. He knew he'd fucked up and remained silent and sent her on her way. Immediately after that is mate Gerard Henderson also corrected him and Bolt moved on again. It's not a tin ear Bolt has but" failed recovery " doesn't fit his want to attack his media competitor 60 minutes a tall poppy show that so out rates anything Bolt has ever and will ever do.

" His victory is an astonishing revolt against the political and media
class, and even against his own party. It’s a warning of how despised
the elite and its pieties are becoming."
What a lot of rot Bolt talks that Trump revolted against the "media class". Trump was made by the media because yes he was good for their business. Fox News and Rupert Murdoch gave him more time and attention than any other politician in the country and big chunk of that time for free. Couple that with the time social media gave Trump and your watching the dumbing and numbing down of politics and democracy in a nation live. Reality TV turned to politics when everybody across the country knew who Trump is but not everyone new the others. Trump was married to media and the media was eager to show him off as their brassy platinum Karadashian. Bernie on the other hand was paid little or no attention by either the press or TV and clawed himself up sponsored by millions of small donations from the people. Imagine if he was given half the publicity Trump got.
It's a sad state of affairs when the Republican nominee race looked more like the Hunger Games than a true political event. But never mind you ain't seen nothing yet. The real money is about to be thrown into the ring and you can rest assured Rupert will be there to grab it.Drudge, Koch, Soros, Bezos: These 4 non-politicians will determine the next president –
Bolt converts "fairness" into a one way street and names it "envy" Fairness is a two way street and if an obvious widening gap is occurring in our society with the Labor's wages going backwards and the middle class families shrinking while Big business the wealthy and Corporations move ahead. Society needs to be balanced in order to progress and that's fairness and not envy. It's the governments responsibility to regulate a fair system for everybody. Bolt thinks that the laboring classes, unions and wealthy in Australia all live together "Envy your neighbour. Envy people who must — must — be living easier lives than yours." What a rosy picture he paints. No that is where envy does occur when people of the same classes covet what their neighbors can do and Bolt can't. people buy those paintings and antiques Bolt says facetiously that he can only dream about and brags when he buys one. That's envy and not fairness. Fairness is that we are ensured we can all move forward together because we are productive and not just idle. Both poor and rich can be non productive idle bludgers as Bolt calls them who have no ambition to contribute however he only focuses on the idle poor never on the idle rich he sings that song "thieves, thieves, tramps and thieves" as if he belongs at the top end of town and deserves his place for being an unproductive tramp.

Wasn't Rudd so much more funnier Shorten was ok. How come Bolt never did Hard Chat?
Isn't it interesting how Bolt ignores the killing of innocent people in the " air strikes " in Mosul and Al Bab far larger in numbers than any innocent Australians killed. However when one is he rocks the nation with terror. Is there any wonder the Sunnis in the Middle East don't all see the West as Liberators but invaders. Bolt even sounds like an modern day Israeli terrorist simply pleased because another cockroach is dead. He promotes the progressive disengagement from morality in all of us.

" How can we confront and reform the more barbaric aspects of an alien
faith if presenters at our biggest and state-funded broadcaster just
shrug our shoulders at a belief in murdering women for sin?"
The percentage of Dutch Jews that were exterminated was much higher than in other countries, including Germany." Their crime nothing more than being Jews isn't that the wackiest thing ever ?Bolt is actually connected to the most wackiest town in the Netherlands Aalesmeer where the killing was rife and while illegal it didn't matter. You wouldn't be charged for killing a Jew. Their main stream media men their Andrew Bolts created an atmosphere of progressive disengagement from humanity as Bolt is doing here capturing our speech and certainly doing the opposite of freeing it. Don't we sense Bolt's attitudes are more aligned with the attitudes of Nazis today's state of Israel and fascism simply in the way he speaks of Muslims. He shines his torch purely on the extremes while ignoring the extremes of his own beliefs.
Bolt has such a twisted memory of the reality in which he lives. It wasn't that long ago women were imprisoned fro the murder of their husbands even when faced with extreme situations of domestic violence. Yet men could use adultery as a mitigating plea in the murder of their wives. That was still law here less than 20 years ago. Salem was real and yes we regard that as a wacky amusing part of our heritage. Last night a Chiropractor had to defend himself against the accusations of quackery by the medical hierarchy for having cured a baby of it's discomfort by Chiropractic manipulation. Yes accusations of wacky quackery were also used.
Western christian men still believe they have a god given right to kill and bash their wives despite our secular laws isn't that a wacky thought however it's a very real thought that's quite often put into practice here revealing itself in domestic violence with a community sympathy that runs counter to our laws.
The only thing wacky is Bolt's belief that these beliefs are exclusively Muslim

Fines are for breaking the law
According to whose law are asylum seekers "illegals "? According to whose assumptions will those declared non genuine refugees be allowed to resettle in the EU? According to scare mongerer Andrew Bolt where distortion and misinformation are allowed as his tools of trade. As Australian Judge Mordecai Blomberg declared this an abomination and the capture of speech by a man not qualified to be a journalist or an opinion writer because he's "loose" with his facts. How polite was Blomberg that when handing down his conviction of Bolt. Speech needs to be freed from misanthropes, liars and thieves like Bolt.
" Amazing. Using the threat of fines to demand nations accept more illegal
immigrants than is safe - and accept so many that more will be lured
over. The forcible destruction of the nation state."
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