Andrew Bolt's B;log,6/5/16; IPA wagging the Delcons wagging the dog: Dutton, Dutton, Dutton; London says "go screw yourself Bolt" Kafka's and Bolt's cockroach; Bolt says greed and envy are the cause of Left wing politics; Israel is not united: Envy is just smokescreen. Bolt ignores principles for politics in the most disgacefull way;

Miranda Devine was spot on Delcons are the tail trying to wag the dog. The power of that attempted effort to wag the body is coming from the IPA. They have willingly supported a Liberal Party suicide squad who say they will push the button unless allowed to carry Tony Abbott back on their shoulders. Democracy has gone to hell with this minority of Liberals. They are looking more like Northern Koreans than Australians.
"And if you wonder why conservatives and libertarians alike are so
dismayed by the Turnbull Government that even a salutary period of Labor
seems almost preferable, consider this disgraceful flip-flop under
Turnbull - as noted by the IPA’s Morgan Begg:"

So here we are again Delcons telling us to VOTE LABOR Thank Bolt's troll Peter BH. Miranda Devine your so right.
Dutton's explanation for sacking the SOS workers on Nauru was they were advocates of unrest. The Australian courts have judged there was no evidence for the action. The Immigration Dept have come to a secret financial arrangement of compensation. Dutton's explanation for the self immolation occurring now is because advocates are encouraging death as a form of protest. Dutton can't sack these people but isn't he being a cockeyed optimist believing that the same explanation holds for people killing themselves in order to get to Australia? Does Dutton believe these two drew the short straws in this form of protest? He is the boomgate man laughing and cracking jokes about Pacific Islanders with Abbott which was the Last Straw.
Oh yes the only problem being the Pacific Solution was introduced by Rudd and tried to be passed by Gillard guess who rejected it, Tony Abbott. Here we have Bolt playing the man and not the principle of the logic and politics that gave birth to the Pacific Solution. It wasn't Abbott.
"Go screw yourself Andrew Bolt is this groups chorus"
It is given a Muslim is about to be voted mayor of London. How many Christian sects and cults are there in the West that preach weird regulations to their followers weirder than the 48km advice put out to Muslims. The advice may be there as are the 10 commandments. How many follow them? Exclusive Bretheren, Scientology , Hassidic Jews, Krishnas, etc all have rules based on their beliefs and they do live and are greatful for Wonderful British multiculturalism.
"Labour's Sadiq Khan is still the voters' favourite to replace Boris Johnson as mayor of London, according to the latest poll. A survey by YouGov puts Khan on 32 per cent, ahead of Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith on 25 per cent."
Imagine a Muslim and a Jew both integrated. YOU WON"T HEAR THAT FROM BOLT
Can Bolt note the man's ethnicity color is sufficient for Bolt to turn the man in the picture to Kafkaesque cockroach. What can ultra- racist Bolt tell us about youth crime in Australia. I'm sure he's not short of words.

The police have arrested a man and he's been charged and processed the courts will do their job as well but unlike Bolt they will process the man without reference to color or ethnicity which astounds Bolt. You won't hear any more details to this story because it's served Bolt's purpose. However 200 years ago had the same happened he'd be escorting the young man to the hanging tree but not if he were white.
Bolt bandies about emotional and psychological terms like greed and envy to explain lower class sheeple being lead by the nose by politicians. Basically he sees negative emotional words like greed and envy attached to the handout classes. It's easily explained by Bolt as due to the Welfare State.
If forced to work in a no job environment wages would drop and more people could be employed two families could share a house. They then might be able to survive week to week when they can't now. The welfare the state saves could be invested into more part time and phantom jobs. Bolt's logic is closer to Kim Jong un's than anything to do with democracy and Australian values. He loudly argues for traditional family values when the economic pressure t has never been greater. Youth crime is on the increase and kids are easy targets as latch key kids they are left to their own devices Bolt blames the parents and not their economic condition. Kids are all natural experimenters bored boozed and recreationally drugged they turn to crime to support their habits. Bolt however blames their ethnicity their culture their color everything but their economic conditions. His private school kids are doing the same but it's less obvious they don't need to do it so visibly. Math logic economics and the rise of private middle class rehab centers are evidence. Underprivileged kids and adults don't have the money or funds to explain the amount of drugs being consumed in Australia. Yet Bolt our mainstream Delcon broadcaster is trying to sell us that if only all those on Welfare those ethnics in Dandenong, the indigenous, single mothers and unemployed were isolated policed and removed drug use would disappear and problems would diminish the rainbow of private charity trickling down would show as it was always intended. What dream world is Bolt living in? Further down he repeats himself but defining "envy as also the disease of the lower classes.

Here is Bolt trying to yes," Capture the Narrative " Any critical analysis of Israel automatically becomes "Jew Hatred" One dare not criticize a state whose own citizens are increasingly ashamed of their governments conduct. The deeper meaning of IDF general’s Holocaust comparison | +972 Magazine
So much for Bolt's image of a united Israel

Bolt uses the emotional term "Jew Hatred " to describe a political term that's so absurd when the natural home of Jews politically has always been the Left because of their hatred of any kind of Fascism. Josh Frydenberg was regarded as an exception to the rule as it wasn't that long ago when Jews were banned from the conservative clubs of Australia. Bolt's family origins are Alesmeer Holland's most notorious town where the % of Dutch Jews killed was higher than in Germany. That's Jew Hatred. Maybe what we see in Bolt is shame, guilt and politics wrapped in one.
"In contrast, Jewish parliamentary representation in the Liberal Party
has been relatively sparse with the notable exception of two Ministers,
Senator Peter Baume at the federal level, and Walter Jona in the
Victorian Parliament. This is surprising given that all available
(albeit limited) data on Jewish voting patterns suggests that a clear
majority of Jews have voted Liberal for the past three decades. This
right-wing shift arguably reflects a number of factors including the
growth in Jewish religious orthodoxy, the high attendance at Jewish day
schools and the generally affluent socio-economic status of Australian
"Jews also tend to be surprisingly liberal on social issues. They don’t
share socially conservative views on drugs, feminism, euthanasia,
same-sex marriage, refugees or Aborigines. In many cases those same Jews
who support Ariel Sharon and denounce Arab terrorism are passionate
supporters of asylum seekers and are supportive of an apology to the
Stolen Generation. This comes through particularly in letters to the
Australian Jewish News. A large number of Jews vote Liberal without
being committed conservatives."Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians | +972 Magazine
As far as Bolt is concerned "class" is an unreal imaginary concept to cover it up he alludes to some form of psychological mass"envy". That in itself is moronic. Bolt freely misuses terms like "the political class" " media class" whenever he likes to push his arguments. However class is a real economic and structural term referring to how we relate to each other. It distinguishes those who have little or no capital and only have their labor to sell from those who have capital and own, the means of production together with those inherited wealthy who profit from non productive efforts of rent and interest collecting. Bolt himself falls into the category of a worker and possibly into money lender, investor or fantasy capitalist.Bolt is in the business of capturing and selling us an Orwellian narrative,
Bolt however claims there is no class differences only status. However the envious are people who don't know their place and are created and manipulated by politicians. Bolt's image of Australia is a country where the majority are the "living dead" ready to symbolically eat the flesh of the rich and wealthy infected buy the disease of envy. Basically what Bolt is saying ownership of property , control over the means of production and inheritance are the natural order. Those with that control are by nature the historically and evolutionary elect. Everybody from birth have the opportunity of climbing the greasy pole of social mobility to get to the top which is continually renewed and refreshed by the best. To argue the system is unfair is to be envious. If you feel that somebody has their foot on you face preventing you rising on the greasy pole it's just natural competition and your inability in the race. As Malcolm Fraser ex PM once hero of the Liberal Party said "life wasn't meant to be easy" What was missing was "life wasn't meant to be unfair either" Like climate change there is also man made order that's dysfunctional.
There are no universal human rights in Bolt's view nor is there a concept of fairness because government is by an large interference in the free market place. The wealthy are by nature a generous lot and a natural trickle down effect by way of Charity ought to occur and not State Welfare. This whole ideology Bolt loves to claim is Christian. However there is evidence in it was put together by a Middle Eastern business man called Mohammed in Medina well before it was adopted by Christianity. The first truley free market in the world was started by Islam. Has Bolt got anything right?
Simply put there are no universal human rights to anything health, shelter,and education all are denied in Bolt's view. However unless you don't believe that man is the master of his own destiny and has the ability to change things to make things "fairer" for everybody and you only believe in destiny god or some natural deserved order we are left with a battle of ideas. Between haves and have nots, between tradition and progress. Between natural justice and man made justice. So Bolt "envy" just shows what a morally corrupt class traitor he is .

"And it’s class war envy as political strategy, as made explicit by Shorten:"
From Tony’s Tradies to Malcolm’s Millionaires — this is a Budget for big business over battlers.
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