Zac Goldsmith’s own sister has critcised his London mayoral campaign
saying it did not reflect the type of person she knows him to be.
Jemima Goldsmith tweeted that her brother was an “eco-friendly,
independent-minded politician with integrity” and his campaign, which
has been widely criticised for using “dog-whistle racism”, did not
reflect this.
It seems Sadiq Khan represents a very integrated London environment and environment Andrew Bolt keeps telling us is divided. Division is the only narrative being promoted and amplified by a minority of Tories. In this case one falsely magnified by Zac Goldsmith who happens to be Jewish and very pro Israel. Goldsmiths politicking has been the equivalent of the extreme Conservatives here Delcons as Miranda Devine appropriately named them. Their broadcast voice and major recruiters can be found at News Corp and 2GB. Andrew Bolt being an obvious example.
They are without apologies "dog-whistle racists", except when Bolt opened his show on Sky News. At that time whether at the request of his producers or that his face was being viewed by a wider audience Bolt made the most piss weak of qualifications suggesting his remarks on Muslims weren't meant to offend the "good ones" something he never says when puts his thoughts to print. It's great that this hate preacher so unrepresentative of Australians is limited in his abuse and vilification by Section 18C of the RDA.

Jemima Goldsmith may be an apologist for her brother and point her finger at the media however her brother wasn't found during or after his loss denying what was reported and put out into the London ether by the likes of Andrew Bolt's doppelgangers in the UK. Nor should we be surprised if they were found to work for Rupert Murdoch as does Andrew Bolt here. Australia be proud you to voted for Waleed Aly . He won 2 Logies one the Gold showing up the likes of Bolt and others who are just voices pissing in the wind. Slam Dunk Australia.
Hey Bolt go back and listen to Noni Hazelhurst emphasis on listen!!
Sadiq Khan says Tory smear campaign was 'straight out of the Donald Trump playbook' | Home News | News | The Independent
Is Bolt a mime mimicking Miranda Devine stealing her use of "delusional". But how accurate is Devine and she is a Conservative so what does that actually make Bolt. In most countries politics is about trying to change the system anathema to Bolt the Delcons and the IPA they are resistant and intent on maintaining it. They have closer ties to Kim Jong Un than they have to Representational Democracy. As far as Bolt is concerned what can one say the Dutch have never been known to be a cheery lot. Bolt attests to that dour Van Gogh gloominess.
The Never-Trumpers are the emotional doppelgangers of our own Never-Turnbull crowd."
Fooled again this isn't even Bolt blogging it's his in house troll and doppelganger Peter BH. It's Sunday and Bolt only pretends to blog.
As for the question who Malcolm of course he is conservative in comparison to the extreme right wing that threatened to break from the Liberal party and didn't. They prefer to destroy it taking their advise from the IPA.
"And if you wonder why conservatives and libertarians alike are so
dismayed by the Turnbull Government that even a salutary period of Labor
seems almost preferable, consider this disgraceful flip-flop under
Turnbull - as noted by the IPA’s Morgan Begg:" IPA
It's not a race Mr Bolt and you on Sky News will no doubt be so right of center everyone else will inevitably appear left.
It's Bolt Silence. He only cheers when the ALP are in front. However Turnbull is starting as a the popular favorite when Abbott just couldn't do it according to Peta Credlin

Presented by the equivalent of the Catallaxy Files in the US Powerline . But can an ex Democrat Donald T lead the Republican Party? Won't the TeaParty seek revenge on "Trump boosters"?
See just how far Bernie Sanders influenced America and moved them to the Left. Bernie Sanders won the Republican race. he changed them even winning when losing. Who and where is our Bernie?
This blog is a little more than an advertorial for SKY .... "we are and I'am the best booster"
30 years of media selling but not reporting gets you a Boltism " boosters of Turnbull" as opposed to "Abbott's failures". Credlin is a "victim" however not in her words or mind but certainly in the mind of "Abbott booster Bolt"
"Peta Credlin, Tony
Abbott’s chief of staff, has been the victim of the most vicious and
malicious campaign of denigration, especially from boosters of Malcolm
" a fanatical desire to discredit and destroy Abbott himself."Bolt The fanatics took a leisurely six months to shift Abbott warning him to shape up in February and giving him a time frame within which to do it September being the deadline. Even Bolt was tearing his hair out saying Abbott had to change so much so he shut up and focused on Shorten more than he'd ever done before. Yep it was certainly a leisurely coupe.
Credlin said clearly governments
win or lose elections not oppositions. So Abbott didn't win 2013
election and that's straight from Peter Credlin Bolt. Further
“I thought that in my personal interactions with him one-on-one that
he had a likeability, an earthiness and a genuineness that if he was
able to work that into his public presentations he’d be formidable,” she
However he couldn't and all his avid supporters saw that he couldn't that's why he had to go. Even you kept echoing it Bolt.

A call for the return of Ceasar? The Abbott curse? Yes Abbott had lies and slogans but he didn't win the election!!! Labor lost it all by itself doing the Delcon dance. Apparently Brad believes in the power of Vance Packards Hidden Persuaders rather than representative politicians and an intelligent electorate, Mad Men and News Corp is the only way to go. Spend Spend Spend, Sell, Sell Sell. Flags Bands and Uniforms has always been the ultra- right wing way. Wrap yourself in a flag Brad and sing.
" We need slogans, not advocacy; We need to respect the intelligence of the Australian people." Brad.
Slogans respect the IQ of the electorate???

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