Andrew Bolt's Blog,7/5/16; Wasn't Trump a Democrat 4 years back helping the Clintons;Media vs Turnbull; Such good neighbours 0.22% of trickle down and then only if we get a return back that's Abbott aid; Chicken Little; Salam Sadiq Khan & London; ISIS and the Monkey Pod Room;

Andrew Bolt's correlations take every day situations in the normal course of daily politics within any party, in this case the Liberal party, and simply attaches BA and AA too them, Before and after Abbott's demise. Abbott hasn't shifted or done anything. However according Bolt he is the cause of just about everything that has happened since he was removed.
It's Bolt's version humor it's the the butterfly effect, how droll how bored how boring. He could have stretched it further no doubt and shown that the Abbott curse effected each and everything in the world today as well. Philip Ruddock is quitting Parliament after a record breaking 40 years because of Abbott. Julie Bishop has suffered reputational damage. Because of Abbott no she has however had dung flung by Bolt. The chaos theory Bolt offers is a reflection of his bored state of mind.
" A trusted insider writes:" Coming from Bolt one needs to remind oneself of what Judge Mordecai Blomborg said. Bolt is highly reputed as a media man to be loose the facts. However Bolt once worked for the Labor Party so he shouldn't be quick to judge. For Bolt back then it was any port in a storm and what's it matter all cats are black in the dark. Didn't Donald Trump do more than that? He once funded and supported the Clintons.
Aside from that Bolt has always said 98% of all media and bureaucrats were Lefties what pool do conservatives have to choose from, poor bastards. Another reason to VOTE LABOR they are united and have learnt from the past.

No the media was doing the job they asked questions of Abbott when he was leader and they are doing the same now. Unlike Andrew Bolt whose Report is a PR excercise in supporting a side. The media questioned Labor when in government. Abbott when in government and Turnbull. Strange Bolt seems to be suggesting they aren't doing enough.
" Malcolm Turnbull was helped to the Liberal leadership by a media that
pumped his tyres and vilified the more traditionally Liberal leader,
Tony Abbott." Bolt
This certainly isn't what the spill indicated is it. It's closer to what is happening in the US Republican Party where the Tea Party helped tear it apart leaving Trump supported by Fox News to romp home. The Tea Party no doubt like the Abbott Party will continue to tear GOP apart. The IPA quote below needs repeating more than once.
"And if you wonder why conservatives and libertarians alike are so
dismayed by the Turnbull Government that even a salutary period of Labor
seems almost preferable, consider this disgraceful flip-flop under
Turnbull - as noted by the IPA’s Morgan Begg:" IPA
"Turnbull is extremely fortunate, I think, that Oakes didn’t simply call him a liar. I doubt he will get a second chance." Bolt
How much is this a call to vote Labor and bring back the leader of opposition. One even senses it's where Bolt is heading because he sure as hell is leaving Labor alone.
Hockey took $11 billion off her 11.3% back off this devastated and new base line is less than inflation on the amount she had. How much of it went to Cambodia, Nauru and PNG as pay off for turning asylum seekers into Roman Candles we will never know. Dutton face two court cases recently and has been found guilty in both.

" In fact, the contest is really behind the bigger-spending and
higher-taxing Liberals and the even bigger-spending and higher-taxing
Labor, with both in reckless denial of the fiscal disaster they’re
steering us towards." Bolt
It's this that simply shows how out of control Bolt , the IPA and the handful ultra -conservatives are Labor according to the graph were far better managers than the Liberals were. However alarmist Bolt is on a rampage with our nett debt at 18% of GDP. The graph he's showing makes it quite clear. No ratings agency has stripped us of our AAA rating.
As I said he , the IPA and the Delcons are the Liberal's suicide bombers telling us to VOTE LABOR "And spending and taxing under the Liberals will get worse every year."Bolt Read the IPA quote below and if your a Liberal weep. These are the MPs that threatened to form their own Party, have reconsidered their options and have decided to destroy the one they are in instead. They are ISIS in the Liberal Party.
"If true, one more term of this kind of leadership will leave our finances devastated." Bolt.
Oh that would bring debt to 20% of GDP. The US and UK are currently running at 80%. I'm sure if you look at Bolt's family accounts he's running a nett debt of over 35%. Governments aren't meant to be businesses!!

Starting evens is a joke if I ever saw one. Miranda Devine said it and said it correctly. The Delcons or Deluded Conservatives who are right of Genghis Khan, are puppets of the IPA and supported by News Corp. They are the equivalent of ISIS in Iraq. They have no intention of allowing any stable government to form in Australia unless they are in control of it. Who are these political suicide bombers and terrorists? They were once seen lunching on a regular basis in the Monkey Pod Room.
"And if you wonder why conservatives and libertarians alike are so
dismayed by the Turnbull Government that even a salutary period of Labor
seems almost preferable, consider this disgraceful flip-flop under
Turnbull - as noted by the IPA’s Morgan Begg:"Brace yourself for an orgy of cash for cronies before we go into caretaker mode
How wrong is Andrew Bolt

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