Andrew Bolt's Blog,1/7/16; So what was Bolt's call a Great day for Democracy and leadership; As if we have forgotten who Abbott is; Bolt hides his skeptics these days; The democracy of the press barons; Time for the boot;
Whoever said Brexit wasn't totally in the hands of a political opportunists in the Party room. Isn't this what Tony Abbott intends to do to the Liberal Party. Tear it apart?
However Boris new he'd been betrayed by Michael Gove. Yes Cameron also made the wrong judgement call in declaring the referendum in the first place. Allowing the media to take control. When that happens what room is there for "free speech"? What does Boris Johnson leaving mean for the prospects of Brexit? | UK Politics | News | The Independent You won't get clarity from Bolt
"Johnson, whose support of the Leave cause was widely seen as
delivering its victory, saw his bid suddenly crumble after his Brexit
campaign ally, Justice Secretary Michael Gove, withdrew his backing and
announced his own leadership bid…" Murdoch and Dacre… press barons and Britain’s real kingmakers? — RT UK
As Murdoch said "when I go to downing street they listen" that's hardly a reason to be relaxed. He also said why he was for Brexit " when I go to Brussels I'm ignored" Isn't that the way it should be? So the lesson is beware the revenge of an ego hurt.
My Shirt Front
Do we really need to re-post the lies, the paranoid control of the party by PMO, the war, flags and uniforms. the shirt fronting, international opinion and the gaffes . Just to hear Andrew Bolt tell us Tony Abbott has changed again and again and again. Yes he is like us he is not a politician. Just wait for the attempted king hit from this brawler which makes him not like us at all. Neither is he a Nietzschean Uber Mensch as Bolt makes him out to be. He believes in a god given moral hierarchy. Putin doesn't. Bolt sits on the fence says he doesn't believe in god but he bows to a fixed Christian moral code yet says he's a humanist the alone makes him a liar and hypocrite. At least it can be said Putin is a humanist. All that can be said of Bolt he's inspired by Wagner and so was Hitler along with eugenics symbols and uniforms.
Bolt's Pet Skeptic's prediction
Bolt disguises his reference here which takes us to skeptics corner the No Tricks Zone better known as the All Tricks Zone . Bolt even disguises the author he's taken the article from P Gosselin a world renown Skeptic. Why all the secrecy on Bolt's part I guess it's in the hope that not all readers follow his link
" A US citizen, P Gosselin received an Associate Degree in Civil
Engineering at Vermont Technical College and a Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He now
lives in Europe and helps his wife, the owner, run a small business that
provides services for industry. He has always been a skeptic of the AGW
hypothesis, and views himself as a mere spectator in the climate change
debate and arena."
I think the horse has Bolted on this one and we really have globally recognized it's better to live with clean energy than it is to rely on dirty and unclean energy. There is a gain to be found in health which certainly an long term benefit to the wealth of this planet. It also is apparent the that the investors of the world think so to. I'm guessing Bolt hasn't borrowed heavily and invested in coal.
Paywall for the AFR but more importantly for John Roskam CEO of the IPA Bolt's private book seller to whom he's giving IPA members a massive discount. You do realise the class of Members of the IPA does not reflect the people so Bolt is flattering himself and doesn't give a rats about the people who will just have to pay full price and bear it.
Murdoch and Dacre... press barons and Britain’s real kingmakers? — However to the point Bolt references Roskam who talks Democracy where there is none. Press Barons ran the referendum vote. Murdoch does it here too. Just look at his headlines. He want's Abbott back because he want's the best parts of the ABC. What's this bull about Democracy? Murdoch doesn't visit the Libs they visit him. Turnbull doesn't dance to his tune.
The Spectator has just turned on the Del Cons and gave us reason to kick them out of the Liberal party. However as far as the Delcons are concerned a "yes" would never make them go away it the very reason they deserve the boot.
Do you favour rewarding the incessant, self-absorbed
bleatings of an intolerant vocal minority within a minority who demonise
anyone who disagrees with them, if it means they shut up and go away?
I’d vote a resounding ‘Yes’, even though I’m personally happy with leaving the definition of marriage as it is.
"I reckon most Australians would too."
Fact Check has tested hundreds of claims from politicians across the spectrum during its three year tenure.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott fared the worse than current party leaders Bill Shorten MP and Malcolm Turnbull for both negative and positive verdicts on claims we tested. He was also our most checked politician. ABC
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