Saturday, 23 July 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 23/7/16; Fuelling Islamophobia; Bolt and Brexit wrong again!! Bolt has channelled Enoch Powell's stale ideas; Fanatic Nationalism recruits resentment; ABC praised by Conservatives in business;

  How did the media cover the Munich attack?


Gunmen attack Munich shopping centre

Remember when I said it doesn't matter about this kid's personal history he's going to be Muslim no matter what the German authorities and experts say. Because the only thing that  matters is what Andrew Bolt says that's important. This German born  kid could have been Baha'i, Zoroastrian or Jewish however whatever he was he is going to end up a  Muslim one way or the other and that is meant to explain everything. He is now a  part of Bolt's narrative no matter what. It's the nature of the beast. By the way remember when Bolt insisted that there are no such things as collectives only but only individuals. Why is his narrative on Muslims always about the Islamic collective?Munich shooting not connected to refugees or ISIS, was inspired by Breivik

Let's face it Bolt's uncertainty is the closest he's come to the honesty of saying I don't know what the f@#k's going on. He talks of the African Muslims in France as opposed to the Turkish in Germany as being the reason for less terrorism. Apparently they are more Western not that they are more victimized in France with it's greater nationalist mindset.  Having said that Bolt logic dictates that's sufficient in explaining why an Afghani and Irani were involved in the recent German events. I guess their African countries as far as Bolt's concerned.  It seems Bolt is giving himself time to invent a better Muslim explanation  and  that we wouldn't notice he made little or no sense here. The German experts will need to ring Bolt  for the right explanation because their's is wrong the kids Muslim and that's all there is to it.!Teen gunman obsessed with mass killings, 'bullied by peers'

What Andrew Bolt does and others like him do is  poison  young minds. Telling them who and what  they should be rather than accepting who they are. It's why Bolt is against  the idea of the Safe Schools it requires inclusiveness.  He'd rather be the un-reasoned  un-empathetic instructor than a real teacher.

 In any other truly democratic world where people  actually count more than  oligarchic corporations do  Bolt would be called  out for what he is a propagandist, an alienator,  a divider and spoiler of young minds and emotions. He is a recruiter of discencion.  Elizebeth Farrely is poignant in her observation in the  blog below calling Bolt a modern day version of Enoch Powell. He also targeted young minds and gave rise  to both the National Front with it's Clockwork Orange bogans and opposing movements as well. One such movement in the 70s was known as Rock Against Racism.

Bolt's and Enoch's Boys No bloody safe schools for them


Real Terror

Local Residents In Northern Syria Confirm US-Led Airstrikes Have Killed More Than 200 Civilians In Past Two Months AnonHQ






  Brexit vote has pushed UK services and manufacturing into contraction, new survey suggests | Business News | News | The Independent

Remember when Andrew Bolt was laughing about the unaffected UK economy and how it "bounced back" Wrong!!




 ABC cleared of 'anti-business' bias in independent review

Even Mike Smith Bolt's often referenced mate confesses to" having rethought his negative perceptions of the national Broadcaster "  The most comprehensive review ever done is overwhelmingly positive. Smith was impressed with the "rigour and balance of the ABC's business reporting"



Farrelly’s disgusting defamation


Defamation is a legal term Bolt  so prove the veracity of what you have to say and sue!   You just might get more $$ than you will for your pathetic garden gnome book of stale ideas. However I suspect all you want is the attention. 

 You do reap what you sow and you know it's not defamation because you have channeled Enoch Powell so many times before we have lost count. A threat or even a warning coming from Bolt is the equivalent of a recruiting call call to arms. In his condemnation of 1.6 billion people in his demands to escalate the bombing in Iraq and Syria despite the collateral damage he is every bit of who Farrely says he is.  I don't care what the man says he is as racist as his belief that white people are of a higher cultural order than black. Elizebeth Farrelly sees through Bolt  unlike Sonia  Kruger who was trapped into believing his fact-less lies. Yes you can fool some people some of the time but not all the people all of the time.

ENOCH POWELL 1963 Bolt was 4years old 



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