Saturday 20 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 20/8/16; Violence is being trivialized by policing his middle class home; Turnbull ensures we can all speak politely;


A Speccie read

Revolving old tales through publishers door is the laziest of comments and so repetitious.  When lunch has ended in the Chinese restaurant the lazy susan keeps spinning with only the stale leftovers on board and a record of the double dipping that went on.



This isn't a blog it's an ad. Bolt is  a liar about working 70 hours a week.


Domestic violence just got a whole lot worse, but not

"Surely this is trivialising real domestic violence?"

What happens when the Loudest voice rules...anywhere even in the home


So Bolt's a real  macho-man and appreciates a household of yelling threats and the withdrawal of love and financial blackmail. He is the king of his castle. Lying the worst of behaviour to him is a natural part of life. Why did he apologize then when he was caught out lying about his relationship with his previous fiance? He didn't hold his ground did he?  Bolt was denying the reality of that relationship  reducing it to little more than he was "a paid minder to a belly dancer" when in fact the lady was financially supporting him because he was jobless. Why was Bolt trying Had they had a child Bolt would still maintain he wasn't domestically violent. However if it happened to him and shoe was on the other foot he'd be a mess of complaint. 

Bolt's has a self interest is in his denial of redefining domestic violence. He scorns  derides and belittles others in public and as a result  is in the business of creating enemies some who have threatened violence. He denies it but keeps an extremely low profile in public witnessed by his wife's reaction to his son being identified as having a job with the IPA. Her reaction was brought on by fear. Bolt has even said his family has been threatened  and he's had to move them because of what he does. Yet he continues to work from home despite the possibilities of harm done by those persons he intentionally provokes.  Bolt doesn't just trivialize his domestic violence it but he denies it. He uses his family as a shield as much as ISIS uses citizens of a town they control as shields. Drug dealers working from home who live a life of violence place their families in domestically violent and threatening situations. Bolt might have guards for himself when he's in public but his family doesn't. His disregard is as much domestic violence as any other because it's all on his back and his creation.

Turnbull too busy to let you speak


This is not a Bolt Blog but the work of his trolls. It's Saturday!!


Furthermore this whole blog paraphrases the Australian whose motives have always been clear.  Argue for free speech but don't allow it. Call the ABC biased for pointing out where bias in fact exists the commercial interests of private media and it's strictly editorialized broadcast. The ABC's public and reasoned bias that does nothing to hide the propagandized paid for interests promoted here.

Turnbull is satisfied the laws we have are in place to prevent Boltian's from doing even more damage to civilized debate than is necessary. The current threat of the law coupled with the threat of civil action is enough for Bolt's Lawyers to be his editors. Civil suits are easily overcome as they are easily swotted away. However the law stands in the way of total privatization of the media and with it democracy. 

 How much freedom of abuse do these trolls want? Obviously more than Turnbull or Abbott allow at present.  Bolt seems to feel civility isn't needed in the home either hatred and abuse should be allowed there and not be redefined as domestic violence.  The picture is certainly the opposite of the cultured dandy he likes to present himself as. He fails to recognize his domestic violence simply because he works from home.

The trolls prefer to trivialize civility in debate by suggesting that insults. lies and hate speech are valid social practices in all domains. It's not just a case of the noisiest door getting the attention.  Equality in our society are trivialized  by that very notion that. It's why the ABC is a bulwark  against anti-democratic media

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