Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/8/16; Bigotry of Bolt's viewers; Cleaning coal: Racism now: Playing with their calculators and whinging; Understanding despite the lack of it: Advertis Bolt by Bolt; The yes/but by Bolt on Free Speech; Not in schools, Old King Coal;

" Reader Matthew is wondering why the ABC is proselytising for Islam."
Yet again ignorance overrides reality when Andrew Bolt is involved Christians and Jews are regulars on the Drum we don't know but I'd be prepared to believe Buddhists are too. What we have is Bolt's reader supported by Bolt suggesting women social workers with head scarves are not entitled to opinions. I watch the Drum and I certainly don't see any Muslim bent in the issues being discussed nor do I see any emphasis being placed on religion of any sort. What I do see however criticism of individuals dress on the show not of any bias on the part of the ABC. Why is that untidy Rowan Dean always allowed on the show is equally as stupid a comment unless of course if it's made in jest.

Sure shows the Fossil Fuel Industry has the money to flog an Ad as opposed to scientific data by an appeal to history. That's hardly progressive and shows just how much Andrew Bolt is influenced by money for the selling of product. I wasn't wrong in saying that he and Peter Foster, Australia's notorious con man, have a lot in common in loving " the flogging of product" as opposed to the "reality of the product". Not all Dutch are backward conservatives chasing a buck. Climate change: Netherlands on brink of banning sale of petrol-fuelled cars

Andrew Bolt's already complaining "Thirty hours of filming condensed to one." Bolt that the documentary he was in isn't 30 hours it would seem. The very nature of documentaries is editing whether done by Bolt or a professional could you imagine just how boring 30 hours would be?
The Constitution as it stands is racist if as Bolt suggests it gives the governments the right to formulate laws based on race "Section 51(xxvi) of the Australian Constitution, commonly called 'the race power', is the subsection of Section 51 of the Australian Constitution granting the Australian Commonwealth, the power to make special laws for people of any race." Little or nothing will have been changed. However Constitutional change will be a hollow vessel unless backing and supporting legal Treaties. Bolt simply wants the denial that race is already written into our constitution his silence is an acceptance of it. Constitution and Treaty are not mutually exclusive one without the other is simply a symbolic nonsense and might as well be by passed. It's why there are so many indigenous peoples against it.
What Abbott started and Bolt has kept on for 6 years

This is not Andrew Bolt's Blog it's his Troll's Peter BH in disguise
AAA Ratings have been given to that Nation Bolt has bee saying has been burning for over 3 years. Abbott however said he 'fixed ' it something Bolt ignores as if Abbott is just a puppet who shouldn't get out of line. Australia's debt could blow out to 500 billion "if" is the game Bolt takes on board. The fact is Abbott took expenses to 25.8% that's easy. However reversing that is far more difficult but not for Boltians just cut the legs off the poor they are less organized to resist. Playing with figures does not give direction to what's morally just and right, That's a matter for the people to decide however we can be sure of one thing it will be more so that if either of the extreme minorities gain charge.

Bolt simply does what he does best in all his arguments he intentionally confuses individual incidents with trends differential rates suggesting a trend are rejected because Andrew Bolt has found an exception to what he calls a rule and what others call a statistically significant trend. Bolt, Malcolm Roberts all claim the Science of statistical observation is dead because there are always exceptions.
"A [black] policeman shoots a black criminal named Sylville Smith.
Naturally, this is an excuse for black racists, activists and
troublemakers to attack police, loot and destroy property."Bolt
No Bolt it's not an excuse but the statistics and the recent events make what's occurring understandable and CNN is reporting on what is increasingly obvious the rate at which blacks are killed by police and the consequent anger that occurs. When it became too obvious in Australia that detention centers were inhumane Tony Abbott closed the free flow of information and speech and you supported him. Strange when Section 18C and government interference gets in your way.
Somehow Andrew Bolt wonders why Syrians are angry when their women and children are killed by the west claiming they are only targeting terrorists. The Vietnamese are evil when 3000 Australians party before celebrating the Vietnam War. It may not be what they were doing but that number in the bars and restaurants sure give that impression. 1 mill of their people were killed and Bolt doesn't give a shit. What we see is the conservative bully boy dictating what's right and wrong from an unsubstantiated moral high ground with no clue for empathy. However let one person not on Bolt's team transgress rain fire and brimstone on them for Bolt isn't a Christian just god with a keyboard.
As for the woman in the CNN report what she was saying wasn't what the report was about so suck it up Bolt and realize your inability to just deflect the obvious narrative that's explained by the trend that has been so obvious for 200 years away.

A Blank

Does Bolt really think he's Evil Kinevil I wonder whether or not he will mingle. Just who is paying for Bolt's security at Costco? How susidised is this book of Bolt's. Does he see himself as Australia's Salman Rushdie? He's just another sideshow trying to attract sheeple.
Bolt's is a Dangerous Mind.

Where Bolt falls down

Bolt seems to believe that just because a door squeaks in a house it needs to be pulled down. According to Bolt we need to listen to the voice of those who want return of capital punishment returned but not listen to those who want detention centers closed. "Sometimes it is a question of pride and moral seriousness for a
political party to fight for a losing cause. That is even more so when
the cause is so just and even supporters believe you stand for little." You see Bolt says he's a Humanist yet he believes in moral imperatives and absolutes it's why Conservatives have a history of taking us to war supporting the free use of fire arms and the denial of equal rights. Their is no country in history nor group the Bolt can set as an example of what his new society should look like yet it's a moral necessity.
Bolt's Image of Teachers Is Not Very High

Bolt's already contradicting himself calling for the regulation of and banning of Safe Schools program and denying the equal right of people being heard and treated with respect. Bolt seems convinced that biology is a forbidden area that even adults shouldn't be introduced to let alone children and information needs government regulation and policing and he thinks Section 18C is unfair. Yes 1+1=# in Bolt's world

Bolt really is a dumb f#$k or he simply doesn't understand the movements in the stockmarket. He does seem to understand however his personal ratings are fantastic "off a low base" so he has to have some insight. The coal stocks crashed to and extrmely low base the lowest on record and like Bolt any rise is sold by marketeers as a huge rally Bolt lets it be known he's king and so is coal does that make him Old King Coal? The stock market no matter the stocks doesn't always reflect demand but money men and punters placing bets. Bolt's IQ is certainly lacking. The reason given for the the rise is the 16% restrictions by China in it's own mines and the closure of mines globally hardly a spike in demand.
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