Sunday 21 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 21/8/16; 1,30am shit I have a blog to do where is Peter BH ?; drunk and a babbling blogger; A virtual promise in my virtual world is broken by my virtual PM; 2.38am now that's a Trumpism about Obama good one; 3.02 am who said big foot doesn't exist; Abbott's 25.8% expediture legacy;


Turnbull reneges on same-sex marriage plebiscite date


Breaking of a virtual promise is that an oxymoron? It's 2.14 am it seems Bolt has knocked back a few and is shooting blanks at the clouds he sees passing by at that time. 

Barack plays golf. Hits into water hazard

 2.38 am 


Bush 7.5 minutes after being told twin towere were hit

It doesn't really get any better but this is as deep as Bolt blogging gets compared to Peter BH his troll who in fact does the hard miles when it comes to Andrew Bolt's blog. Bolt reduces it to name calling of the Trump kind. 

Who can remember what George Bush was doing on 9/11 when told the twin towers were hit he was reading a story about a lamb to kindergarten kids. He just kept reading it for 7 minutes as if he weren't told. What did he do immediately after he flew is friends the Bin Ladens  safely and secretly out of the country.  Now that's far more interesting at 2.38am

Pure coincidence. “Mentally ill” Muslim stabs French Jew

Butterfly effect


3.02 am "I’ve noted before how politicians and police now prefer to blame mental illness rather than Islam for terrorist attacks by jihadists."

Bolt calls Politicians and Police liars yet who does he support Politicians and police in a conservative world. 

He needs the stories to fit his narrative not the narrative to fit the data. If a Christian declares god sent him to kill people he's not a terrorist he's just a paranoid schizophrenic. However it can never be the same for a Muslim in Bolt's tale. In fact Bolt doesn't even look for the number of Muslims killed by Christians because at 3.02 am it would be a night mare. 

 Furthermore Jews can't be the unfortunate or accidental targets anywhere . What Bolt fails to distinguish and not just because it's the difference between trends and individual incidents. There is no doubt that Bolt tries to convince us that what he sees  is a trend. He searches for these unconnected incidents  the world over to prove there is a statistical trend and he even calls authorities liars when they claim this or that doesn't fit his pattern and have no connection. At 3.02 am Bolt is doing what all UFO spotters do counting incidents instead of sheep to  proof "This mental illness excuse is catching on:" when it's Muslim terrorism. As we deny UFO sightings Bolt denies the evidence of experts in favor of worldwide Muslim terror. France & Canada are examples here.

It's as if Bolt should be counting sheep at he even jumps to Sydney to float an entirely different idea that police are frightened of telling Bolt's truth because it just might cause resentment among Muslims a resentment imagined which Bolt doesn't cause. It must be because I seem to be caught up in Bolt's sleepless and drunken haze.  Look there's another Muslim in Israel no that can't be true..he's dead..





Kenny’s false dichotomy. Maybe he sells out free speech simply because he’s clueless


Bolt and Lyonhjelm need to learn  what racial vilification is.


Bolt favorite form of debate talking in circles and name calling for the sake of name calling. For Bolt he reduces everything to the point of meaninglessness. There is no heads without tails nor black without white Because Kenny calls whites racists he's a racist and it goes back and forward  like a child nowhere. The amusing thing Bolt is cut and pasting and playing both sides in his idiotic game. 

Firstly Lyonhjelm races to the protection of Section 18C the very thin he doesn't believe in for the very reason he doesn't believe it has jurisdiction. Secondly he does it for all the reasons it doesn't apply. It's has no jurisdiction in prejudice. There is no racism unless there is a difference in power based on race. Bolt constantly tells us there is and that because black culture throughout time has shown itself to be  poorer than white culture whites have an obligation and power to save it from itself and not the reverse. So call Lyonhjelm what you want at an at worst it's ineffectual prejudice as hurt and angry as he feels it's out of the jurisdiction of 18C. Section 18C is not their because it's an equalizer it's there because equality doesn't exist and it can be applied to a black man if deemed necessary but not if his comments are directed at at a white. Feel free to call Bolt whatever you like he's white and no matter your color your not racist. There has never been reverse racism in this country since 1788 only puerile name calling and complaint of the Bolt kind and which misses Russell's point entirely of "Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power." and why Kenny is right " ...racial discrimination laws were never intended to protect the powerful or dominant group, but to protect all of the rest." as he's speaking to reality.


Public servants gain as private sector workers struggle. This Ponzi scheme must fail

 Image result for Image of a hangover

Bolt seems to be praising the ABS it seems he didn't sleep well. Proof positive just where Abbott's increased spending by the lifting of the debt ceiling to $500b  went. Turnbull didn't raise it to 25.8% of revenue Abbott did . He did say he had "fixed" the economy if you recall. However Bolt ignores this is blaming Turnbull for not confronting Abbott's legacy and at the same time trying to have him returned to the Prime Ministership. How yes/but is Bolt? I hope he has a dreadful hangover he deserves nothing less.$1m for each detainee: Manus Island costs soar




How does this wicked law help anyone involved?

Why this is comedic is Hedley Thomas from Quadrant fame is used by Bolt to argue against Section 18C of the RDA. These elitists  deny reality and any attempt to protect lesser powered minorities from being over powered. They simply don't acknowledge any need for positive discrimination of any kind on the basis that quality is not just an ideal but is history and reality as we know it. Bolt believes he's indigenous and as such if a student would have rights to the computer room at QUT and the right to abuse Cindy Prior should she have asked him to leave. Bolt is arguing for the freedom of abuse and against the freedom of representative governments to structure laws any which way they want. Particularly laws supported by both major parties in the name of fairness. 

Bolt and Hedley Thomas have every right to complain but their complaints fall short of the jurisdiction of Section 18c whereas Ciny Prior's complaint doesn't " Many people believe the students were the victims of ­racism because of their eviction." Thomas Who pray tell are the many? have the taken to the streets or are they the many off what Bolt constantly refers to as a small base. Self judgement by an editor of  The Australian can hardly be accepted as evidence of anything other than a stunt something Bolt regularly does


Why didn’t the Loyal Deputy warn Malcolm Turnbull about Vietnam?

This is not an Andrew Bolt Blog it makes you wonder which are I think I know.

Simply because it was neither a ministerial or government issue. One needs to ask why the RSL was so insensitive to the fact that 1 million Vietnamese were killed and only 500 Australian invaders  trying to prevent the liberation of a nation. Why don't Peter BH and Andrew Bolt realize they share the Pacific and don't simply own it to just do whatever they want first?

No, domestic violence isn’t just sexism with fists


 " Our key organisations all sing from the same songbook, regularly distorting statistics to present only one part of this complex story." Ardnt It's exactly the case Andrew Bolt doesn't care about. 

The psychological violence he produces is by the very fact he works from home and broadcasts an extreme conservative non multicultural narrative. It is bound to have  unpredictable rebound. He may have physical protection who knows? However his family certainly doesn't and that was seen by his wife's explosion and tirade at the MSM. Their  revelation that the Bolt's son James works for the IPA struck not just a nerve but a reactionary panic about media rules having been crossed.  Sally Morrel certainly sensed her son could reap the sins of his father and was screaming for empathy. Empathy her husband doesn't have for others. However did anybody think that would stop the egocentric  master of spin stop?  No his solution was to move the family out and discomfort them rather than himself.

 So no violence isn't just sexism  with fists. Playing around with statistics won't show you any of that. It does however show the poverty of the statistics.  I AM - "Verbal Abuse" Video Advert - Unseen Emotional scars suffered ...



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