Monday 22 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/8/16, Scaring the bejeezuz out of those playing Clockwork Orange; Soaring ratings off a low base; If you accept war then you accept depravity; Was Tony Abbott a leader?;


Tips for Tuesday, August 23

Bolt's Editorial

Bolt is an idiot because he takes single incidents and generalizes from single moments  trends denying 200 years of racist history evident in this country ducking the social facts, the differential rates of poverty, health housing, opportunity etc etc etc that reveal the worst this country offers it's indigenous population. This has nothing to do   with a singular incident at a football game. It supposedly proves the denial of racism in Australia because we have loved Lionel Rose and Cathy Freeman what a jerk Bolt is. That very act of editorializing by Bolt's isn't just a man with his head firmly up his arse but it is the words of an Australia's  ultra media racist.

Well, how about Kevin Rudd for mayor?

This is as funny as his photosopped ads for his book. It is though typical Bolt and not his troll Peter BH



Scaring students into silence over the new race politics

This isn't Bolt's Blog It's Peter BH's


Bolt's notion of a debate has always shown to be futile slanging match. Tony Abbott saw fit to retain the RDA which he'd originally promised to get rid of. Bolt has set that lie aside. Labor sees fit to retain the RDA as do many others. Bolt's debate has shown he has failed  no  still refused to see any reason for it's retention why? Pure personal interest not for any other reason than bullies should be allowed to be bullies and he echoes that at every opportunity. Simply because he was convicted is hardly a principle or reasoned argument. 

Fairness justice and the protection of those with lesser power in a hierarchical structure escapes Bolt. You see there is no need called for by Bolt to change the nature of the power structure let alone protect anyone against it.  Bolt is able with full knowledge and eyes wide shut  to say inequality doesn't exist in our current social structures only inability does and that's an individual concern. However Bolt even Cindy Prior could have been charged if she'd posted what Jackson Powell did on FB no matter her color indicates a little more fairness it in the system because of  RDA protection.

" One reinforces the other. They are the twin pillars of our prosperity, our history and our extraordinarily bountiful lifestyle...." Rowan Dean

Dean the misguided ad man actually sees himself as a beneficiary of Capitalism. He sees himself as the example of a nation ans does Bolt get a few of them together fill a room and you have a self admiring status group which in larger numbers form what's part of a shrinking middle class. Does he actually believe he gets full value for his labors? If he does he certainly misunderstands the nature of the beast and Capitalism and is blind to what is actually happening around him. He suffers from the "I" not "we" belief Capitalist ideology hopes we all internalize. However "Bountiful" we are the most indebted people on the planet almost running on empty which keeps us reasonably kowtowed and compliant. The current generation is a labor force of part time workers living in shared accommodation with little hope of getting their own homes because if educated they also bear the weight of a hefty HEX bill. Basically a generation banks don't want to know or assist in the building of Capital the bounty Dean so relishes. The fact is white Australia is becoming more indigenous and are beginning to experience what Indigenous Australians have experienced for 200 years. Yes the man is an ideological hack hoping for his own gig on Sky News or anywhere else one might pop up.



Threat defied. Credlin to stay

Soaring off a high base and a low base guess which is Sky News




" It was actually one of Turnbull’s flunkies who made the threat, but Turnbull has indeed not appeared on Sky since. Ratings figures have soared." Bolt  Notice how Bolt overlooks what he has said before He soars "off a low base" but then everything does but it's hardly soaring.

Bolt somehow seems to think every country radio station and TV station ought to demand the PMs attention .Tony Abbott refused to appear on the ABC the National Broadcaster a little different in audience capacity than Sky. As far as Credlin is concerned she needs the job and Murdoch still wants a leader that can and will promise to destroy the ABC and yes that's not Turnbull.  So why would Turnbull give them the time of day?


Islamist child murders 50


Like the Israelis Andrew Bolt believes 12 year olds are mature enough to be arrested tried and imprisoned.  He is not astonished by the fact that ISIS has killed less women and children than we the Coalition of the Willing have?  No not at all surprised " An astonishingly depraved kind of morality confronts us when this is both the desired means and desired result:"Bolt  this could be said of the inaccuracy of targeted bombing which Bolt calls to be escallated.Yes Bolt's right when the West is allowed to bomb hospitals filled with women and children it is "astonishingly depraved ". 

It's equally depraved bickering over the rules of war claiming we kill fairly but  the opposition doesn't that alone  is a depraved debate. That's the depravity of propaganda the selling of ideas on a mass scale to a mass audience that war is righteous when it's just a means to make a sheckle. Has Andrew Bolt actually donated an ounce of his time  comments gratis? Has he once stopped and said I don't need to get paid for this? Here is a video that Bolt won't tell you of I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing


What irritates him most is a racist being called out

It's apparent what Bolt believes


Apparently Andrew Bolt learnt something from the Adam Goodes Incident "but" don't believe he's changed his tune about reverse racism. He simply swings not on principle but whatever is convenient at the time. It's ok to call Goodes an ape but not ok to throw bananas. It's ok to defend a girl in Sydney but not in Adelaide.  

Bolt is an idiot because he takes incidents and generalizes single moments int trends denying 200 years of history in this country ducking the social evidence of the differential rates of poverty, health housing, opportunity etc etc etc that have little or nothing to do  with with a singular incident at a football game that supposedly proves the denial of racism in Australia. That very act of Bolt's isn't just a man with his head firmly up his arse but it is the words of an Australian who is an ultra racist.


Column - A deadly lack of leaders


No Bolt has no time for collegiate leaders he wants the leadership shown when a PMO controlled the leader himself to such an extent he lost touch with the very party he was leading. Bolt has no understanding of leadership. Where is his historic leader today? Sitting in the back ground hoping to be called back into service no brought back into service by the likes of lobbyists like the IPA and News Corp . That's not leadership that's puppetry that's being an organ grinders monkey. That's not Democracy.  The truth is Bolt notion of leadership is an illusion that can't be found in reality his belief in Tony Abbott is little more than a belief in autocrats whose power has always been short lived.This is the deadly history of leadership we supported and apparently Bolt wants returned. I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing

You can't get a more ideological statement than that from the unmade bed Rowan Dean the ad man. " One reinforces the other. They are the twin pillars of our prosperity, our history and our extraordinarily bountiful lifestyle...." Dean Is Dean deluding himself in the fantasy that he's the master of his own universe or just one of the lucky ones with a job that pays well but delivers profits to another class. The man is the defender of poverty but not the man that can blindly go out and spend $10K on a handbag for his wife. It's strange isn't it the wages of Australian workers have flatlined but that of Bank CEOs are still rising. Part time work seems to be the future for this generation a generation the banks are turning their backs on because the lives aren't secured by guaranteed work. White Australians are becoming more indigenous thanks to the changes in Capitalism in the 21st Century. Excluded and poor is the new increasing history we can all share with indigenous Australia. The new collectivism needed to survive which Bolt decries is here but it's been here for 200 years and it's in the main been black.

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