When do Conservatives back off a free market economy and want government to step in? Clean Energy is kicking goals.

Who is scaring who. 1 We know we don't use clean energy Bolt says clean energy is too expensive yet every day the price keeps dropping. 2. Bolt sees this as a political scare mongering. Yet he is the one threatening us hear. He is the one that actually spends exorbitant amounts of money in spreading that threat. 3 Scientists in fact get 3% of the media time discussing the dangers of dirty energy than the likes of the Andrew Bolt's of this world or spruikers selling the opposite. Bolt is so far from being a scientist why would or should we pay any attention to him?
"The prospect of a ‘golden age’ of cheap and green energy is
being put at risk by constant Government tinkering that is driving away
investors, the industry has warned."
Kicked when down
Yet more bad news for already
battered renewables markets in
Australia and Spain prompt further
falls to 13th and 25th place
respectively. Australia’s Government
appears to have launched an all-out
attack on the country’s wind sector
while apparently softening toward
utility-scale solar. Meanwhile, Spain
also appears to be targeting its
austerity measures, with plans to tax
residential solar systems that
specifically apply battery storage,
while also preventing such systems
receiving payment for selling excess
power back into the grid.
Nevertheless the market is still telling us a truth coal is on the nose.
Political Posturing is all it is get over it

Why is the conservative spokesman in such a frenzied panic over a minority equality issue. Is Bolt so scared that the marriage of two of his "friends" is such a moral threat to him? Or is he just using it to complicate the political landscape. MT has the opportunity of wiping Tony Abbott's legacy to Australia off the table by letting the Senate do it for him. In doing so Australia will stand up and cheer and we can move on from this hypocritical quagmire we are left in talking about things other than equality. End These Childish Antics Now! - » The Australian Independent Media Network

" Actually, we know who let in more than 1 million last year, and will let in another 250,000 this:"Bolt
Bolt even see saws on his figures when he feels they don't get traction. Within a month he's gone from a million to 600,000 back to a million. You didn't hear the one about the German girl who claimed rape by a Muslim on New Year has said she was lying. When Bolt lies bullies do we say Andrew Bolt of Dutch origin maligned indigenous Australians. Mr Bolt a Dutch Australian has past convictions under the RDA who let him in. He remains a dual passport holder. Bolt logic is infantile exceptions prove the rule they don't disprove it. Yet Bolt runs the same old one direction argument on climate, race, immigration, economics etc The man's fundamentally a one trick pony. If the Moroccan can't be German Bolt can't be Australian.

"The Left is now the natural home of the barbarian and the thug. There seems to be a few misogynists among them, too."Bolt
Coming from the man who can't tell a joke but is the joke is funny. But what's not funny is when the establishment start to claim victim -hood. Look back in history and you will find victim-hood was the precursor to the rise of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet. Comedy is relief and it's home is from the bottom up not the top down. Bolt doesn't seem to understand that. It's why true intellect and thinkers all tend to be left where there is inequality.

What a joke Bolt is challenging Turnbull to be better than Abbott on negotiating Bills through the Senate? Abbott has been the worst PM since Gorton and Gillard one of the best. Strange isn't it when Abbott threw Hanson in jail she was a criminal bitch and she deserved everything she got second time round she's Bolt's Joan of Arc.
The Australian Owned or at least Paid for
Bolt is like a dog whose lost his buried bone sniffing, scratching but unable to find that prize he'd thought he'd buried. Keep scratching Bolt. What Bolt leaves out is voting intentions are much the same in favor of the LNP. He just can't find that bone can he even when using the polls paid for by Murdoch's Australian.
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