Andrew Bolt's Blog,29/8/16; Fascist claim the rights to be victims too; Rowan Dean trie to pat Eddie Betts on the head; Usurping Representative Democracy; When you need to find a patron like Rupert Murdoch who publishes crap and is happy to lose;
It goes to Bolt's origins the most notorious Nazi town in Holland Aalsmeer where it's mayor was tried and executed for war crimes. Proportionately the Dutch killed more Jews than Germany. Bolt carries that sense of born to rule with him today when he speaks of Australia's indigenous an Muslims.
This is simply the trust levels with regard the Election

Bolt proudly publishes the irony and satire of Rowan Dean his new favorite friend a shining example of right wing comedy if there ever was. Even when that comedy impacts on the lives of relatives of dead persons to such an extent they feel obliged to refute all the inferences made as to why their relatives were killed. Alpha Cheng ensured his father's death shouldn't be used to promote Islamophobia because he himself believed it to be a beat up. Mia Chung's mother expressed exactly the same concern. However Andrew Bolt saw fit to ignore these grieving relatives pleas because he wanted to share a laugh and prove that these single events represented Islam as a whole. Bolt just couldn't give a rats what they thought or felt. It's why his trust rating is -8
As for Hanson and Canberra creaking Bolt was in fact laughing and applauding when Tony Abbott choreographed Pauline Hanson's expulsion from office and her forced incarceration. So much so he publicly apologized for his involvement. That I'd suggest was far greater personal damage than any comedy SBS can be accused of. Far worse it's an event you will never hear about from Bolt
As for bias SBS isn't just a single event nor is it selectively chosen events which Bolt chooses over time. It's a broad selection of programs of a wide variety when that's taken into consideration research and reviews have shown the ABC and SBS are not in fact biased. That can't be said for any of the programs produced by News Corp. It's why our premium public broadcasters are trusted by 85% of the Australian population and News Corp runs last at 40%. However even lower is Andrew Bolt whose only fan club is as he admits off a low base.
" Why does the SBS think its duty is to publish this stuff - with our money?" Because Australia is a broader church than just Bolt and his opinions. He seems to think "our money" is just his and his opinions are ours. The trust levels shown above seem to suggest he's so far off the target not just the bullseye
Stealing this White -Victims thunder

The voice of fascists rings loud when the powerful white elite class claims victim-hood. Bolt claimed it when footage of adolescent little monsters rampaged on Dondale spitting on their poor defenseless guards and gain when racist remarks got a reaction from Adam Goodes who schooled not abused a 13 year old in public. When the white establishment starts to decree they are the victims of anti- racist bullies and something needs to be done you know the face of fascism has stepped into the light in Australia simply because there is political advantage to be gained. Hanson, Bolt, Dutton, Bernardi and the rest of the members of the Liberal Party that lunch in the monkey pod room will use it simply to gain political traction. They more than Goodes or others are ready to use children for that purpose.
The media scum buckets will use the death of Curtis Cheng and Mia Chung and ride roughshod over their grieving relatives to declare their Islamic Phobia to be real and a necessity even though Curtis's son and Mia's mother have openly denied their abuse of truth. When the Golums have done their damage they slink back in the shadows and never retract the damage done. These are the same arse-holes who today are dancing with Hanson when in the past they had her jailed in order to grab her fascist and racist political platform. How brave they are in this second of time when Australia is becoming increasingly ashamed of itself. These are the hypocrites that decry China's actions in the South China Sea for ignoring the International court ruling but support Australia's piracy and banditry over Timor ignoring the very same court rulings. These are the men who believe they were born to rule this country for their personal gain alone. Forget principles win at any cost.

Rowan Dean Insulting Eddie Betts

Rowan Dean is whitewashing Eddie Betts. Calling Betts Uncle Tom when some indigenous might not agree calling him a coconut. Whatever one thinks Rowan Dean is just patting Eddie on the head he's not calling him equal. Eddie in fact is being abused by Dean the Mad Man and permanent advertising spokesman for the conservative right. Beware of being called the whitest blackman Eddie because what these conservatives really think is that they are today's victims. Dean, Bolt, Hanson et al have simply climbed aboard the Trump ,Breitbart and Fox News wagon. Dean particularly is hopin Rupert will give him his own gig rather than riding shotgun for the brainless Bolt.
"Compare that to the actions of the entire “grievance industry”, in
whose warm and fuzzy embrace we can include Adam Goodes, Waleed Aly, and
the woman at the heart of the QUT case. Goodes, you will recall, when
confronted by a little girl yelling “ape” pointed her out in the crowd.
She was hauled off and Goodes was, in my view laughably, made Australian
of the Year. In that position he bizarrely went on to say he was
“ashamed” to be Australian."
The fact is Dean is the bleeding heart of the status quo crying out about reverse racism when no such thing exists.
"Each time, the aggrieved individual has actively chosen to take offence,
even when none may have been intended, and by noisily doing so,
provokes division and discord. Lose-lose. Compare that to Betts – by
refusing to take offence, even when it was very real, Betts fosters
goodwill and harmony, while disempowering the banana-tosser. Win-win."
All of these issues reducing the focus on individuals and single events ignore history and the social facts that brought us to the discussion of racism in the first place. Yes Eddie is a nice guy but nice guys have been losing out for 220 years and when they say so like Stan Grant and Waleed Aly they are quickly shut down.

Turnbull doesn't have to do anything as our parliamentary representative democracy carries out due process. It's why we vote. Tony Abbott made the promise of a referendum nobody wanted in the first instance a promise he knew he couldn't be negotiated through the senate anyway. A promise he could never fulfill but one that that would create a division nevertheless. The history of referendums being the living proof. Not all bills get passed through the senate as we saw particularly Mr Nope was PM. When Abbott was in power the man only passed 3 bills more than John Gorton and almost 100 less than Julia Gillard. All Turnbull really needs to do is concentrate on delivering more bills than Abbott and being a performing government. He simply needs to be the opposite of the fascist right of the Liberal Party that brought us the worst performance of the modern era.
While diversity is the danger for fascists when in power it's a weapon used to simply gain leverage when in opposition and Abbott ran a government as if he was in opposition. Fragment opinion as much as possible is simply a tactic to increase support it has no other political relevance now other than to embarrass MT. We live in a representative democracy and not a media lead Murdochracy. MT's plan B should be plan A and let due process take it's course and leave the likes of Andrew Bolt behind flapping in the wind. Let the Senate reject the referendum.

Is this the cry of the modern artist rejected by Capital? When they discovered they'd lost the
patronage of kings, church, the establishment and their guilds and had to actually
face the reality of a commercial world they formed communes in Mont Martre and became a collective that changed the world of Art.
Anson Cameron's pain was the pain heard by all and sundry when the
Bolt's of this world applauded that Tony Abbott was giving the Art Grant funds
to George Brandis to administer. It was a pain even louder heard from Quadrant
when George lost that job. Basically it's called sour grapes and it's heard when
the winner of the Archbald and the Moran are announced.
Did Anson
Cameron watch Barracuda? Did they steal his theme or did he steal
theirs. No neither it's a theme played out regularly. I suggest he
change his publisher and shop around. Christos Tsiolkas might suggest his after all
they published The Slap and Barracuda. I think there are more critical
writers than there are those defending the establishment. He's just feeling the heat of competition in a commercial world. What he needs to ask why does crap like Andrew Bolt's get published and his doesn't. He just might find som incite in asking the answer to that question but will get no satisfaction from what he finds.
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