Friday 26 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/8/16; Is there a coup coming? A woman with 8 kids produces more value than Andrew Bolt; We are Nth Korea when it comes to refugees in detention; See Sawing principles of Bolt; Capitalism is cancerous; Heil Nationalism; Bolt feels threatened;


Blue no more

What a starry eyed suck Andrew is letting us know "there's more to come". Andrew  Bolt takes sycophant to another level sounds like a teenybopper on heat letting us know there's a scream coming. He was so disappointed  he couldn't attend the Brookvale Public School Kitchen Kart Presentation by Tony Abbott.

Oh Bolt is referring to Abbott's promoting of the IPA policies he has always been promoting except it's always in the guise of Abbott's policies according to Andrew Bolt. Simply look at the 75 policies the IPA put forward and you will find Punchinello Tony.  Can you imagine Abbott winning the Senate over? Why does National Security play a major role because it needs to be a coup  backed by armed police. It's the only way Abbott can regain and hold onto power.







How the Left has taken over SBS

When the media isn't a reflection of reality when it's presented by Andrew Bolt

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The notion that News Corp isn't a subsidized Media Corporation  and is totally run on private funding is a load of crock. Andrew Bolt is indirectly funded. SBS and the ABC accounts are on the table for one and all to see News Corps and Andrew Bolt's aren't they remain a secret as closely guarded as Donald Trumps tax returns. Bolt in fact is a 30% tax saving for News Corp but I'm sure he even greater than that. The left hasn't taken over neither broadcaster they are as is the right a part of the Australian community. What's biased is Bolt.  Selectively targeting 13 examples out of the 1000s presented over time. Blind Freddy can do what Bolt is doing picking some to fit his bias. Why do SBS and the ABC remain  the most trusted broadcasters in the country because the alternatives are  the likes of Andrew Bolt and everything is the left of Bolt. Recently a  substantial review was carried out and it found the very opposite of what Andrew Bolt claims. No bias was found. By the way these broadcasters lets us know what it is Australia thinks by reporting what's said. They even report what Bolt and Hanson believe. Yes even Bolt gets a mention  and he complains that it's reported.  Basically his complaint is that he is not in control of that reporting The ABC is about to screen a program with Andrew Bolt in it. His complaint  is that 30 hours has been edited to 1hour and not by him. Obviously there was a lot said he doesn't want revealed. What a dickhead he is and no doubt we hope it will show himself as he is.



Why the assumption that taxpayers should just play breadwinner?

 corporate welfare

It seems Andrew Bolt wants to adopt the Chinese One Child Policy here. In fact  it seems having children needs to be considered a crime for which people ought be fined and if they can't pay jailed. The children could be made available for adoption or should that too be forced on childless families. But that's what's been happening and it's called Intervention. Yes the crime Bolt sees is the non indigenous are becoming more indigenous in Australia and he seems to see a need to accelerate the process of The Culture of Poverty. Melbourne needs to be come a visible tale of two cities with guarded communities and increased security like Malvern




Turnbull sells out free speech with an argument that would work in North Korea

 Image result for Images of free speech

Again a Blog Clearly not Bolt's but the IPA's

One thing is obvious the case as presented here by John Roskam head of the IPA is not the case as seen by those exercising the due process of law. There seems to be a desperation in not allowing that process to happen. Given only 3% of cases ever come before the courts one might wonder why there's such a huge and voluble concern. It seems the concern is more a back room liberal minority attack on Malcolm Turnbull for upholding Tony Abbott's position rather than any rational concern over free speech which has never existed in any country known to man.   Governments are involved in all manner of ways to close down "free speech" and if Roskams interest is applauded but not here.





Why are the Chinese funding Julie Bishop’s division?

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Is there any reason Andrew Bolt has suddenly gone from China romancer in the Abbott years to China baiter in the the Turnbull years. Pure domestic politics  with principles been thrown overboard. If Andrew Robb was negotiating trade with China in the current government he'd be seen as a traitor selling the nation down the drain. Bolt is doing everything in his power to encourage an anti- China populist movement and fear for political gain. Does he really believe the Chinese are not smarter than him when he has adopted Clive Palmers attitude to them?

And yes Bolt is simply running the carbon copy attack that's currently being exercised by Trump on Hilary Clinton when she was Secretary of State and applying it to Julie Bishop. The Chinese have been funding the Liberal Party far longer than when Bishop was deputy leader. Has Bolt got anything better to do than be a mimic?  He really does seem to be the organ grinders monkey here. Playing into the right’s trap: The media is all too quick to go chasing phony Clinton scandals -

Playing into the right's trap: The media is all too quick to go chasing phony Clinton scandals



Another fine mess - super for fat cats blow

 Image result for Images of  public Service Fat cats Australia

When you see a long blog you can be assured it's not Andrew Bolt's but he owns the territory so claims the the fame. Some people might just consider it a form of intellectual plagiarism given the intellectual property isn't his. Nevertheless  his name is all over it.

Yes we are the most governed people on the planet with 3 tiers of government and growing.

What Bolt doesn't discuss is the the increasing Wealth Gap that is forming in the country a wealth gap if allowed to develop the way it has in the US will bring about the destruction of the nation by division. This increasing divide is reflected in Government yes but is applicable to the whole nation.The Cancer of Capitalism – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 Fixing wealth inequality: future generations will think us mad, and they will be right | Wayne Swan | Opinion | The Guardian



The Left’s new war on Australia Day - and Western civilisation

" This is a surrender to the politics of race and identity. It is also a surrender to the politics of grievance from Aboriginal activists whose personal lives have unquestionably been enhanced by British settlement, which has given this country everything from secure food supplies to dentistry and pain relief; from democracy and the rule of law to literacy."

Bolt is an ultra un-empathetic Racist and should just be put in a corner to be forgotten.

Bolt in fact amplifies why Western ego day needs redefinition. Bolt simply assumes the arrival of the white man was a gift to the first peoples here that they are culturally backward for not recognizing that. Unappreciative of the way they were treated. The Indonesians did the same  but drove the Dutch out preferring the Arabs to the cruelty of the Dutch. Bolt's egocentricity grew it seems from the insecurity he felt as the son of migrants. He never really learnt much from the experience. Unlike his parents the majority of migrants thrived as entrepreneurs starting businesses in which they employed other migrants it's what made this country grow. Bolt somehow believes he was a part of that when he wasn't. His family remained workers which his mother it seems wasn't too happy. Andrew hasn't really progressed from there.

Indigenous Australia has always been regarded less than human ignored other than for cheap labour and profit. They didn't invent alchohol but it sure helped numb the pain.



People scared of ideas should not go to university

 If all ideas have to be bought, then you have an intellectually regressive system that will assure you have a highly knowledgeable elite and an ignorant mass.  - John Perry Barlow

Andrew Bolt took his own advice and left Adelaide University. Instead he attended the revised format of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas which he helped ban the speakers from Hizb ut-Tahrir. People wishing to  to discuss ideas openly should have as little to do with people like Andrew Bolt who merely posture and don't practice what they preach The Bolt Report is the safe zone for single minded narrative. Andrew Bolt also demands universities employ incompetent academics as no doubt he sees a possible opening for himself should News Corp give him the flick after Rupert. After all they removed Roger Ailes 

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