Saturday 27 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,27/8/16; I've got a hardly used Abbott for you and no new accessories: When Abbott tried to steal Baird's spotlight; Lest we forget fear can also backfire; Smiling, not;

Blue no more. And back with a plan

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Bolt announces a presentation by Tony Abbott that went unheard. More publicity was given to his attendance at a  Kitchen Kart day at Brookvale Public School. But Bolt says "he's changed"... a new paint job.

Did the presentation offer anything new no. IPA's 75 point list for Abbott. : australia -It contained the list of policies given Abbott in 2013  which Andrew Bolt is selling "Sounds like a man with a plan and a vision." When the used car salesman was asked why the car had rippled body work he said it was the latest thing in aerodynamic design. Abbott's presentation apparently is the latest  thing in "political thinking is developing a strong pro-freedom coherence." 

1 Increased National Security and Border control coupled with more attention to carrying the good fight abroad..... very Trump

2 No to Same Sex Marriage

3 Increased surveillance on all forms of Social Welfare

4 Deregulation and more Corporate freedom

5 Ridding us of Section 18C and allowing abuse to run free

Abbott's the economic whizz points to QANTAS and it's management as an example of a $1 bill turn around. Nowhere did he mention the turn around was due to the international collapse of fuel prices and nothing to do with QANTAS management.

Given Bolt is the sole media voice even discussing Tony Abbott it's obvious he's nothing more than a used car salesman selling a repainted wreck as the "latest in aerodynamic design" 

Andrew's my name and I have no shame

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Baird dared voters, Big mistake

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Remember when Abbott stood next to Baird and bathed in his glory and Andrew Bolt cheered. Cheering has seemed to have turned to jeering Mike Baird and a re-ducoing Tony Abbott and telling us he's the best car on the block. However why is he trying to go back to the future policy wise? Because they are not his they are the intellectual property of the IPA and the Murdochians who are hell bent on getting rid of the SBS and the ABC among 74 other things


Turnbull unplugged

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Remember when Andrew Bolt called Van Onselen  little more than a weather sock. Bolt had absolutely no respect for him at all. I guess next week Nikki Savva will be forgiven if it means she's of some use to Bolt. Anyway it appears  Van Onselen has been raised from the grave because he has said "A year into his prime ministership, one of the most brilliant people to lead Australia has not been able to achieve much. This is consistent with the pattern of his life. Turnbull is not a team man, but he now has the challenge of leading a team under the most challenging of circumstances." Turnbull is faced with challenging circumstances circumstances that saw Tony Abbott continually stumble. Stumble so much he lost the faith of his party as leader who knew had he stayed would have lost them their jobs. Bolt never really completed that part of the story did he?


How Turnbull could destroy the Liberals to save his pride


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Smiling 101 this is how it's done

It's Saturday and Bolt's hand - balled his blog to Peter BH who runs more than 30% of it anyway. When does Bolt get the time to read Peter's blog? Obviously he doesn't and Peter BH the troll has a direct line to post. 

All this speculation but none actually coming from the Liberal, National government itself. Just the fanciful dreaming of the scorned. None of those promised breakthroughs that never eventuated no one doing stupid things other than that tiny minority from the Monkey Pod Room. So what's left but media speculation by those too frightened to smile in case they cracked their face.


We are paying the Human Rights Commission to exaggerate race hate and impose apartheid

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It's Peter BH again cut and pasting for Bolt but even Peter is lazy.

It's what the HRC has said along Section 18C works the cases that come to trial are minimum that's an indication that it's a very good law and nobody is hampered by it except for the blogger here Duh!!

" The QUT case has stripped away the spin of politically correct authoritarians and exposed the ugly truth about section 18C: it is building a new version of apartheid."

Here's a challenge  stand on the street and ask who knows the details of the QUT case and you will find your the only ones who give a fuck and the only ones with a megaphone and the money and time to use it why? Because Andrew Bolt fell foul of a good law that's not being used as a blunt stick. As a result the issue is being blown sky high.


Super savers not just taxed but deceived and abused

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Offense to blogging even those who create memes put effort in. Did you know Bolt works 7 hours a week and not on blogging. He's trying to be Trump in the media world just franchising his name

  Successful savers are 1 Those who have gained their wealth through inheritance alone  and accumulate more interest and rent than they can spend. Bolt finds them clever ones and they should be rewarded for producing nothing.  2 Those whose incomes are so high they are able to join the realms of Capitalists and simply invest as they do in products that also produce nothing. Of course they deserve to be taxed or be forced to do something productive relative to what they can save. Not just rewarded for playing safe with idle money. 

The very reason there are so many tax experts about and the tax industry is so huge these people pay heavily for tax minimization programs and only on odd occasions is someone held up as an example. When the rest of us pay our taxes indirectly and don't minimize because we don't earn enough. However what we pay daily is what we all pay including the penalties. Which as a % of income is never equal. The question need be asked when is it fair to ask any questions of super savers it appears never. 

The questions according to conservatives all need to be directed at those that can't save and never will be able to save. We need to turn the magnifying glass on them to see what they get away with and turn our backs on the idle rich. The poor and desparate are growing in numbers and experience a life time of debt and the Liberal government can start you off with selling you a degree.


If the Greens can’t take credit, same-sex marriage can’t happen

 It's a stretch of the imagination to suggest that the plebiscite is a necessity for  a Bill to be drawn up passing marriage equality. The plebiscite will guarantee it's approach will be more about hate speech dividing the country than about  same sex marriage. In consideration of what we already know that the conservatives will run every argument known other than equality the Greens decision seems reasonable. But you won't hear that from Bolt because he will be the first to cast stones if it's passed.

Crisis discovered again. Solutions not

Yet again this isn't Bolt's Blog 

Well no a crisis hasn't been discovered again. Tony Abbott's lie about having fixed the economy and then spending outrageously has been laid bare. Hockey and Abbott created a crisis when there wasn't one and then claimed they'd fixed it but they no longer have anywhere to hide the legacy is evident in the books.  All Peter BH can say it's drivel yes it is that which was left behind by Tony Abbott and not talked about. Has anyone noticed Mr Nope Nope Nope doesn't really talk about his economic leftovers any more?

The fact is Abbott's track record on negotiation was self evident in that he almost beat John Gorton's record for the least bills passed. Isn't Democracy  about negotiation and not just posturing. We know Abbott is a champion when it came to posturing. He became world famous for it.


The tyranny of hurt feelings

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Bolt is

There's little point even discussing racism or hurt feelings with an elitist , white racist.

Everyone is pre-judging a case trying their best to influence due process. These dolts would it seems prefer due process in a French court or any other court than one based on British justice. However if tried themselves they seem to be saying they wouldn't. Bolt says he wouldn't because he was found guilty. Maybe he'd prefer Israeli justice. Freedom of speech isn't what Bolt's arguing for not in the least. He for whistle blowers being prosecuted. Does he defend all those speaking out no. Does he defend only self interest it would seem so why? It appears his feelings were hurt he was crushed not by anything the indigenous people had to say but what Mordecai Bromberg had to say. That what he was saying wasn't even true. It seems truth is irrelevant to Bolt and governments shouldn't involve themselves in it. Does that Bolt mean the ACCC has no place in our lives as well. The family court is a waste as well because they only deal in differing perspectives as well. Andrew Bolt name a society that exists or has existed where speech is totally free and the government has stepped aside. Israel’s war on open discourse: State censorship now reaches into international news sources and social media –



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