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1-20 of 38983Bolt Hanson Approach to Australian Life
The new Australian Deplorables

Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists Of War: 'I Don't Know How To Get Through To You People' [VIDEO]
" Does anyone in the reeking garbage heap that is mainstream western media have a conscience? Do they even have enough intellect to get what Putin is saying — that they are helping to push the planet towards World War III?"
Here's the sex tape the media claimed Trump i...
" Has Machado ever had a “disgusting” leaked “sex tape,” as Trump stated, or has she ever filmed hardcore porn, as many Trump allies and her conservative critics have alleged this week?"
As usual Bolt is doing a Trump firstly by posting a link that doesn't work. Promising the world if only you paid attention to him but in fact offering nothing and secondly beating up a lie as fi it where the truth.
Why is he defending Trump? Does he really believe he has the makings of a President? "Trump appears to have been referring to racy footage from a Spanish-language reality television show called La Granja, on which she appeared in 2005." Who is denying that a tape exists? What's being denied is that Trump a serial adulterer who has himself appeared on soft porn sites is disparaging a woman.. It's what Bolt loved doing with his mate Tim Blair basically running women down calling them fright bats when ever they expressed an opinion Farralley, Ford are just some among many. I guess Bolt is saying "Je Suis Trump" which we knew anyway.
"But has
Machado ever had a “disgusting” leaked “sex tape,” as Trump stated, or
has she ever filmed hardcore porn, as many Trump allies and her
conservative critics have alleged this week?
No, there is zero evidence for that, as The Daily Beast previously reported.
if we are going to talk about public figures behaving badly on
reality-TV shows in the past, then we might as well start with the GOP
presidential nominee himself, who once talked to a woman on The Apprentice, his NBC reality series, about “dropping to [her] knees” and how that “must be a pretty picture.”
The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on their candidate’s latest claim.
Furthermore, this isn't even
Trump's first foray into sex-tape pronouncements. In a 2003 interview
with Howard Stern, Trump admitted to watching Paris Hilton's famous sex
tape—despite knowing her since the age of 12 and being close friends with the Hilton family."
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