Andrew Bolt's Blog 3/10/16; Summer is coming and with it danger. Bolt's a ever present danger; You can't verify what Bolt sells; Flipping isn't intellectual it's a simple practice; Blame a Foreigner; Abbott was idling in nope gear;
How Jessica Irvine made a straw woman of Paul...
The Bolt& Hanson's, analysis of Australian Life is not only crude but rude in the way Australians see themselves. They are the Australia's Deplorables who encourage others to be as prejudiced as they are. The fact is they haven't a clue what a Muslim looks like nor a clue what any person of any religion looks like. They describe Australia as threatened by "Mass Migration" that mass being less than 0.8% pa and yet we are a " migrant country. If that's not exaggeration then what is? Sorry Bolt Europeans aren't clamoring to come here as you seem to think. WW2 is well and truly over. Mass terror doesn't exist here or in the West it does however exist in the Middle East and we are thanks to Tony Abbott part of that terrorist movement just do the math.

Bolt's to the right of Hanson it seems and proud of it today he posted in a blog below "end immigration" Bolt. So why is he defending Hanson who must be to his left given she makes no such blanket statement? However he's even criticizing Irvine who could well have been referring to him . Bolt even admits he's creative in his disparagement of Irvine. (True, Irvine does not mention Hanson by name.) "First, who are these "proponents of halting immigration" - as in all immigration?" Bolt. Well Bolt answered that himself Andrew Bolt in his blog below he is!
Bolt even sounds a leftie apart from the fact he blames migrants and not our economic system for the dysfunction he feels represents Australia. Like Trump he paints a dark, negative and ununited country plagued by problems caused by migrants Australia's (Mexicans). He is mimicking Trump to a tee?
" But that growth has to be shared among many more people. Result:
Australians have seen very little of that recent growth per head of
population. They also suffer a loss of amenities not measured in the
data: busier roads, rising crime from some ethnic groups, crowded
Australia's immigrant intake has been quoted at 220,000 and not 300K ++ So why is Bolt pumping it up? Why because the article he's using suits his narrative on immigrants " the data suggests that it has made individual living standards worse." How pray tell does Bolt correlate 0.8% immigration with economic activity of the whole country. Did immigrants cause the GFC? Globalization put downward pressure on wages and the Corporate withdrawl of manufacturing from Australia. The slump in Mining and the greater Corporate use of 427 visas also exacerbated the pressure on living standards. Migrants had little or nothing to do with any of this.
Abbott dismantled the car industry a traditional first stop for migrant labour the consequence was felt throughout subsidiary industries. TAFE colleges the traditional skill training base of this country were decimated. Apprenticeships gone our kids were forced into universities and debt with the false promise of jobs. Well done Bolt in blaming foreigners for all of this. The very purpose of Abbott's policies was to put pressure on the cost of labour and break the back of Unions. The productive base of Australia has shrunk and continues to shrink. Ask Bolt who his house keepers are and how much an hour he pays. I bet they are the very people he wants kept out of Australia.
So how on earth can there be a causal conclusion when even a correlation can't legitimately be made between immigrants and our economy. However who do you find in all levels of our health services, casualized labor or areas where underemployed is rife 7/11, Coles and Woolworths immigrants. We interact with immigrants on a daily basis in areas long term Australian residents no longer work and that's where the lowest paid members of our society work immigrants. So no material standards of living have not been boosted because wages have been kept to a minimum because of globalization and not immigration. You'd have to be dense to believe" The above data shows clearly that Australia’s expanded immigration
intake over the past 12 years has not boosted material living standards
for the average Australian. In fact, it has very likely had the opposite
Bolt actually blames immigration for what is and has been the case of Urbanization far more that immigration. Corporate farming Climate change has driven family farms out of business The duoply of Coles and Myers has destroyed family farms and driven rural populations to the city. Hasn't Bolt noticed the significant and high rate of suicide in the rural population? Not in the least that has nothing to do with immigration. In fact immigration is saving rural areas like Shepparton. All Bolt has in his gun is threats based on falsifying data.
"If you want traffic congestion to get worse, to pay more for
utilities and housing, and to see the environment get degraded, then
continue with current mass immigration settings."
This is just a threat it's Bolt's style rather than an analysis. When you consider children are a necessary contribution and an investment for our future which is an aging population and you can see the new immigrant young wanting to be educated and skilled migrant professionals. They are emerging today 24/7 because they don't just inherit their futures as long term residents do. Ask Bolt where his kick start came from and you will find he married it rather than earn it. As far as his job is concerned call it serendipity right time and place when News Corp simply no longer required the skills of real journalists something Bolt never was.

Do we demand an idle governments after all they get paid enough and fill their offices full of spin doctors. Abbott did nothing but hold us back. He passed 3 Bills more than Gorton who was in office only 6 months and even 100 less than Gillard. That's all talk no action Abbott. His claim to fame was all just a basket of restrictions.When compromise is called capitulation. Bolt prefers the Abbott nope nope nope approach to government and the least productive government since John Gorton and one of the most expensive. We pay governments to legislate and pass laws in order for us to move forward. That's the something Abbott failed to do. Sacking 3500 ATO ensured nothing but the loss of skilled personell transferring to the Corporate world to advice on how not to pay tax. While shutting down Australia's automotive Industry and it's subsidiaries. The expansion of National Security and lack of transparency to a degree never seen before lauded by Bolt seems a contradiction to his demands for free speech. Journalists had never been shackled as they are now but not because of Section 18C. An even bigger contradiction was a Conservative leadership sending us to war while demanding a plebiscite on same sex marriage. Which pray tell is the bigger issue? Abbott set about dividing the country with his call for Team Australia and immediately defined those excluded. Turnbull reversed that and at least has attempted to unite us unlike the extreme conservatives who moan about how ugly this country is and that migration is ensuring it's going down the drain.Swamped by Asians, Muslims and bludgers etc etc etc of all kinds their Cultures to blame. The door is open for the right wing whingers among the elite who feel their backs are so up against the wall that all they can see is a threat to their current lifestyles. Any change they equate with a possible loss to them a forced trickle down by a government more productive than Abbott's one that does what it's paid to do legislate and pass bills for the betterment of the country not just a class.
Bolt no longer even bothers to provide links or sources for this post. It's simply an attack on Robin Banks. I suspect she called out people like Bolt for doing the work of ISIS. You see Bolt has gone out of his way to anger and recruit young men in this Multicultural country of ours by telling them they aren't wanted. He's the UPF in a suit. He is the arsehole who points his finger at them names and shames them and if they show any anger says "see." He's the one who says they are under our beds. If and when they don't do anything and remain silent he blames them for not havinf spoken up in his support. It's Bolt who has put Australians between a rock and a hard place and says " preposterous"
Bolt doesn't represent this country he has in the eyes of our neighbours and the rest of the world degenerated it with his media voice. He's denying the very nature of Australia and and the way we see ourselves an immigrant Nation. He calls for us to " end immigration." Bolt even tries to provoke us " and this is my suspicion: we’ve turned into sheep. No brains. No guts. No pride."Bolt. In his Gobbellian way he is the media voice of Abbott,Hanson and their exclusive club Team Australia. His team however is little more than the UPF in a suit. Yes it's a degeneration of what we are a united Diverse Nation. Robin Banks is there like a fire spotter warning us of people like Bolt. Canada Shames us in reminding us who we once were.
Seven "refugees" behind Paris slaughter

Strange isn't it The French and Belgium Governments always indicated that those involved in the terror attacks weren't newly arrived refugees at all they in fact were French and Belgium citizens of Nth African origin. It totally frustrated Bolt. It used to frustrate the hell out of him because he wanted to print otherwise. Now apparently Bolt turns to the right wing Hungarians who are anti -Germany's more tolerant approach to refugees. It's in the interest of Hungary to say that terrorists came through their country in order to create the havoc in France and that French government has resumably got it all wrong.
Isn't it strange Bolt is like the Hungarians with a motive behind this post. If you want to follow his link to fact check the data you have to subscribe to the Herald Sun Melbourne's worst no news zone. That's the reality behind the post truth runs last in this posts intent. I guess French and Belgium Security don't know what they are doing but Bolt does.
Journalism professor shows students how bias ...

" Is it obligatory for journalism professors to be on the far Left?" Bolt
Bolt used to use Martin Hirst as a punching bag for his venom and hate of real journalism and academics. No doubt since Bolt was sent packing from Adelaide Uni to be a trained apprentice. He hated the verification and work required to apply critical thinking to data and argument. Skills needed to be a genuine reporter. Bolt prefers the world of words and rhetoric where facts are secondary to opinion. Critical analysis takes nothing for granted. Bolt displays the tricks of rhetorical argument perfectly here. All he does is flip McNair's work do nothing himself. How often do we see Bolt calling the oppressed the oppressors victims aggressors simply because they complain. He adds nothing to knowledge.
" The curious thing is that - allowing for hyperbole and a confusion
between victims and killers - McNair makes a fair fist of describing the
Obama presidency, with its racial divides, racist murders of police,
Muslim terrorists on the rampage, a bungled war in Libya, slaughter in
Syria and the rest."
" And what's with this extraordinary sexism?"
" McNair makes me wonder again: what hope do conservative students have in
our universities, and not least in our journalism schools?" They have every hope because the are asked to climb into the shoes of others an question the basis of their conservatism as are left wing students who are required to step into the shoes of conservatives something that Bolt seems to think abhorrent. That excercise is far too dangerous for Bolt
Imagine Bolt as a professor of journalism his mantra would be forget the data just concentrate on the the politics that best suits shielding the status quo taken for granted reality protecting it from any questions or analysis. For Bolt there is no relativity in truth there a right and there is a wrong. There is the wisdom of the elected whose position is part of the natural order. It's what Bolt learnt when a cadet reporting the shipping news and doing obituaries. Students coming out of journalist schools today are far smarter than Bolt ever was when he was 19 or 20.
Their problem today however is that print news is dying and there are no jobs. They were conned by a false promise into debt. Some will become one the 100 spin doctors in Dutton's Immigration Dept or other departments where their critical skills will have no use. The politics will be more important than the data. All they will be employed to do is protect the team and do exactly what Bolt does today. Provide us with the colored version of the shipping news and no more.

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