Sunday, 9 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 9/10/16; Bolt says Je Suis Trump in his post of yesterday; Scientists don't have the funds to sell the message MurdochMedia doesn't have the business model;



The winds are worse. But Victoria won't black...

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Bolt logic comparing apples with eggs. If the number of transmission towers are blown away here would Bolt be drawing the same conclusion. He should spend his weekends at art galleries where the interaction of art and science is limited and human reaction can run free. Unfortunately his opinionated blogging is neither logic or an art form just embarrassing.  Wind in SA is the same in Viv however the circumstances can't be compared. Below Bolt farting in Vic won't be the same in SA. Cory Bernardi would have beaten him.

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A Righteous War…According To John Howard  Video

Evidence from soldiers participating for god and country. Keeping us safe according to Abbott and Bolt. 

 new matilda, drone

 Sanctioned Murder: Australia’s Role In Drone Strikes On Innocent Civilians Is Growing - New Matilda




  The Reckoning Arrives For Trump, Fox News, And The GOP


Donald Trump’s decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk

The only worse candidate than Trump could be ...Bolt

Murdoch refuses to let go of Trump. He may not be good for the country but he's good for business and more so than Hilary. Show me your money. Strategy now is to show the Clinton's a bigger misogynist's than Trump which Bolt declares is reason to vote.  All Trump wanted was to f@#k his women. Hilary wanted far worse. Andrew Bolt that alone is a misogynistic opinion show us your facts.


Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Sir Robert Watson, British Climate Expert – Truthdigger of the Week


Pushing science harder than most to get the message out an what the Research really shows. How does science defend itself against the likes of EXON & $10mill spent on confusing the issue. Show us the $$

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