Monday, 10 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 10/10/16; News Corp Integrity; Vigilantes the new Melbourne follow Bolt?; $58 bill spent on a 6 times bankrupt and Bolt still prefers Trump ; Three years and Bolt still hasn't hit the barn wall; Bolt will be shocked; Bolt's Poll dancing again; The public intellectual ia even a bigger wimp but woun't take his own advice;

On the show tonight: Donald Trump's comeback


Andrew Bolt
 Fits the above categories like a glove but isn't running for office his boss Rupert has Tony Abbott as his marionette. " Conservatives have it backwards: Governments should protect people and regulate Corporations NOT protect Corporations and regulate people"


 Audits do not prevent the release of Tax returns

Bolt is a media exception if he believes Trump is on a come back then why are leading Republicans still abandoning him and Corporations are withdrawing their financial support? Like Trump without regard for facts Bolt  has a negative view of Australia is divisive without regard for diversity, takes pleasure in mocking 50 % of Australians because of gender, economically is protective of the current material status quo and basically would prefer to see any cultural aspects that critically examine who we are dismantled rather than supported ignoring any redistribution of wealth or access  to opportunity improved that might challenge traditional paths of social mobility. Basically look at Trump and you will see a financially poorer but as equally detested Andrew Bolt. Yes with one added feature he's a traitor to his class and as such deluded.

Fox News Hannity De Souza are disgusted that the  "media want to drag this dreadful  hag  across the finishing line.". That's News Corp for you!!

Fox’s Kurtz Pushes Fake Clinton Quote That A Different Fox Host Already Apologized For 


 News Corp Integrity



  Vigilante-style group Soldiers of Odin patrolling Melbourne CBD

Bolt's boys about town. Who will they be profiling?




Trump digs grave with his foul mouth


 Years of smut with shock jock Howard Stern

As always Bolt will never admit to being wrong last week he went from saying Trump was the best option between two dud horses. Today even that no longer holds true for him. However does he have to turn to the worst media commentator in the US  Anne Coulter? Yes he does because she and Fox News  are still Trumpers . Sean Hannity is still his loudest News Corp  blind supporter .Trump according to News Corp's Hannity  can do no wrong why? He's still money in the bank.

 The reality however the GOP while they have to wear Trump the Republicans have stopped funding him. Large Corporate donors are withdrawing their funding. $58 billion has been wasted. The difference spent by the Republicans is 3-4  times if not more on Trump. It's a historically unprecedented amount of money poured down the drain.  However  Bolt's producer's have seen fit to bring two round shouldered but still hopeful Trumpians Coulter and Greg Sheridan on to the Bolt Report to try to talk the Donald up why? Foer a ratings grab and $$ after all Bolt is not a pot of gold. .Donald Trump’s decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk

Debt level "extreme", but politicians fiddle


 Bolt says he doesn't believe in anything Julie Bishop says

Remember Bolt's been saying the sky was falling in since Abbott was in opposition and our triple A rating was dead in the water. Eventually after 3 years if the rating does drop Bolt will claim victory forgetting just how many times he's been wrong. Even a blind man can hit the barn wall with a shot gun when locked inside. Low economic growth: isolationism is not the answer, and government debt is not the villain | Greg Jericho | Opinion | The Guardian

  Australia’s public debt and deficit panic: Lies, damned lies and statistics




Marshall should have blown up that wind farm


Andrew Bolt considers himself an idiot savant  when he's simply an idiot. He carries on  as if he's the most listened to media adviser in the country with his 'I', 'I', 'I' blog posts. The only people in government following his blog are the paid for under 30's employed to scrutinize all media for government departments. Those advisers who get paid so well they can get themselves arrested in Malaysia whooping it up in their budgie smugglers and embarassing the country. Yes Bolt has lots of those following him. 

The cost of dirty energy isn't cheap when you actually include environmental damage and health in the costings. Comparing apples with apples renewable energy is becoming cheaper than coal. Particularly when you consider consumers can in fact become retailers themselves and by pass privatized bulk energy retailers who sell energy to us. Middle men who produce nothing just buy wholesale power and pass it on with a license to print money. Soon they will be easily bypassed by the consumers themselves. The technology is improving so fast there will be little space left for the energy pirates. By the way not all the lights did turn off in Adelaide Bolt. Those consumers with battery storage not soley reliant on the grid kept their lights on or cloud have sold some to their neighbors had they had the new software being developed to do so and being trialed as I speak.   Self reliant energy direct a connected hive of battery power from the wind and sun and clean air. Australia like no other continent is positioned to remain an exporter.


Polls: Turnbull in trouble


Like 3 years of declaring our AAA+ rating is going to fall that's 36 months of of being wrong. Bolt has been doing the same for Malcolm Turnbull 24 months. Through all of this Bolt has been saying I told you so as if each month is s fresh revelation. He is the man who truly doesn't believe in history a central reason nobody takes this indigenous Australian seriously. The man who declares he's an Australian individual who begs not to be stereotyped while stereotyping others. Fortunately he's easy to stereotype and most of us do.  A paid for Punchinello for an extreme conservative media organization passing itself off as a source of news .  Peter Foster Australia's greatest living con man could take lessons from Rupert Murdoch. The ‘bring Abbott back’ push is completely delusional


Are these students for real with these "trigg...


 Image result for Images of a wimp

Bolt never spent too much time on University Campuses to have an opinion so he turns to Rita Panahi to do it for him. Since his new format has come to play he seems to have turned off Tim Blair  given less work to Peter BH but has been still blood sucking other Opinionators to fill the gaps.

Panahi has found some trivia to fill her time with and that's student humour yes the way she has presented it Bolt has grabbed it to make himself out to be a public intellectual. “A university is not a ‘safe space’. If you need a safe space, leave, go home, hug your teddy and suck your thumb until ready for university.” This just might apply to Bolt in "Australia" as he seems to keep telling us on a daily basis that it's not a 'safe place' shouldn't he be taking his own advice and leave as he did once before? Leaving Adelaide Uni was a first step that unfortunately didn't take him very far. He never even became a real journalist while spending his entire working career sucking on Rupert's teat.

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