A Shrinking Trump Mocks His Accusers to Shrinking Crowds
Even as he denigrated the appearance of the women he allegedly assaulted, Trump left open the possibility that he did, in fact, assault them.
Joan Walsh
‘Do Not Resist’ Confronts the Frightening Militarization of American Police

Mamamia, what a gay-bashing hypocrite is Mia
" Should we start accusing people of heterophobia?" Yes you should and there is clear and present history for doing so. Gays were thrown off cliffs in Bronte and police turned a blind eye or went soft as documented in the doco series Deep Water recently shown on TV. A University lecturer was killed in Adelaide the term. LGBTIs still feel it's difficult to "come out" to their parents and friends. Homophobia seems in someway inappropriate when put next to Islamophobia.
What have heterosexuals to be historically afraid of? Nothing in comparison with gays who suffer Heterophobia.? Has Andrew Bolt ever been bashed by gays? I'm certainly Heterophobic when out late on a Saturday night and I'm not gay. The activity of gay-bashing is well documented in history. It has been practiced by Christians Muslims and Jews alike. Bolt as usual does what Bolt does and tries to flip the argument as if he now is persecuted for his sexuality. Sorry it's not the case he may feel persecuted but that's simply because his prejudice shows and is therefore disliked. However he's never had to endure institutional sexual discrimination in his life and the resulting inequality that comes with it. He's simply blowing misinformation and supporting the very notion of terrifying an Australian minority with a plebiscite. It's hardly new he has spent long enough defending alleged heterosexuals for buggering children physically and the institutions that harbour them. Now he's advocating doing it mentally to kids as well. Does he really get a hard on doing it? Gays have every reason to be Heterophobic but so do heterosexuals

Bill Leak latest victim of wicked race law

" First two of my own articles were banned." Bolt Are we supposed to take him on his word that he can't write about those articles and discuss the specifics of why they were banned. Apparently the two articles will be vilified if Bolt talks about them. John Lord is right when he asks "One is driven to ask what it is Andrew Bolt can't say now if accurate and precise"? Day to Day Politics: Bolt, Abbott and Trump.. " Bolt is merely playing a game as he doesn't ever mention the fact his convictions relied on inaccuracies and lies he was happy to print at the time and Bolt is seeking the freedom to continue to continue to do that. We should be thankful that journalists of the Bolt kind are brought in line and there is an arbiter about to keep them on a short leash because they have the resources to amplify their BS which others in the community don't. Bolt was just one of what just three to even be charged under a law he now Amplifies as being restrictive. The game of gagged he's playing now is just a game of exaggeration. Because in reality Bolt hates playing on any sort of level playing field in a game in which he wants to emphasize the 'me" over the "we". In fact
"Firstly, it must be said that Andrew is a convicted racist and has been found to on many occasions lie in his writing, particularly on the environment. In addition he has been convicted of defaming a female magistrate. He wants the law changed so that in the future under the guise of free speech he will be able to vilify at his heart’s content. Indeed, the question needs to be asked ”what does he want to say that he can’t say now”I have no doubt that he is paid extraordinary amounts of money to proliferate the pages of the Herald Sun with this sort of gutter journalism. Let us not forget what Justice Bromberg, said about Bolt’s use of language.
He said:
”His style and structure is highly suggestive and designed to excite. His style was ”not careful, precise or exact” and the language not moderate or temperate but often strong and emphatic”.
”There is a liberal use of sarcasm and mockery”.
”Language of that kind that has a heightened capacity to convey implications beyond the literal meaning of the words utilised. It is language, which invites the reader to not only read the lines, but to also read between the lines”.
We should also remember whilst we are on the subject of racism that during the London riots, of the not too distant past Bolt in one of his pieces used the word ”aped” to describe the copycat behaviour of some people. The use of the word was legitimate in that sense until you appreciate that he was talking about black West Indians, and then the word became racist. And there we have the clouded hue of racism again. "The Sun and Daily Mail accused of ‘fuelling prejudice’ in report on rising racist violence and hate speech in UK | The Independent
What Bolt and News Corp do results in this
Trumpists beat Muslim-American Child of frmr Fulbrighter, harass Family out of US

Michelle Obama on Trumps banter
On the greatness of Bob Dylan
Don't be fooled by Andrew Bolt's insistence that he is a Dylan fan. The substance of many of Dylan's songs was written to change the likes of the Andrew Bolts of this world however in Bolt's case they
Yedidn't. It makes you wonder whether or not he ever listened to him and he's just jumping on the cool wagon. "
Sam Cooke said this when told he had a beautiful voice: He said,
"Well that's very kind of you, but voices ought not to be measured by
how pretty they are. Instead they matter only if they convince you that
they are telling the truth."Dylan Well when you listen to Andrew Bolt you know he isn't
Is it fair to ask whether or not Shakespeare or any other living poet should win a Grammy?
There's a white elephant on the NBN line
Why weren't we warned?"Bolt
We were and we were warned by Labour. It was people like Bolt supporting the Abbott team that have ensured this will become the biggest financial cock up in the countries history because the consequences will be felt until a new one is in fact built.
In order to protect Tony Abbott Bolt is returning to Rudd and tries to blame him for the NBN. The reality is Abbott created a totally new NBN the MXT which is turning out to be a disaster and if it's to work needs basically to be pulled down and started again to reset and create an NBN as proposed by Labor in the first place. Bolt somehow manages to make it seem as if we didn't need one in the first place. The speed of the internet an essential part of any advanced economic landscape in the future seems to be unnecessary for Bolt. We have slipped from 40th to 60th to date and going backwards. With this cock up by Abbott all government services will become more expensive rather than cheaper

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